
1. 非侵入式:static map<unsigned int, int>,key是对象地址,value是counter。
2. 非侵入式:构造函数new一个int作为counter,拷贝构造函数和赋值操作符中传递该counter。
3. 侵入式:定义一个Count基类自带counter,所有对象继承与Count基类,counter在对象中。
方法2无法重载 operator = (T *t),因为无法从参数中获得t的counter信息。

Code1: 用static map作为counter
#include  < stdio.h >
< map >

using   namespace  std;

class  A
public :
" \nA Construct\n " );
~ A()
" \nA Destruct\n " );

class  B
public :
" \nB Construct\n " );
~ B()
" \nB Destruct\n " );

< typename T >
class  SmartPtr
public :
* t)
=  t;
< unsigned  int int > ::iterator it  =  CountMap.find((unsigned  int )t);
if (it  !=  CountMap.end())
++ (it -> second);
int )Pointee]  =   1 ;
const  SmartPtr  & sp)
=  sp.Pointee;
< unsigned  int int > ::iterator it  =  CountMap.find((unsigned  int )Pointee);
if (it  !=  CountMap.end())
++ (it -> second);
int )Pointee]  =   1 ;
&   operator   =  ( const  SmartPtr  & sp)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee];
if (CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee]  ==   0 )
int )Pointee);
                delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
=  sp.Pointee;
< unsigned  int int > ::iterator it  =  CountMap.find((unsigned  int )Pointee);
if (it  !=  CountMap.end())
++ (it -> second);
int )Pointee]  =   1 ;
return   * this ;
&   operator   =  (T  * t)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee];
if (CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee]  ==   0 )
int )Pointee);
                delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
=  t;
< unsigned  int int > ::iterator it  =  CountMap.find((unsigned  int )Pointee);
if (it  !=  CountMap.end())
++ (it -> second);
int )Pointee]  =   1 ;
return   * this ;
~ SmartPtr()
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee];
if (CountMap[(unsigned  int )Pointee]  ==   0 )
int )Pointee);
                delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
private :
* Pointee;
static  map < unsigned  int int >  CountMap;

< typename T >  
< unsigned  int int >  SmartPtr < T > ::CountMap;

int  main()
* objA1  =   new  A();
* objA2  =   new  A();
* objA3  =   new  A();
* objB1  =   new  B();
* objB2  =   new  B();
* objB3  =   new  B();
< A >  sPtrA1(objA1);
< A >  sPtrA2(objA2);
=  sPtrA2;
=  objA3;
=  objA3;
< B >  sPtrB1(objB1);
< B >  sPtrB2(objB2);
=  sPtrB2;
=  objB3;
=  objB3;
return   0 ;

Code2: 用new int作为counter
#include  < stdio.h >

class  A
public :
" \nA Construct\n " );
~ A()
" \nA Destruct\n " );

class  B
public :
" \nB Construct\n " );
~ B()
" \nB Destruct\n " );

< typename T >
class  SmartPtr
public :
* t)
=  t;

=   new   int ( 0 );
++ ( * Count);
const  SmartPtr  & sp)
=  sp.Pointee;
=  sp.Count;
++ ( * Count);
&   operator   =  ( const  SmartPtr  & sp)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- ( * Count);
if ( * Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
=  sp.Pointee;
=  sp.Count;
++ ( * Count);
return   * this ;
//  Cannot work well.
//  Should not public this method.
    SmartPtr &   operator   =  (T  * t)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- ( * Count);
if ( * Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
            delete Count;
=  t;
//  Cannot get the counter on t.
        Count  =   new   int ( 0 );
++ ( * Count);
return   * this ;
~ SmartPtr()
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- ( * Count);
if ( * Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
        delete Count;
private :
* Pointee;
int   * Count;

int  main()
* obj1  =   new  A();
* obj2  =   new  A();
* obj3  =   new  A();
* objB1  =   new  B();
* objB2  =   new  B();
* objB3  =   new  B();
< A >  sPtr1(obj1);
< A >  sPtr2(obj2);
=  sPtr2;
=  obj3;
//  Comment out since SmartPtr cannot get the existing counter on obj3.
// sPtr2 = obj3;
< B >  sPtrB1(objB1);
< B >  sPtrB2(objB2);
=  sPtrB2;
=  objB3;
//  Comment out since SmartPtr cannot get the existing counter on objB3.
// sPtrB2 = objB3;
     return   0 ;

Code3: 对象继承与Count基类,counter在对象内
#include  < stdio.h >

class  ReferenceCount
public :
virtual   ~ ReferenceCount(){};
int  Count;
protected :
0 ){};

class  Intrusive:  public  ReferenceCount
public :
" \nInstrusive Construct\n " );
~ Intrusive()
" \nInstrusive Destruct\n " );

class  B:  public  ReferenceCount
public :
" \nB Construct\n " );
~ B()
" \nB Destruct\n " );

< typename T >
class  SmartPtrIntrusive
public :
* t)
=  t;
++ Pointee -> Count;
const  SmartPtrIntrusive  & sp)
=  sp.Pointee;
++ Pointee -> Count;
&   operator   =  ( const  SmartPtrIntrusive  & sp)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- Pointee -> Count;
if (Pointee -> Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
=  sp.Pointee;
++ Pointee -> Count;
return   * this ;
&   operator   =  (T  * t)
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- Pointee -> Count;
if (Pointee -> Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
=  NULL;

=  t;
++ Pointee -> Count;
return   * this ;
~ SmartPtrIntrusive()
if (NULL  !=  Pointee)
-- Pointee -> Count;
if (Pointee -> Count  ==   0 )
            delete Pointee;
=  NULL;
private :
* Pointee;

int  main()
* obj1  =   new  Intrusive();
* obj2  =   new  Intrusive();
* obj3  =   new  Intrusive();
* objB1  =   new  B();
* objB2  =   new  B();
* objB3  =   new  B();
< Intrusive >  sPtr1(obj1);
< Intrusive >  sPtr2(obj2);
=  sPtr2;
=  obj3;
=  obj3;
< B >  sPtrB1(objB1);
< B >  sPtrB2(objB2);
=  sPtrB2;
=  objB3;
=  objB3;
return   0 ;
