
class A
    public $one = 'a';
    public $two = 'b';
    public function __construct()
    //print variable one
    public function echoOne()
        echo $this->one."\n";
    //print variable two    
    public function echoTwo()
        echo $this->two."\n";
//Instantiate the object
$a = new A();
//Instantiate the reflection object
$reflector = new ReflectionClass('A');
//Now get all the properties from class A in to $properties array
$properties = $reflector->getProperties();
echo "<pre>";
$i =1;
//Now go through the $properties array and populate each property
foreach($properties as $property)
// var_dump($property->getName());
// continue;
    //Populating properties
    //Invoking the method to print what was populated
echo "</pre>";
