
#include "../tmain.hpp"

Following are valid type specifications and their meaning:
b boolean (true = 1, false = 0)
c character
d signed decimal integer
i signed decimal integer
o unsigned octal integer
u unsigned decimal integer
x unsigned hexadecimal integer (lower case)
X unsigned hexadecimal integer (upper case)
e signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.dddde[<sign>]dd[d]
E signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.ddddE[<sign>]dd[d]
f signed floating-point value in the form [-]dddd.dddd
s std::string
z std::size_t

The following flags are supported:
- left align the result within the given field width
+ prefix the output value with a sign (+ or -) if the output value is of a signed type
0 if width is prefixed with 0, zeros are added until the minimum width is reached
# For o, x, X, the # flag prefixes any nonzero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X, respectively; for e, E, f, the # flag forces the output value to contain a decimal point in all cases.

The following modifiers are supported:
(none) argument is char (c), int (d, i), unsigned (o, u, x, X) double (e, E, f, g, G) or string (s)
l argument is long (d, i), unsigned long (o, u, x, X) or long double (e, E, f, g, G)
L argument is long long (d, i), unsigned long long (o, u, x, X)
h argument is short (d, i), unsigned short (o, u, x, X) or float (e, E, f, g, G)
? argument is any signed or unsigned int, short, long, or 64-bit integer (d, i, o, x, X)

void test_FormatChar()
	char c = 'a';
	std::string s(Poco::format("%c", c));
	assert (s == "a");
	s = Poco::format("%2c", c);
	assert (s == " a");
	s = Poco::format("%-2c", c);
	assert (s == "a ");

	s = Poco::format("%c", std::string("foo"));
	assert (s == "[ERRFMT]");

void test_FormatInt()
	int i = 42;
	std::string s(Poco::format("%d", i));
	assert (s == "42");
	s = Poco::format("%4d", i);
	assert (s == "  42");
	s = Poco::format("%04d", i);
	assert (s == "0042");

	unsigned int x = 0xaa;
	s = Poco::format("%x", x);
	assert (s == "aa");
	s = Poco::format("%X", x);
	assert (s == "AA");

	i = 42;
	s = Poco::format("%+d", i);
	assert (s == "+42");

void test_FormatBoolean()
	bool b = true;
	std::string s = Poco::format("%b", b);
	assert (s == "1");

	b = false;
	s = Poco::format("%b", b);
	assert (s == "0");

	std::vector<Poco::Any> bv;

	Poco::format(s, "%b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b", bv);
	assert (s == "0101010101");

void test_FormatFloatFix()
	double d = 1.5;
	std::string s(Poco::format("%f", d));
	assert (s.find("1.50") == 0);

	s = Poco::format("%10f", d);
	assert (s.find(" 1.50") != std::string::npos);

	s = Poco::format("%6.2f", d);
	assert (s == "  1.50");
	s = Poco::format("%-6.2f", d);
	assert (s == "1.50  ");

	float f = 1.5;
	s = Poco::format("%hf", f);
	assert (s.find("1.50") == 0);

void test_FormatFloatSci()
	double d = 1.5;
	std::string s(Poco::format("%e", d));
	assert (s.find("1.50") == 0);
	assert (s.find("0e+0") != std::string::npos);

	s = Poco::format("%20e", d);
	assert (s.find(" 1.50") != std::string::npos);
	assert (s.find("0e+0") != std::string::npos);

	s = Poco::format("%10.2e", d);
	assert (s == " 1.50e+000" || s == "  1.50e+00");
	s = Poco::format("%-10.2e", d);
	assert (s == "1.50e+000 " || s == "1.50e+00  ");
	s = Poco::format("%-10.2E", d);
	assert (s == "1.50E+000 " || s == "1.50E+00  ");

void test_FormatString()
	std::string foo("foo");
	std::string s(Poco::format("%s", foo));
	assert (s == "foo");

	s = Poco::format("%5s", foo);
	assert (s == "  foo");

	s = Poco::format("%-5s", foo);
	assert (s == "foo  ");

	s = Poco::format("%s%%a", foo);
	assert (s == "foo%a");

	s = Poco::format("'%s%%''%s%%'", foo, foo);
	assert (s == "'foo%''foo%'");

void test_FormateMutil()
	std::string s(Poco::format("aaa%dbbb%4dccc", 1, 2));
	assert (s == "aaa1bbb   2ccc");

	s = Poco::format("%%%d%%%d%%%d", 1, 2, 3);
	assert (s == "%1%2%3");

	s = Poco::format("%d%d%d%d", 1, 2, 3, 4);
	assert (s == "1234");

	s = Poco::format("%d%d%d%d%d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
	assert (s == "12345");

	s = Poco::format("%d%d%d%d%d%d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	assert (s == "123456");

void test_FormatIndex()
	std::string s(Poco::format("%[1]d%[0]d", 1, 2));
	assert (s == "21");

	s = Poco::format("%[5]d%[4]d%[3]d%[2]d%[1]d%[0]d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	assert (s == "654321");

	s = Poco::format("%%%[1]d%%%[2]d%%%d", 1, 2, 3);
	assert (s == "%2%3%1");
