Symbian OS 的错误码汇总

 KMmsErrorInvalidSettings  -11035 
KMmsErrorEMRUExceeded  -11036 


EWapErrWmlLibNullNode -12000
EWapErrWmlLibCDATANodeWithoutParent -12001
EWapErrWmlLibAccessViolation -12101
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidVariableReference  -12102
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidConversionMethod  -12103
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalVariableName  -12104
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalTaskCountOnAnchor  -12105
EWapErrWmlLibNULLVariableName  -12106
EWapErrWmlLibNestedTables  -12107
EWapErrWmlLibDuplicateDoNodeName  -12108
EWapErrWmlLibUsageOfReservedWord  -12109
EWapErrWmlLibZeroTableColumns  -12110
EWapErrWmlLibNonWmlDocument  -12111
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleMetaPropertyName -12112
EWapErrWmlLibEventBindingConflict -12114
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleAccessElements -12115
EWapErrWmlLibNonUniqueIds -12116
EWapErrWmlLibVariableInInvalidLocation -12117


XML 错误
EWapErrXmlLibMissingCDATASectionEndTag  -13000
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidAttributeDeclaration  -13001
EWapErrXmlLibEndTagMismatch  -13002
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidCharacterReference  -13003
EWapErrXmlLibUnknownEntityReference  -13004
EWapErrXmlLibNoDTD  -13005
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocumentRootNode  -13006
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidXmlVersionDefinition  -13007
EWapErrXmlLibRootElementNameMismatch  -13008
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalTagName  -13100 
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalFixedAttributeValue  -13101
EWapErrXmlLibMissingRequiredAttribute  -13102
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocument  -13104
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocumentStructure  -13106
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalAttributeValue  -13107
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocument -13200
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentBuffered  -13201
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentAlreadyValid  -13202
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDTD  -13203


EHttpGeneralError  -20000  "A general error has occurred"
EHttpCannotFindServer  -20001  "The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server"
EHttpCannotFindPlugin  -20002  "The plugin name/type was not found on the device"
EHttpUnsupportedMethod  -20003  "The method requested is not supported"
EHttpWapAPReadFailure  -20004  "Access point information is missing"
EHttpNetDialSetupFailed  -20005  "Net dial setup has failed"
EHttpWtlsConfigFailed  -20006  "The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS"
EHttpWtlsBadServerCert  -20007  "The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate"
EHttpWtlsServerCertRejected  -20008  "The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted"
EHttpWtlsCipherRejected  -20009  "The session has been aborted due to low security status"
EHttpGatewayCannotBeReached  -20010  "A session could not be established with the WAP Gateway"
EHttpGatewayTransactionAbort  -20011  "A transaction was aborted by the gateway or the stack"
EHttpGatewaySessionDisconnect -20012  "The session was disconnectedby the WAP Gateway"
EHttpCancellationAbort  -20013  "Error code for leave when cancellation has occured during RunL()"
EHttpReceivingErrorDeck -20014  "Could not find document, so receiving an error deck"
HTTP Status Code 400  -20400  "The request sent does not use the correct syntax"
HTTP Status Code 401  -20401  "Unauthorized request, authentication must be used"
HTTP Status Code 402  -20402  "Payment is required for this action to succeed"
HTTP Status Code 403  -20403  "The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server"
HTTP Status Code 404 -20404  "The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 405 -20405  "The method requested is not currently allowed"
HTTP Status Code 406 -20406  "The header information of the returned resource is incorrect"
HTTP Status Code 407 -20407  "Proxy authentication is required"
HTTP Status Code 408 -20408  "The request has timed out"
HTTP Status Code 409 -20409  "A Conflict has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 410 -20410  "The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 411 -20411  "Length is required here"
HTTP Status Code 412 -20412  "A precondition has not been met"
HTTP Status Code 413 -20413  "The request entity is too large"
HTTP Status Code 414 -20414  "The URL requested is too long"
HTTP Status Code 415 -20415  "The media type requested is unsupported"
HTTP Status Code 500 -20500  "An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 501 -20501  "An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 502 -20502  "An error has occurred within the WAP gateway"
HTTP Status Code 503 -20503  "The service requested is unavailable"
HTTP Status Code 504 -20504  "The connection to the gateway has timed out"
HTTP Status Code 505 -20505  "This HTTP version is not supported" 

你可能感兴趣的:(Symbian OS 的错误码汇总)