
// ====================================================================================================================
// Protected member functions
// ====================================================================================================================
/** Compress a CU block recursively with enabling sub-LCU-level delta QP
 *\param   rpcBestCU
 *\param   rpcTempCU
 *\param   uiDepth
 *\returns Void
 *- for loop of QP value to compress the current CU with all possible QP
Void TEncCu::xCompressCU( TComDataCU*& rpcBestCU, TComDataCU*& rpcTempCU, UInt uiDepth, PartSize eParentPartSize )
Void TEncCu::xCompressCU( TComDataCU*& rpcBestCU, TComDataCU*& rpcTempCU, UInt uiDepth )
  TComPic* pcPic = rpcBestCU->getPic();

  // get Original YUV data from picture
  m_ppcOrigYuv[uiDepth]->copyFromPicYuv( pcPic->getPicYuvOrg(), rpcBestCU->getAddr(), rpcBestCU->getZorderIdxInCU() );

  // variable for Early CU determination
  Bool    bSubBranch = true;

  // variable for Cbf fast mode PU decision
  Bool    doNotBlockPu = true;
  Bool earlyDetectionSkipMode = false;

  Bool bBoundary = false;
  UInt uiLPelX   = rpcBestCU->getCUPelX();
  UInt uiRPelX   = uiLPelX + rpcBestCU->getWidth(0)  - 1;
  UInt uiTPelY   = rpcBestCU->getCUPelY();
  UInt uiBPelY   = uiTPelY + rpcBestCU->getHeight(0) - 1;

  Int iBaseQP = xComputeQP( rpcBestCU, uiDepth );
  Int iMinQP;
  Int iMaxQP;
  Bool isAddLowestQP = false;

  if( (g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth) >= rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getMinCuDQPSize() )
    Int idQP = m_pcEncCfg->getMaxDeltaQP();
    iMinQP = Clip3( -rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY(), MAX_QP, iBaseQP-idQP );
    iMaxQP = Clip3( -rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY(), MAX_QP, iBaseQP+idQP );
    iMinQP = rpcTempCU->getQP(0);
    iMaxQP = rpcTempCU->getQP(0);

  if ( m_pcEncCfg->getUseRateCtrl() )
    iMinQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCQP();
    iMaxQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCQP();

  // transquant-bypass (TQB) processing loop variable initialisation ---

  const Int lowestQP = iMinQP; // For TQB, use this QP which is the lowest non TQB QP tested (rather than QP'=0) - that way delta QPs are smaller, and TQB can be tested at all CU levels.

  if ( (rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getTransquantBypassEnableFlag()) )
    isAddLowestQP = true; // mark that the first iteration is to cost TQB mode.
    iMinQP = iMinQP - 1;  // increase loop variable range by 1, to allow testing of TQB mode along with other QPs
    if ( m_pcEncCfg->getCUTransquantBypassFlagForceValue() )
      iMaxQP = iMinQP;

  // If slice start or slice end is within this cu...
  TComSlice * pcSlice = rpcTempCU->getPic()->getSlice(rpcTempCU->getPic()->getCurrSliceIdx());
  Bool bSliceStart = pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr()>rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()&&pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr()<rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()+rpcTempCU->getTotalNumPart();
  Bool bSliceEnd = (pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr()>rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()&&pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr()<rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()+rpcTempCU->getTotalNumPart());
  Bool bInsidePicture = ( uiRPelX < rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() ) && ( uiBPelY < rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() );
  // We need to split, so don't try these modes.
  if(!bSliceEnd && !bSliceStart && bInsidePicture )
    for (Int iQP=iMinQP; iQP<=iMaxQP; iQP++)
      const Bool bIsLosslessMode = isAddLowestQP && (iQP == iMinQP);

      if (bIsLosslessMode)
        iQP = lowestQP;

      rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

      // do inter modes, SKIP and 2Nx2N
      if( rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() != I_SLICE )
        // 2Nx2N
          xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2Nx2N );
          rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );//by Competition for inter_2Nx2N
        // SKIP
        xCheckRDCostMerge2Nx2N( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, &earlyDetectionSkipMode );//by Merge for inter_2Nx2N
        rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

          // 2Nx2N, NxN
          xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2Nx2N );
          rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;

      if (bIsLosslessMode)
        iQP = iMinQP;

      for (Int iQP=iMinQP; iQP<=iMaxQP; iQP++)
        const Bool bIsLosslessMode = isAddLowestQP && (iQP == iMinQP);

        if (bIsLosslessMode)
          iQP = lowestQP;
        rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

        // do inter modes, NxN, 2NxN, and Nx2N
        if( rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() != I_SLICE )
          // 2Nx2N, NxN
          if(!( (rpcBestCU->getWidth(0)==8) && (rpcBestCU->getHeight(0)==8) ))
            if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth && doNotBlockPu)
              xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_NxN   );
              rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

          // 2NxN, Nx2N
            xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_Nx2N  );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_Nx2N )
              doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
            xCheckRDCostInter      ( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxN  );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2NxN)
              doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;

#if 1
          //! Try AMP (SIZE_2NxnU, SIZE_2NxnD, SIZE_nLx2N, SIZE_nRx2N)
          if( pcPic->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getAMPAcc(uiDepth) )
#if AMP_ENC_SPEEDUP        
            Bool bTestAMP_Hor = false, bTestAMP_Ver = false;

            Bool bTestMergeAMP_Hor = false, bTestMergeAMP_Ver = false;

            deriveTestModeAMP (rpcBestCU, eParentPartSize, bTestAMP_Hor, bTestAMP_Ver, bTestMergeAMP_Hor, bTestMergeAMP_Ver);
            deriveTestModeAMP (rpcBestCU, eParentPartSize, bTestAMP_Hor, bTestAMP_Ver);

            //! Do horizontal AMP
            if ( bTestAMP_Hor )
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnU );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2NxnU )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnD );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2NxnD )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
            else if ( bTestMergeAMP_Hor ) 
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnU, true );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2NxnU )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnD, true );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2NxnD )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;

            //! Do horizontal AMP
            if ( bTestAMP_Ver )
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nLx2N );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_nLx2N )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nRx2N );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            else if ( bTestMergeAMP_Ver )
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nLx2N, true );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
                if(m_pcEncCfg->getUseCbfFastMode() && rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_nLx2N )
                  doNotBlockPu = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( 0 ) != 0;
                xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nRx2N, true );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

            xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnU );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2NxnD );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
            xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nLx2N );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

            xCheckRDCostInter( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_nRx2N );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );


        // do normal intra modes
        // speedup for inter frames
        if( rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() == I_SLICE || 
          rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_LUMA     ) != 0   ||
          rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_CHROMA_U ) != 0   ||
          rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_CHROMA_V ) != 0     ) // avoid very complex intra if it is unlikely
          xCheckRDCostIntra( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2Nx2N );
          rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
          if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth )
            if( rpcTempCU->getWidth(0) > ( 1 << rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) )
              xCheckRDCostIntra( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_NxN   );
              rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

        // test PCM
          && rpcTempCU->getWidth(0) <= (1<<pcPic->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getPCMLog2MaxSize())
          && rpcTempCU->getWidth(0) >= (1<<pcPic->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getPCMLog2MinSize()) )
          UInt uiRawBits = (2 * g_bitDepthY + g_bitDepthC) * rpcBestCU->getWidth(0) * rpcBestCU->getHeight(0) / 2;
          UInt uiBestBits = rpcBestCU->getTotalBits();
          if((uiBestBits > uiRawBits) || (rpcBestCU->getTotalCost() > m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(uiRawBits, 0)))
            xCheckIntraPCM (rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU);
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );
        if (bIsLosslessMode)
          iQP = iMinQP;

    m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeSplitFlag( rpcBestCU, 0, uiDepth, true );
    rpcBestCU->getTotalBits() += m_pcEntropyCoder->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); // split bits
    rpcBestCU->getTotalBins() += ((TEncBinCABAC *)((TEncSbac*)m_pcEntropyCoder->m_pcEntropyCoderIf)->getEncBinIf())->getBinsCoded();
    rpcBestCU->getTotalCost()  = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( rpcBestCU->getTotalBits(), rpcBestCU->getTotalDistortion() );

    // Early CU determination
    if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlyCU() && rpcBestCU->isSkipped(0) )
      bSubBranch = false;
      bSubBranch = true;
  else if(!(bSliceEnd && bInsidePicture))
    bBoundary = true;

  // copy orginal YUV samples to PCM buffer
  if( rpcBestCU->isLosslessCoded(0) && (rpcBestCU->getIPCMFlag(0) == false))
    xFillPCMBuffer(rpcBestCU, m_ppcOrigYuv[uiDepth]);
  if( (g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth) == rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getMinCuDQPSize() )
    Int idQP = m_pcEncCfg->getMaxDeltaQP();
    iMinQP = Clip3( -rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY(), MAX_QP, iBaseQP-idQP );
    iMaxQP = Clip3( -rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY(), MAX_QP, iBaseQP+idQP );
  else if( (g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth) > rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getMinCuDQPSize() )
    iMinQP = iBaseQP;
    iMaxQP = iBaseQP;
    Int iStartQP;
    if( pcPic->getCU( rpcTempCU->getAddr() )->getSliceSegmentStartCU(rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU()) == pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr())
      iStartQP = rpcTempCU->getQP(0);
      UInt uiCurSliceStartPartIdx = pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr() % pcPic->getNumPartInCU() - rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU();
      iStartQP = rpcTempCU->getQP(uiCurSliceStartPartIdx);
    iMinQP = iStartQP;
    iMaxQP = iStartQP;
  if ( m_pcEncCfg->getUseRateCtrl() )
    iMinQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCQP();
    iMaxQP = m_pcRateCtrl->getRCQP();

  if ( m_pcEncCfg->getCUTransquantBypassFlagForceValue() )
    iMaxQP = iMinQP; // If all blocks are forced into using transquant bypass, do not loop here.

  for (Int iQP=iMinQP; iQP<=iMaxQP; iQP++)
    const Bool bIsLosslessMode = false; // False at this level. Next level down may set it to true.
    rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );

    // further split
    if( bSubBranch && uiDepth < g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth )
      UChar       uhNextDepth         = uiDepth+1;
      TComDataCU* pcSubBestPartCU     = m_ppcBestCU[uhNextDepth];
      TComDataCU* pcSubTempPartCU     = m_ppcTempCU[uhNextDepth];

      for ( UInt uiPartUnitIdx = 0; uiPartUnitIdx < 4; uiPartUnitIdx++ )
        pcSubBestPartCU->initSubCU( rpcTempCU, uiPartUnitIdx, uhNextDepth, iQP );           // clear sub partition datas or init.
        pcSubTempPartCU->initSubCU( rpcTempCU, uiPartUnitIdx, uhNextDepth, iQP );           // clear sub partition datas or init.

        Bool bInSlice = pcSubBestPartCU->getSCUAddr()+pcSubBestPartCU->getTotalNumPart()>pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr()&&pcSubBestPartCU->getSCUAddr()<pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr();
        if(bInSlice && ( pcSubBestPartCU->getCUPelX() < pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() ) && ( pcSubBestPartCU->getCUPelY() < pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ) )
          if ( 0 == uiPartUnitIdx) //initialize RD with previous depth buffer

          if ( rpcBestCU->isIntra(0) )
            xCompressCU( pcSubBestPartCU, pcSubTempPartCU, uhNextDepth, SIZE_NONE );
            xCompressCU( pcSubBestPartCU, pcSubTempPartCU, uhNextDepth, rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize(0) );
          xCompressCU( pcSubBestPartCU, pcSubTempPartCU, uhNextDepth );

          rpcTempCU->copyPartFrom( pcSubBestPartCU, uiPartUnitIdx, uhNextDepth );         // Keep best part data to current temporary data.
          xCopyYuv2Tmp( pcSubBestPartCU->getTotalNumPart()*uiPartUnitIdx, uhNextDepth );
        else if (bInSlice)
          pcSubBestPartCU->copyToPic( uhNextDepth );
          rpcTempCU->copyPartFrom( pcSubBestPartCU, uiPartUnitIdx, uhNextDepth );

      if( !bBoundary )
        m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeSplitFlag( rpcTempCU, 0, uiDepth, true );

        rpcTempCU->getTotalBits() += m_pcEntropyCoder->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); // split bits
        rpcTempCU->getTotalBins() += ((TEncBinCABAC *)((TEncSbac*)m_pcEntropyCoder->m_pcEntropyCoderIf)->getEncBinIf())->getBinsCoded();
      rpcTempCU->getTotalCost()  = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( rpcTempCU->getTotalBits(), rpcTempCU->getTotalDistortion() );

      if( (g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth) == rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getMinCuDQPSize() && rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getUseDQP())
        Bool hasResidual = false;
        for( UInt uiBlkIdx = 0; uiBlkIdx < rpcTempCU->getTotalNumPart(); uiBlkIdx ++)
          if( ( pcPic->getCU( rpcTempCU->getAddr() )->getSliceSegmentStartCU(uiBlkIdx+rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU()) == rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr() ) && 
              ( rpcTempCU->getCbf( uiBlkIdx, TEXT_LUMA ) || rpcTempCU->getCbf( uiBlkIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U ) || rpcTempCU->getCbf( uiBlkIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V ) ) )
            hasResidual = true;

        UInt uiTargetPartIdx;
        if ( pcPic->getCU( rpcTempCU->getAddr() )->getSliceSegmentStartCU(rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU()) != pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr() )
          uiTargetPartIdx = pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr() % pcPic->getNumPartInCU() - rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU();
          uiTargetPartIdx = 0;
        if ( hasResidual )
          m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeQP( rpcTempCU, uiTargetPartIdx, false );
          rpcTempCU->getTotalBits() += m_pcEntropyCoder->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); // dQP bits
          rpcTempCU->getTotalBins() += ((TEncBinCABAC *)((TEncSbac*)m_pcEntropyCoder->m_pcEntropyCoderIf)->getEncBinIf())->getBinsCoded();
          rpcTempCU->getTotalCost()  = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( rpcTempCU->getTotalBits(), rpcTempCU->getTotalDistortion() );

          Bool foundNonZeroCbf = false;
          rpcTempCU->setQPSubCUs( rpcTempCU->getRefQP( uiTargetPartIdx ), rpcTempCU, 0, uiDepth, foundNonZeroCbf );
          assert( foundNonZeroCbf );
          rpcTempCU->setQPSubParts( rpcTempCU->getRefQP( uiTargetPartIdx ), 0, uiDepth ); // set QP to default QP


      Bool isEndOfSlice        = rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceMode()==FIXED_NUMBER_OF_BYTES
                                 && (rpcBestCU->getTotalBits()>rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceArgument()<<3);
      Bool isEndOfSliceSegment = rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceSegmentMode()==FIXED_NUMBER_OF_BYTES
                                 && (rpcBestCU->getTotalBits()>rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceSegmentArgument()<<3);
      xCheckBestMode( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, uiDepth);                                  // RD compare current larger prediction
    }                                                                                  // with sub partitioned prediction.

  rpcBestCU->copyToPic(uiDepth);                                                     // Copy Best data to Picture for next partition prediction.

  xCopyYuv2Pic( rpcBestCU->getPic(), rpcBestCU->getAddr(), rpcBestCU->getZorderIdxInCU(), uiDepth, uiDepth, rpcBestCU, uiLPelX, uiTPelY );   // Copy Yuv data to picture Yuv
  if( bBoundary ||(bSliceEnd && bInsidePicture))

  // Assert if Best prediction mode is NONE
  // Selected mode's RD-cost must be not MAX_DOUBLE.
  assert( rpcBestCU->getPartitionSize ( 0 ) != SIZE_NONE  );
  assert( rpcBestCU->getPredictionMode( 0 ) != MODE_NONE  );
  assert( rpcBestCU->getTotalCost     (   ) != MAX_DOUBLE );
