<ul id="categorys"></ul>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#categorys").treeview({ url: "category!ajaxTreeView" }); }); </script>
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setContentType("text/json;charset=UTF-8"); try { request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
[ { "text": "1. Pre Lunch (120 min)", "expanded": true, "classes": "important", "children": [ { "text": "1.1 The State of the Powerdome (30 min)" }, { "text": "1.2 The Future of jQuery (30 min)" }, { "text": "1.2 jQuery UI - A step to richnessy (60 min)" } ] }, { "text": "2. Lunch (60 min)" }, { "text": "3. After Lunch (120+ min)", "children": [ { "text": "3.1 jQuery Calendar Success Story (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.2 jQuery and Ruby Web Frameworks (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.3 Hey, I Can Do That! (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.4 Taconite and Form (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.5 Server-side JavaScript with jQuery and AOLserver (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.6 The Onion: How to add features without adding features (20 min)", "id": "36", "hasChildren": true }, { "text": "3.7 Visualizations with JavaScript and Canvas (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.8 ActiveDOM (20 min)" }, { "text": "3.8 Growing jQuery (20 min)" } ] } ]
格式说明:上面的1. Pre Lunch (120 min) 结点中:"expanded": true 代表这个结点下的child是展开的,children则是子结点的数据,节点3. After Lunch (120+ min)有8个子结点,其中子结点中有一个结点3.6 The Onion: How to add features without adding features (20 min),有一个id属性,同时hasChildren:true,表示其下面又有子结点,并且会向FetchProductTypeServlet传递参数为:root=id值,具体到这里就是root=36,那么点击这个结点的时候,后台就会接收到root=36这个值,然后我们就在具体应用中,通过数据库查询或者其它方式找到相对应的数据,然后将这些数据构造成treeview所需要的json数据,也即是上面所示格式的数据。
public String ajaxTreeView(){ Struts2Utils.renderText(categoryHelper.generateJTVJsonString()); return null; }
package com.prl.action.admin.helper; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springside.modules.web.struts2.Struts2Utils; import com.prl.entity.Category; import com.prl.service.CategoryManager; import com.prl.service.jdbc.CategoryJdbcUtil; @Repository public class CategoryHelper { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CategoryHelper.class); @Autowired public CategoryManager categoryManager; @Autowired public CategoryJdbcUtil categoryJdbcUtil; // ========================= 产生jquery.treeview的jsonstring=================// public String generateJTVJsonString() { log.info("generateJTVJsonString start ....."); HttpServletRequest request = Struts2Utils.getRequest(); String id = request.getParameter("root"); log.info("id:"+id); String output = ""; if (id == null) { return ""; } else if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) { output = generateInitTreeString(); } else { output = generateTreeChildNodeString(Long.parseLong(id)); } log.info("generateJTVJsonString end,return:"+output); return output; } // 产生子节点jsonstring private String generateTreeChildNodeString(Long categoryId) { StringBuilder jsonString = new StringBuilder(); jsonString.append("["); List<Category> categorys = categoryManager .findChildrenCategory(categoryId); if (categorys.isEmpty()) return ""; int i = 0; for (Category category : categorys) { if (i > 0) { jsonString.append(","); } jsonString.append(toJSONString(category)); i++; } jsonString.append("]"); return jsonString.toString(); } private String toJSONString(Category category) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" {"); sb.append(" \"text\": \"" + generateLinkString(category) + "\""); if (categoryJdbcUtil.hasChild(category)) { sb.append(", \"id\":\"" + category.getCatId() + "\""); sb.append(", \"hasChildren\":true"); } sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } private String generateLinkString(Category category) { String link = "<a href='javascript:on_cat_click("+category.getCatId()+");' >" + category.getCatName() + "</a>"; //link = category.getCatName(); return link; } private String generateInitTreeString() { StringBuilder jsonString = new StringBuilder(); jsonString.append("["); List<Category> categorys = categoryManager.getRoot(); int i = 0; for (Category category : categorys) { if (i > 0) { jsonString.append(","); } jsonString.append(toJSONString(category)); i++; } jsonString.append("]"); return jsonString.toString(); } // ==================== 产生jquery.treeview的jsonstring 结束=================// }