some tibco error

Error one:==========


FA initialization starting at 2011-10-10T11:25:09
Startup error. SDK Error: JMS Error: Failed to create Jms Subscriber ExitSubscriberJMS : Invalid destination.
The error occurred on starting the adapter after initialization. The Repository URL is C:\TEMP\AT_adfiles_41248.dat and
the Configuration URL is FACfg01.

Ems Console:

2011-10-10 11:36:28 WARNING: [anonymous@ht-2327]: create subscriber failed: not allowed to create dynamic topic [domain.

caused by:

If you do a "show topics" the first topic name should be a greater-than sign ">". That topic name must exist in order for
non-administrators to create dynamic topics. 

Note : But I don't understand why should "create dynamic topic [.......]"??? If you know ,tell me ,thanks


