class CritSect { public: friend class Lock; CritSect() { InitializeCriticalSection(&_critSection); } ~CritSect() { DeleteCriticalSection(&_critSection); } private: void Acquire(){ EnterCriticalSection(&_critSection); } void Release(){ LeaveCriticalSection(&_critSection); } CRITICAL_SECTION _critSection; }; class Lock { public: Lock(CritSect& critSect):_critSect(critSect) { _critSect.Acquire(); } ~Lock(){ _critSect.Release(); } private: CritSect& _critSect; };调用:CritSect sect; Lock lock(sect);
DWORD dw = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 5000); switch(dw) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // The process terminated. break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // The process did not terminate within 5000 milliseconds. break; case WAIT_FAILED: // Bad call to function (invalid handle?) break; }
HANDLE h[3]; h[0] = hProcess1; h[1] = hProcess2; h[2] = hProcess3; DWORD dw = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, h, FALSE, 5000); switch(dw) { case WAIT_FAILED: // Bad call to function (invalid handle?) break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // None of the objects became signaled within 5000 milliseconds. break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // The process identified by h[0] (hProcess1) terminated. break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // The process identified by h[1] (hProcess2) terminated. break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: // The process identified by h[2] (hProcess3) terminated. break; }
DWORD SingleObjectAndWait(HANDLE hObjectToSignal,HANDLE hObjectToWaitOn,DWORD dwMilliseconds,BOOL fAlertable);
#include "StdAfx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 10 typedef struct Prodcon { int readpos; int writepos; //position for reading and writing int buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; }Prodcon; bool isOver = false; HANDLE hmutex; HANDLE hfullsemaphore; HANDLE hemptysemaphore; HANDLE notfullevent; HANDLE notemptyevent; void init(Prodcon * pb) { pb->readpos = 0; pb->writepos = 0; } //store an integer in the buffer void put(Prodcon* pb,int data) { WaitForSingleObject(hemptysemaphore,INFINITE); pb->buffer[pb->writepos] = data; pb->writepos++; pb->writepos %= BUFFER_SIZE; ReleaseSemaphore(hfullsemaphore,1,NULL); } //read an integer from the buffer int get(Prodcon* pb) { int data; WaitForSingleObject(hfullsemaphore,INFINITE); data = pb->buffer[pb->readpos]; pb->readpos ++; pb->readpos %= BUFFER_SIZE; ReleaseSemaphore(hemptysemaphore,1,NULL); return data; } //put data use event trigger void put_event(Prodcon* pb,int data) { WaitForSingleObject(hmutex,INFINITE); //wait until buffer is not full while((pb->writepos+1)%BUFFER_SIZE == pb->readpos) { printf("wait for not full\n"); ReleaseMutex(hmutex); WaitForSingleObject(notfullevent,INFINITE); } pb->buffer[pb->writepos] = data; pb->writepos ++; pb->writepos %= BUFFER_SIZE; SetEvent(notemptyevent); ReleaseMutex(hmutex); } //get data use event trigger int get_event(Prodcon* pb) { int data; WaitForSingleObject(hmutex,INFINITE); //wait until buffer is not empty while(pb->writepos == pb->readpos) { printf("wait for not empty\n"); ReleaseMutex(hmutex); WaitForSingleObject(notemptyevent,INFINITE); } data = pb->buffer[pb->readpos]; pb->readpos ++; pb->readpos %= BUFFER_SIZE; SetEvent(notfullevent); ReleaseMutex(hmutex); return data; } DWORD WINAPI produce(LPVOID lppara) { Prodcon* pb = (Prodcon*)lppara; while(1) { for(int i=1; i<=50; ++i) { //put(pb,i); //test event trigger function put_event(pb,i); printf("put a data: %d\n",i); Sleep(10); //producer is fast } isOver = true; break; } return NULL; } DWORD WINAPI consume(LPVOID lppara) { Prodcon* pb = (Prodcon*)lppara; while(1) { //int d = get(pb); //test event trigger function int d = get_event(pb); printf("get data: %d\n",d); if(isOver == true && pb->readpos == pb->writepos) { printf("OVER!\n"); break; } Sleep(100); //consumer is slow } return NULL; } int main() { hmutex = CreateMutex(NULL,false,NULL); DWORD readerdata; DWORD writerdata; Prodcon pb; init(&pb); //test produce/consume semaphore trigger /*hfullsemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,0,BUFFER_SIZE,NULL); hemptysemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,BUFFER_SIZE,BUFFER_SIZE,NULL); if(CreateThread(NULL,0,produce,&pb,0,&writerdata)==NULL) return -1; if(CreateThread(NULL,0,consume,&pb,0,&readerdata)==NULL) return -1;*/ //test produce/consume Event trigger notfullevent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); //unnamed auto-reset event notemptyevent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); //unnamed auto-reset event if(CreateThread(NULL,0,produce,&pb,0,&writerdata)==NULL) return -1; if(CreateThread(NULL,0,consume,&pb,0,&readerdata)==NULL) return -1; char ch; while(1) { ch = getchar(); //press "e" to exit if(ch == 'e') break; } printf("Program ends successfully\n"); CloseHandle(hmutex); CloseHandle(hfullsemaphore); CloseHandle(hemptysemaphore); return 0; }