轻型的JAVA包 - Jodd

Jodd 的基本功能类列表: (http://jodd.org/doc/index.html)

BeanUtil - fastest bean manipulation library around.

Cache - set of common cache implementation.

Compiler - embeded Java compiler that uses jikes or jdk.

Printf - formatted value printing, as in C.

JDateTime - elegant usage and astronomical precision in one time-manipulation class.

Email - sending and receiving emails.

Props - enhanced Properties replacement.

Type Converter - converting types.

StringUtil - more then 100 of additional String utilities.

StringTemplateParser - simple string template parser.

Finding, scanning, walking files - few easy ways.

Class finder - find classes on classpath.

Wildcard - using wildcards.

Servlets - various servlets-related tools.

Jodd tag library - new power to the JSP.

Form tag - automagically populates forms.

Reference Map and Set - reference aware map and set.

Class loading in Jodd - great ways for loading classes.

Fast buffers - really fast appendable storage.

HTTP - tiny, raw HTTP client.


Madvoc - elegant web MVC framework that uses CoC in a pragmatic way to simplify web application development.

Petite - slick and lightweight DI container that supports sufficient most of features offered by other containers.

Proxetta - the fastest proxy creator with unique approach for defying pointcuts and advices.

Db & DbOom - efficient and thin layers that significantly simplifies writing of database code.

JTX - enjoyable transaction manager.

Paramo - extracts method and constructor parameter names.

VTor - validation framework.

Lagarto - html parser.

Lagarto Parsing - howLagarto is parsing.

HtmlStapler - transparent HTML resource bundles.

Decora - web decorator framework.

CSSelly - CSS3 selectors parser.

Jerry - jQuery in Java.

Methref - strongly-typed method name references.

SwingSpy - inspection of swing component hierarchy.

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