Putting Together a Full Game(8)

Putting Together a Full Game(8)


Structuring the Application

The main application is relatively small (if you can call just under 1,500 lines of
code small). It has the job of initializing all the required components and tracking
the game state (that’s right, state-based processing is even used here).

First, you declare the application class. Although the class is incomplete at this
point, throughout the rest of this chapter, the pieces fall into place, and the application
class becomes complete. Now, check out the sections of the application class
that set up the class data and initialize the game system:

#include "core_common.h"
#include "core_manager.h"
#include "core_graphics.h"
#include "core_framework.h"
#include "core_input.h"
#include "core_sound.h"
#include "text_window.h"
#include "spell_controller.h"
#include "trigger.h"
#include "barrier.h"
#include "game_chars.h"
#include "game_script.h"

#define  SOUND_CHAR_ATTACK       0
#define  SOUND_FIREBALL          2
#define  SOUND_ICE               3
#define  SOUND_HEAL              4
#define  SOUND_TELEPORT          5
#define  SOUND_GROUNDBALL        6
#define  SOUND_CONCUSSION        7
#define  SOUND_EVIL_FORCE        8
#define  SOUND_ROAR              9
#define  SOUND_CHAR_HURT         10
#define  SOUND_MONSTER_HURT      11
#define  SOUND_CHAR_DIE          12
#define  SOUND_MONSTER_DIE       13
#define  SOUND_BEEP              14

#define  SPELL_FIREBALL          0
#define  SPELL_ICE               1
#define  SPELL_HEAL              2
#define  SPELL_TELEPORT          3
#define  SPELL_GROUNDBALL        4
#define  SPELL_CONCUSSION        5
#define  SPELL_EVIL_FORCE        6

#define  ID_PLAYER               0

class  cApp;

class  cGameSpells :  public  cSpellController
private :
    cApp* m_app;

public :
void  attach_app(cApp* app)  { m_app = app; }

virtual   void  play_spell_sound( long  index);


class  cApp :  public  cFramework
class  cGameScript;
class  cGameChars;
class  cGameSpells;

void  menu_frame( void * data,    long  purpose);
void  game_frame( void * data,    long  purpose);
void  status_frame( void * data,  long  purpose);
void  barter_frame( void * data,  long  purpose);

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

private :
    ID3DXFont*          m_font;
    IDirect3DTexture9*  m_scene_backdrops[6];
    IDirect3DTexture9*  m_charge_bar;

long                 m_scene_index;

    cCamera             m_camera;

    cInput              m_input;
    cInputDevice        m_keyboard;
    cInputDevice        m_mouse;

    cSound              m_sound;
    cSoundChannel       m_sound_channel;
    cMusicChannel       m_music_channel;
    cSoundData          m_sound_data;
    cMesh               m_scene_mesh;
    cObject             m_scene_object;

    cGameChars          m_game_chars;
    cGameSpells         m_game_spells;    

    cTextWindow         m_text_stats;
    cTextWindow         m_text_window;
    cTextWindow         m_text_header;

    cGameScript         m_game_script;

long                 m_teleport_map;              // map to teleport on next frame (-1 = none)
     bool                 m_is_monster_last_frame;     // flag if monsters during last frame

long                 m_combat_exp;                // combat booty to reward at end of combat
     long                 m_combat_money;         

    cTrigger            m_trigger;
    cBarrier            m_barrier;

    sItem               m_mil[1024];                
// the master item list

    cManager            m_state_manager;

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

public :
        m_font                  = NULL;
        m_charge_bar            = NULL;
        m_scene_index           = 0;        
        m_combat_exp            = 0;
        m_combat_money          = 0;
        m_teleport_map          = -1;
        m_is_monster_last_frame = 
false ;
sizeof (m_scene_backdrops));
sizeof (m_mil));

virtual   bool  init();
virtual   void  shutdown();
virtual   bool  frame();

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /

private :
float  get_height_below( float  x_pos,  float  y_pos,  float  z_pos);

bool   check_intersect( float  x_start,  float  y_start,  float  z_start,
float  x_end,  float  y_end,  float  z_end,
float * dist);

void  render_frame( long  elapsed);

void  free_level();
bool  load_level( int  scene_index);

void  play_sound( long  index);
void  play_music( long  index);
void  stop_music();

void  win_game();
void  start_of_combat();
void  end_of_combat();

void  teleport_player( long  map,  float  x_pos,  float  y_pos,  float  z_pos);
void  setup_barter( const   char * ics_file);

    sCharacter* get_char_at(
long  mouse_x_pos,  long  mouse_y_pos);
bool  last_point_reached(sCharacter* character);

The application class begins by setting three friend class references. Those three
classes, cGameSpells, cGameChars, and cGameScript, are the derived controllers for the spells,
characters, and scripts, respectively. Each of those classes need special access to
the application class, so you can make them friends.

The next portion of the cApp class declares a list of Game Core specific
objects, all of which are private to the cApp class.

From the Graphics Core, you can see the use of the graphics, font, and camera
objects. For input, there’s the input system object, plus a device for each the keyboard
and mouse. Rounding off the lot are objects for using the sound system, a
single sound and music channel, and a sound data object for loading sounds.

A small bitmap stores the graphics used to display the player’s charge bar (the
amount of charge built up for attacking). You store this bitmap using a texture
object. Following that, you include three text window objects to display various
dialogue and screen text.

At this point in the application class declaration, you define a couple of miscellaneous
private functions.

The win_game function is called whenever a script encounters the win-game action.
This action triggers the end of game, which returns play back to the main menu.
get_char_at is the function that determines which character a user clicks with the mouse.

Completing cApp are the class constructor and the overridden init, shutdown, and
frame functions, all of which you declare with public accessibility.

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