What is the NFC Forum?
The NFC Forum is a not-for-profit industry organization whose mission is to advance the use of Near Field Communication technology by developing specifications, ensuring interoperability among devices and services, and educating the market about NFC technology. More than 160 companies, many leaders in their markets, have teamed up to achieve this goal. See www.nfc-forum.org for more information.
NFC论坛是一个非赢利工业组织,任务是通过开发规范、确保设备和服务的互操作性及培育市场来推动NFC技术的使用。超过160个企业,有不少是市场的领导者,组织起来达成这个目标。访问 www.nfc-forum.org 来获得更多信息。
How will NFC technology make business easier?
NFC technology provides simplicity and ease of use. Users hold NFC-enabled devices and tags in close proximity to each other to access services, interact with content, set up connections, make a payment, or present a ticket.
Many corporations use contactless ID cards to control access to their facilities and networks. NFC technology can reduce the cost of card issuance and management. NFC-enabled devices can also simplify login to enterprise networks.
As NFC technology penetrates throughout the office, we will see WLAN settings, printer IDs, and building maps picked up by NFC-enabled devices, allowing mobile workers to work in any office location.
NFC can also provide a convenient and affordable way to track, monitor and provide instructions to remote workers, such as field service representatives, home healthcare providers, maintenance workers and construction teams.
What are the commercial drivers for NFC technology?
NFC technology makes sense for service providers and device manufacturers for many reasons, including:
How long is NFC expected to be valued by the market?
NFC is based on existing contactless infrastructure already in use by millions of people around the world. NFC is a technology that makes peoples' lives easier – easier to pay for goods and services, easier to use public transport, and easier to share data between devices for any purpose. Once consumers experience NFC's touch paradigm, they are unlikely to give it up.
At the heart of NFC’s benefits is its simplicity of use – bringing two objects together is intuitive for everyone, young or old. NFC builds on existing systems and human actions, so it has a very good chance to be valued and used for many years to come.
When will we see broad market deployment? What is the forecasted opportunity for NFC?
Commercial rollouts of NFC have increased significantly every year, reaching hundreds of thousands of consumers. These deployments are expected to continue as more NFC-enabled devices come to market. Analyst firm Berg Insight recently reported that global sales of NFC-enabled handsets increased tenfold in 2011 to 30 million units. The same report states that NFC handset shipments are growing at a compound annual rate of 87.8% and forecasts that shipments will reach 700 million units in 2016. Deloitte predicts there will be 300 million NFC-enabled devices sold in 2013. In Japan, FeliCa, which is a similar passive mode contactless technology, has already been implemented with payment as a primary application.
How does NFC technology work?
Near Field Communication is based on inductive coupling, where loosely coupled inductive circuits share power and data over a distance of a few centimeters. NFC devices share the basic technology with proximity (13.56MHz) RFID tags and contactless smartcards, but have a number of key additional features.
How does NFC technology build on existing technologies?
NFC is based on existing contactless payment and ticketing standards that are used on a daily basis by millions of people worldwide. These standards determine not only the "contactless" operating environment, such as the physical requirements of the antennas, but also the format of the data to be transferred and the data rates for that transfer.
Which standards organizations acknowledge NFC technology?
NFC standards are acknowledged by ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization / International Electrotechnical Commission), ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), and ECMA (European association for standardizing information and communication systems).
What ISO/IEC standards do the NFC Forum specifications support?
NFC Forum compliant devices in NFC Forum Reader/Writer mode must support the RF requirements for ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443 B and FeliCa as outlined in the relevant parts in the ISO 18092.
NFC论坛的规范支持哪个 ISO/IEC 标准?
NFC 论坛兼容设备在读/写模式必须支持 ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443 B 及 ISO 18092 中列出的 FeliCa 的 RF 需求
What are the data transmission rates?
NFC data transmission is measured in Kilo Bits Per Second (kbps). The NFC standard supports varying data rates, again to ensure interoperability between existing infrastructure components. The current data rates are 106kbps, 212kbps, and 424kbps.
NFC 数据传输速率以千位/秒 (kbps)衡量。NFC标准支持多种速率以确保已有设备间的互操作性。当前速率有 106kbps, 212kbps, 和 424kbps.
What is the difference between an NFC-enabled device and an NFC tag?
An NFC-enabled device can operate in reader/writer and peer-to-peer mode, and may operate in card emulation mode. An NFC tag is typically a passive device (for example, integrated in a smart poster) that stores data that can be read by an NFC-enabled device.
What is the difference between a card and a tag?
A card and a tag are technically the same, with variations in form factor. However, contactless cards used in ticketing and payment today include additional technology to store secure data.
How is NFC different from or related to other wireless/RF technologies?
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a standards-based, short-range (a few centimeters) wireless connectivity technology that enables simple and safe two-way interactions between electronic devices, allowing consumers to perform contactless transactions, access digital content, and connect electronic devices with a single touch.
Bluetooth wireless technology was designed to replace cables between cell phones, laptops, and other computing and communication devices within a 10-meter range.
Wi-Fi technology was designed and optimized for Local Area Networks (LAN); it provides an extension or replacement of wired networks for dozens of computing devices within a +100-meter range.
ZigBee wireless technology is a standard enabling control and monitoring capabilities for industrial and residential applications within a +100-meter range.
IrDA is a short range (< 1 meter), line-of-sight communication standard for exchange of data over infrared light. IrDA interfaces are frequently used in computers and mobile phones.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. An RFID tag is a small object that can be attached to or incorporated into a product. RFID tags contain silicon chips to enable them to receive and respond to queries from an RFID reader/writer.
Contactless smart cards incorporate a chip (microprocessor) that communicates with a card reader through RFID technology. Examples of contactless smart card communications are ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa, which allow communications at distances up to 10 cm.
What are the operating modes of NFC devices?
NFC devices are unique in that they support three modes of operation: reader/writer, peer-to-peer, and card emulation. The different operating modes are based on the ISO/IEC 18092 NFC IP-1 and ISO/IEC 14443 contactless smart card standards.
NFC设备支持三种操作模式: 读写器(reader/writer), 点对点(peer-to-peer), 和卡模拟(card emulation)。不同的操作模式基于 ISO/IEC 18092 NFC IP-1 和 ISO/IEC 14443 非接触智能卡标准。
Which specifications have been issued?
The NFC Forum has issued 16 specifications to date:
Which specifications will be issued next?
The NFC Forum currently has one candidate specification, which will be released after a verification period:
Work on additional specifications is underway. As a not-for-profit organization with many members contributing different input and views, it takes time for the NFC Forum to reach agreement, make progress toward our goals, and ensure a high level of quality and consistency in published materials. Specifications in progress include the RF Analogue Protocol specification, as well as ongoing enhancements to other specifications.
Why does the NFC Forum have an IPR policy at all?
As an association, the NFC Forum does not want to adopt a specification that would infringe on patents that are not licensable. The IPR Policy establishes processes that ensure that all members commit to license their essential patents in specifications at Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (RAND) terms and conditions.
What intellectual property is covered?
Any patent is covered that is either essential for the specification itself or for any direct reference to an underlying technology included in the NFC Forum specifications.
When are members asked to license their intellectual property?
IPR election forms need to be provided when a member proposes a technical solution in a Working Group and also during the review and adoption process for the specification.
Do members have to license their IPR?
No, members have the right to refuse to license their patents, and a simple declaration in the IPR election form is sufficient. However, specifications with non-licensable intellectual property are likely not to be adopted, and work will be started within the Forum to avoid the non-licensable patent.
Which patents are not covered by the NFC Forum IPR Policy?
Not included are:
Are member companies compensated for licensing their patents?
Members may request compensation under RAND terms.
Are pending patents included?
Yes, this policy covers both approved and pending patents.
What if a member does not wish to license their patents?
The member needs to identify the non-licensable patent in the IPR election form submitted during the adoption phase. In the case of any refusals to license, the appropriate committee must try to find alternative solutions.
Do new members have to review patents that might apply to specifications written before they joined?
Yes. New Members must provide IPR election forms for all existing and draft specifications for which the existing membership has already been asked to provide their IPR forms.
What is the process for members?
IPR election forms are in the IPR Policy document. Members do not need to do a patent search, nor do they need to indicate any specific IP they own.
Who owns the copyright in specifications?
The NFC Forum owns the copyright in its specifications, but Members still own the copyright in their individual submissions.
What is the Forum’s role?
Since members do not have to identify their specific patents, the NFC Forum does not maintain a list and does not give advice or guidance on any specific claim.
How will the NFC Forum ensure compliance to its specifications?
Interoperability is an important goal of the NFC Forum. The NFC Forum Certification Program provides device manufacturers with a means of establishing that their products conform to the NFC Forum's published specifications. The Certification Program is open only to NFC Forum members.
The 1st Certification Wave, which was launched in December 2010, includes testing for the lower level digital protocols, specifically tag operations, digital protocol, and activity specifications. The 2nd Certification Wave, scheduled for 2012, adds testing for the physical layer and selected upper level digital protocols, including RF analog and peer-to-peer.
Will this program include conformance testing, interoperability testing or both?
The NFC Forum Certification Program focuses on conformance testing. Interoperability testing is strongly recommended, and it is made conveniently available to members through periodic interoperability "plugfests" sponsored by the NFC Forum.
Details about the Certification Program appear on the NFC Forum Certification webpage.
What is the NFC Forum N-Mark?
The NFC Forum N-Mark is the universal symbol and touch point for NFC. It shows consumers where to touch their NFC-enabled device to initiate NFC actions.
How do I recognize an NFC device or target?
The NFC Forum N-Mark can appear on NFC-enabled devices and on everyday objects. It marks the spot on devices or objects where NFC technology works when they are brought close together. For example, you can hold an NFC-enabled mobile phone near the N-Mark on a poster to download information.
Where can I get the N-Mark?
Visit the N-Mark webpage.
Where is the N-Mark in use?
The N-Mark has been put into use by various NFC Forum members and other companies in and commercial roll outs and projects around the world.