



void properfrac2str(int numerator, int denominator, int radix, char str[], int strl)
    const char table[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    int *num_array;
    int  find_loop = 0;
    int loop_from, loop_to;
    int i = 0, j;
    if(numerator == 0 || strl <= 1)
        str[0] = 0;
    num_array = (int *) malloc(strl * sizeof(int));
    num_array[0] = numerator;

    for (i = 0; i < strl - 3; i++)
        numerator *= radix;
        str[i] = table[numerator / denominator];
        numerator %= denominator;

        if(numerator == 0)
            str[i + 1] = 0;
            break; //finish

        num_array[i + 1] = numerator;

        for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
            if( numerator == num_array[j] ) // Recurring decimal
                loop_from = j;
                loop_to = i;
                //printf("\nloop from %d to %d\n", loop_from, loop_to);
                find_loop = 1;
        if(find_loop == 1)
            str[loop_to + 2] = ']';
            str[loop_to + 3] = 0;
            for(j = loop_to; j >= loop_from; j --)
                     str[j + 1] =  str[j];
            str[loop_from] = '[';



void properfrac2str(int numerator, int denominator, int radix, char str[], int strl);
int main()
    char str[100];
    properfrac2str(1, 71, 10, str, 99);
    printf("0.%s\n", str);
    return 0;

结果显示为: 0.[01408450704225352112676056338028169]  

[] 内为循环小数的循环节。


int frac2str(int numerator, int denominator, int radix, char *str, int strl)
    char strIntPart[33];
    int l;
    int intPart;

    int sign = 1;
    if(denominator == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: denominator is 0\n");
        return -2;
    if( (numerator ^ denominator) < 0)
        sign = -1;
        numerator = abs(numerator);
        denominator = abs(denominator);
// reduction of a fraction
    l = gcd(numerator, denominator);
    numerator /= l;
    denominator /= l;

// seperate the fraction to an integer part and a proper fraction
    intPart = numerator / denominator;
    numerator = numerator % denominator;

    itoa(intPart, strIntPart, radix);
    strcat(strIntPart, ".");
    l = strlen(strIntPart);
    if(sign == -1)
        str[0] = '-';
        str ++;
        strl --;
    if(strl < l)
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:string is too short to hold the result!\n");
        return -1;
    strcpy(str, strIntPart);

//    printf("%s", str);
    if(numerator != 0 && strl - l != 0)
        properfrac2str(numerator, denominator, radix, str + l,  strl - l);
    return 0;


int gcd(int a, int b)
    int temp;

    while(a != 0)
        temp =  b % a;
        b = a;
        a = temp;
    return b;

还用到了将整数转化成字符串的函数 itoa, 代码如下:

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

* 把一整数转换为字符串
* @para num 待转化的整数
* @para str 保存转换后得到的字符串
* @para radix 基数
* @ret 指向生成的字符串
char* itoa ( int num, char* str, int radix )
    const char table[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    char* ptr = str;
    int negative = FALSE;
    if ( num == 0 ) //num=0
        *ptr++ = '0';
        *ptr = '\0'; // don`t forget the end of the string is '\0'!!!!!!!!!
        return str;
    if ( num < 0 ) //if num is negative ,the add '-'and change num to positive
        *ptr++ = '-';
        num *= -1;
        negative = TRUE;
    while ( num )
        *ptr++ = table[num % radix];
        num /= radix;
    *ptr = '\0'; //if num is negative ,the add '-'and change num to positive
// in the below, we have to converse the string
    char* start = ( negative ? str + 1 : str ); //now start points the head of the string
    ptr--; //now prt points the end of the string
    while ( start < ptr )
        char temp = *start;
        *start = *ptr;
        *ptr = temp;
    return str;


int main()
    char str[100];
    frac2str(-666, 71, 10, str, 99);
    return 0;



