关于VS2008+Win7出现error MSB3216: Cannot register assembly


MyGISClassLib -> D:/Project/MSProject/MyGIS/MyGISClassLib/bin/Debug/MyGISClassLib.dll
C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.5/Microsoft.Common.targets(3019,9): error MSB3216: Cannot register assembly "D:/Project/MSProject/MyGIS/MyGISClassLib/bin/Debug/MyGISClassLib.dll" - access denied. Please make sure you're running the application as administrator. Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/MyGISClassLib.ControlsSynchronizer' is denied.
Done building project "MyGISClassLib.csproj" -- FAILED.





Regsvr32, Regasm, and the registration method used by Visual Studio do not give the choice to register COM per-user because they have no per-user or per-system context, so they have to be elevated to register the component.

A possible workaround is to add a MSI setup project. An MSI setup can choose per-user or per-system because there is infrastructure that supports it at install time and gives the installing user a choice.

1. uncheck the Register for COM interop option.
2. add a setup project (Other Project Types / Setup and Deployment / Setup Project)
3. Right-click the Setup project, select Add / Project Output / Primary output of your COM project.
4. Select Primary output of your COM project in the Solution Explorer, and display its properties. Set the Register property to be vsdrpCOM.
5. By default, the setup project always gives the UAC dialog, even though you install it per user. To turn off UAC compilance, you need to use Orca, a tool provided by Windows SDK.
6. After you install and launch Orca, open the resulting msi file.
7. In the View menu, select Summary Information, and uncheck the UAC Compilant option.
8. Save and close Orca
9. Run the setup project. Change the installation folder from the default C:/Program Files/... to a folder that is not restricted by UAC.

Please let me know whether this works for you.

Another option:

1. still uncheck the Register for COM interop option.
2. instead of using a msi setup project, use a .reg file to register COM component to per-user profile. You can prepare a .REG file with all needed regsitry keys for the COM component. Next, import regsitry by using the REG.exe tool:

reg.exe import <your reg file>


我并未完全按照这九步执行,我只是将类库项目右键->Properities->Build中的Register for COM interop选项去掉即可编译通过,目前还没有其它问题。


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