Google Analytics in IOS(五)—— 崩溃和异常



  • NSString (Optional) Description – a description of the exception (up to 100 characters). Accepts nil.
  • boolean isFatal – indicates whether the exception was fatal. YES indicates fatal.

Caught Exceptions(捕获的异常)

            捕获的异常是你在程序中定义的异常处理代码中的错误。这些是你在在正常使用你的程序时可预见的会发生的错误。你期望应用程序能从其中恢复,比如 在请求数据时偶尔网络超时。


@try {
  NSArray *highScores=[self getHighScores];
@catch (NSException*exception){
    [tracker sendException:NO// Boolean indicates non-fatal exception.
            withDescription:@"Connection timout %d: %@", connectionError, errorDescription];


  NSArray *highScores=[self getHighScores];
@catch (NSException*exception){
  [tracker sendException:NO withNSException:exception);

Uncaught Exception Measurement



- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
  [GAI sharedInstance].sendUncaughtExceptions= YES;// Enable 

  // ... the rest of your code, include other GAI properties you want to set.



  • All exceptions sent using automatic exception measurement are reported as  fatal in Google Analytics.
  • The description field is automatically populated using the stack  trace.




  • 你可能感兴趣的:(ios,Google,analytics,谷歌分析详解,崩溃和异常)