private class Node { public T Value; public Node Next; public Node(T value) { Value = value; } }
这个节点类与Haskell的List类型有点相似,比如[x, [x, [x, [x, [x]]]]]。假设给出一个头节点和一个尾节点,这个头节点是[x, [x, [x, [x, [x]]]]],尾节点的Next节点为null,从头节点开始,通过一级一级的引用,就能获取所有的节点值,直到遇到尾节点的Next节点null为止。
public class InterlockedQueue<T> { // other members private Node head; private Node tail; public InterlockedQueue() { Node node = new Node(default(T)); head = tail = node; } }
public void Enqueue(T value) { Node node = new Node(value); while(true) { Node tail = this.tail; // Get current tail node Node next = tail.Next; // Get current tail's next node // must be consistent. If not, re-enter this while loop if (object.ReferenceEquals(tail, this.tail)) { // next node of tail must be null, otherwise, other node is inserted, and it needs to re-enter this while loop if (object.ReferenceEquals(next, null) { // begin to insert this node if (object.ReferenceEquals(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref tail.Next, node, next), next) // (1) { // if consistent, execute insert operation and then break this while loop Interlocked.CompareExchanged(ref this.tail, node, tail); break; } } else // tail was not pointing to last node // try to swing Tail to the next node Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.tail, next, tail); } } }
public bool Dequeue(out T value) { Node head; Node tail; Node next; while (true) { // read head head = this.head; tail = this.tail; next = head.Next; // Are head, tail, and next consistent? if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this.head, head)) { // is tail falling behind if (Object.ReferenceEquals(head.Next, tail.Next)) { // is the queue empty? if (Object.ReferenceEquals(next, null)) { value = default(T); // queue is empty and cannot dequeue return false; } Interlocked.CompareExchange<Node>( ref this.tail, next.Next, tail); } else // No need to deal with tail { // read value before CAS otherwise another deque might try to free the next node value = next.Value; // try to swing the head to the next node if (Interlocked.CompareExchange<Node>( ref this.head, next, head) == head) { return true; } } } } }