很久之前就想写出来,就是因为自己太懒,憋了怎么久。本文关于使用ORACLE分析函数对一些经济指标进行计算。表indi_value有3个关键的字段:indi_date,indi_value,indi_id分别对应 指标日期,指标值,指标ID。这个表中保存了很多种类的经济指标,如CPI,RPI,GDP,这些指标通过 指标ID来标识。下面是针对CPI做的处理,公式如下:
with base as ( select indi_date,indi_value from indi_value -- 获取20060101 - 20131101区间内要计算的数据 where indi_id='C0A0102' and indi_date between '20060101' and '20131101' ), ---获取大于基期的数据,数据按日期升序,并且使基期=100,往后的值都为空,然后通过行间计算,进行填补 up as (select indi_date,indi_value, case when indi_date like '201001%' then 100 else null end as v,rank() OVER(order by indi_date) as d from base where indi_date between '20100101' and '20131101'), upx as (select d,v from up model dimension by (d) measures (indi_value,v) RULES UPDATE ( V[d>1]=v[cv(d)-1]*(1+(indi_value[cv(d)]-100)/100) --大于基期的计算公式 ) ), --获取小于基期的数据,结尾日期要能够将基期数据包含到要计算的数据中,数据按日期倒序, --并且使基期=100,往后的值都为空,然后通过行间计算,进行填补 down as (select indi_date,indi_value, case when indi_date like '201001%' then 100 else null end as v,rank() OVER(order by indi_date desc) as d from base where indi_date between '20060101' and '20100201'), downx as (select d,v from down model dimension by (d) measures (indi_value,v) RULES UPDATE ( V[d>1]=v[cv(d)-1]/(1+(indi_value[cv(d)-1]-100)/100) --小于基期的计算公式 ) ) select u.indi_date,null as v,null as r,x.v as b from upx x join up u on x.d=u.d union select d.indi_date,null as v,null as r, x.v as b from downx x join down d on x.d=d.d
with base as ( select indi_date,indi_value from indi_value -- 获取20060101 - 20131101区间内要计算的数据 where indi_id='C0A0102' and indi_date between '20060101' and '20131101' ),
---获取大于基期的数据,数据按日期升序,并且使基期=100,往后的值都为空,然后通过行间计算,进行填补 up as (select indi_date,indi_value, case when indi_date like '201001%' then 100 else null end as v,rank() OVER(order by indi_date) as d from base where indi_date between '20100101' and '20131101'), upx as (select d,v from up model dimension by (d) measures (indi_value,v) RULES UPDATE ( V[d>1]=v[cv(d)-1]*(1+(indi_value[cv(d)]-100)/100) --大于基期的计算公式 ) )第三部分:计算小于基期的那部分数据,原理同第二部分。但要注意是数据日期的倒序。
select u.indi_date,null as v,null as r,x.v as b from upx x join up u on x.d=u.d union select d.indi_date,null as v,null as r, x.v as b from downx x join down d on x.d=d.d
(2)使用oracle提供的行间计算函数 model 来根据(1)中的indi_value,和 第一行的基期结果100来计算第二行的定基价格指数。
这样就会一行一行的计算下去,后一行的结果总是基于前一行的值来计算。(1)中的列 d 可以起类似于数组的作用。
measures 后面的 rules update是可以去掉的。