Problem--HOJ1065 Entropy(Huffman Tree)

Problem--HOJ1065 Entropy(Huffman Tree)
This problem requires that we find the optimal coding strategy for a given string,and compare the length of the code by bits with the length when using the ASCII(8-bit) code.Apparently,we know that the optimal coding strategy will be the Huffman Coding.
Huffman Coding has been proved to be the most efficient way of coding,in terms of prefix-free encoding.The idea is quite simple.Given a set of characters,and the frequncies of appearance in the given string(or we can find that out easily if it's not given),we constantly apply the following rule to encode the whole thing:First we find the two characters with the lowest frequencies,and let them be the children in a binary tree,with their father having the frequency equal to the sum of the two frequencies.Then we keep doing this until we build a Binary Tree,which is called in this case,a Huffman Tree.Mission accomplished!If we want to know exactly the code for each character,we assign the edge between father and its left child the value 0,and the other edge value 1.Thus we can get the code by following the path from each leaf to the root.If we want to know the total code length of the whole string,we then make a sum of the code length of each character multiplied by its frequency.OK,problem solved!
  1  #include < iostream >
  2  #include < cstring >
  3  #include < algorithm >
  4  using   namespace  std;
  5  const   int  MAXSIZE = 20001 ;
  6  struct  elementype
  7  {
  8       int  value;
  9       int  lchild,rchild;
 10       bool  isleaf;
 11       int  rank;
 12  }pool[MAXSIZE];
 13  struct  HEAP
 14  {
 15       int  n;
 16       int  elements[MAXSIZE];
 17  }heap;
 18  void  MakeHeap()
 19  {
 20      heap.n = 0 ;
 21  }
 22  bool  HeapEmpty()
 23  {
 24       return  ( ! heap.n);
 25  }
 26  bool  HeapFull()
 27  {
 28       return  heap.n == MAXSIZE - 1 ;
 29  }
 30  int  HeapSize()
 31  {
 32       return  heap.n;
 33  }
 34  void  Insert_Heap( int  element)
 35  {
 36       int  i;
 37       if ( ! HeapFull())
 38      {
 39          i =++ heap.n;
 40           while (i > 1   &&  pool[element].value  <  pool[heap.elements[i / 2 ]].value)
 41          {
 42              heap.elements[i] = heap.elements[i / 2 ];
 43              i /= 2 ;
 44          }
 45      } // Insert strategy,put the new element at the bottom and move it up according to its value
 46        // compared with its father
 47      heap.elements[i] = element;
 48  }
 49  int  Delete_Heap()
 50  {
 51       int  parent = 1 ,child = 2 ;
 52       int  tmp,result;
 53       if ( ! HeapEmpty())
 54      {
 55          result = heap.elements[ 1 ]; // remove the element on top
 56          tmp = heap.elements[heap.n -- ]; // put the last element on top temporarily
 57           while (child <= heap.n)
 58          {
 59               if (child < heap.n  &&  pool[heap.elements[child + 1 ]].value < pool[heap.elements[child]].value)
 60              {
 61                  child ++ ;
 62              } // compare each node with the larger one of its children
 63               if (pool[tmp].value <= pool[heap.elements[child]].value)  break ; // put the element where it belongs
 64              heap.elements[parent] = heap.elements[child]; // if the child has a larger value,make it father
 65              parent = child;
 66              child *= 2 ;
 67          }
 68          heap.elements[parent] = tmp;
 69      }
 70       return  result;
 71  }
 72  double  s;
 73  void  Preorder( int  root)
 74  {
 75       if (pool[root].isleaf)
 76      {
 77          s += pool[root].value * pool[root].rank;
 78      }
 79       else
 80      {
 81          pool[pool[root].lchild].rank = pool[pool[root].rchild].rank = pool[root].rank + 1 ;
 82          Preorder(pool[root].lchild);
 83          Preorder(pool[root].rchild);
 84      }
 85  }
 86  char  op[ 10001 ];
 87  int  main()
 88  {
 89       int  n,k,p1,p2;
 90       while (gets(op))
 91      {
 92           if (strcmp(op, " END " ) == 0 break ;
 93          MakeHeap();
 94          n = ( int )strlen(op);
 95          sort(op,op + n);
 96           char  cur = op[ 0 ]; int  counter = 0 ;k = 1 ;
 97           for ( int  i = 0 ;i <= n;i ++ )
 98          {
 99               if (cur != op[i])
100              {
101                  cur = op[i];
102                  pool[k].value = counter;
103                  pool[k].lchild = pool[k].rchild = k;
104                  pool[k].isleaf = true ;Insert_Heap(k);k ++ ;
105                  counter = 1 ;
106              }
107               else  counter ++ ;
108          }
109           if (k == 2 )
110          {
111              printf( " %d %d %.1lf\n " , 8 * n,n, 8.0 );
112               continue ;
113          }
114           while ( 1 )
115          {
116              p1 = Delete_Heap();p2 = Delete_Heap();
117              pool[k].lchild = p1;pool[k].rchild = p2;pool[k].value = pool[p1].value + pool[p2].value;
118              pool[k].isleaf = false ;
119               if (HeapEmpty())
120                   break ;
121               else
122              {
123                  Insert_Heap(k);
124                  k ++ ;
125              }
126          }
127          pool[k].rank = 0 ,s = 0 ;
128          Preorder(k);
129          printf( " %d %.0lf %.1lf\n " , 8 * n,s,( double )( 8 * n) / s);
130           // getchar();
131      }
132       return   0 ;
133  }
Note that,when trying to find the two characters with the lowest frequencies,we use a Binary Heap here.This task can also be completed by other methods.

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