 题目定义一种叫做n -circle five-angle 的图,问生成树的个数,每个点都算一个不同的点
Spanning Tree  PKKJ出的一道生成树计数题_第1张图片


Illustration 1: 4-circle five-angle graph

Spanning Tree  PKKJ出的一道生成树计数题_第2张图片

   1)对于非红色边组成的环,4条边任意一条都能删除,即4n-i 这里i是中间环要删除的边数
   所以F(n) = ∑ 4n-i*4*i*C(n,i)    1≤i≤n
#include < cstdio >
< cstring >

int  C[ 101 ][ 101 ],F[ 101 ];

int  pow4( int  n) // 4^n
int ans=1,p=4;

return ans;

int  main()
    for(int i=1;i<=100;i++)
for(int j=1;j<i;j++)

for(int n=2;n<=100;n++)
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)

int n,T;
return 0;



Problem A. Spanning Tree

A peculiar graph, called n-circle five-angle graph, consists of a polygon with n vertices in the center, and each side of the central polygon is linked with a pentagon(pentagon: a polygon with 5 sides). There is an example of 4-circle five-angle graph below. Obviously, there are 4 vertices in the central polygon.

Now, it is you time to calculate how many spanning trees could this special graph generate. Pay attention that all the vertices in the graph should be regarded as different ones. Do you still remember the definition of spanning tree? Perhaps you may be familiar with the terminology of MST(minimal spanning tree). Yes, a spanning tree T of a connected, undirected graph G is a tree composed of all the vertices and some (or perhaps all) of the edges of G.

Spanning Tree  PKKJ出的一道生成树计数题_第3张图片

Illustration 1: 4-circle five-angle graph


First line: T, the number of test case.

Then follow T lines, each line contains a number n(n <= 2 <= 100), indicating it is an n-circle five-angle graph.



For each test case, output the answer mod 2007 pre line.


Sample Input




Sample Output


测试数据:in.txt   out.txt