转载自: http://blog.csdn.net/wjcsharp/article/details/6161712
DbgPrint and DbgPrintEx can be called at IRQL<=DIRQL. However, Unicode format codes (%wc and %ws) can be used only at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL. Also, because the debugger uses interprocess interrupts (IPIs) to communicate with other processors, callingDbgPrint at IRQL>DIRQL can cause deadlocks.
In Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, DbgPrint sends a message only if certain conditions apply. Specifically, it behaves like theDbgPrintEx routine with the DEFAULT component and a message importance level of DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL. In other words, the following two function calls are identical:
KdPrint使用方法类似printf,注意KdPrint((" ", ));使用的是双括号。
用KdPrint(())来代替printf 输出信息。这些信息可以在DbgView 中看到。KdPrint(())自身是一个宏,
为了完整传入参数所以使用了两重括弧。这个比DbgPrint 调用要稍好。因为在free 版不被编译。
ULONG DbgPrint( IN PCHAR Format, . . . . [arguments] );
invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("the Driver has loaded.")
invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%s"),$CTA0("The Driver has Unloaded.") ;输出ASNI字符串 invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%ws"),$CTW0("The Driver has Unloaded.") ;输出wchar类型字符串 invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%S"),$CTW0("The Driver has Unloaded.") ;输出wchar类型字符串(注意是大写的S)
ucstShow UNICODE_STRING <?> ;定义一个UNICODE_STRING的结构 invoke RtlInitUnicodeString,addr ucstShow,$CTW0("This is the fifth debug Information.") ;初始化 invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%wZ"),addr ucstShow
invoke RtlInitUnicodeString,addr ucstShow,$CTW0("hello,I was born in") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%wZ %x"),addr ucstShow,dwShow
;/** ; ************************************************************************* ; * 文件名称: Driver.asm ; * 版 本: ; * 描 述: 学习DbgPrint的用法 ; * 作 者: zzydog ; * 创建日期: 2010 ; ************************************************************************* ; */ .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include Strings.mac include w2k\ntstatus.inc include w2k\ntddk.inc include w2k\ntoskrnl.inc includelib ntoskrnl.lib includelib ntdll.lib ;************************************************************************************ ;函数定义 DriverEntry proto pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT,pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING DirverUnload proto pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT ;************************************************************************************ .data ucstShow UNICODE_STRING <?> szShowLoad db "The Dirver has been loaded!",NULL szShowUnLoad db "The Driver has been Unloaded!",NULL dwShow dd 1990h .code DriverEntry proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT,pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING invoke DbgPrint,addr szShowLoad invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("This is the first debug Information.") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%s"),$CTA0("This is the second debug Information.") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%ws"),$CTW0("This is the third debug Information.") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%S"),$CTW0("This is the forth debug Information.") invoke RtlInitUnicodeString,addr ucstShow,$CTW0("This is the fifth debug Information.") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%wZ"),addr ucstShow invoke RtlInitUnicodeString,addr ucstShow,$CTW0("hello,I was born in") invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%wZ %x"),addr ucstShow,dwShow assume edx:ptr DRIVER_OBJECT mov edx,[pDriverObject] mov [edx].DriverUnload,offset DriverUnload mov eax,STATUS_SUCCESS ret DriverEntry endp DriverUnload proc pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT invoke DbgPrint,$CTA0("%s"),addr szShowUnLoad mov eax,STATUS_SUCCESS ret DriverUnload endp end DriverEntry