下面的多项式加减运算,系数运算总体属于 多项式的线性运算:
#pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; //multinomial is designed as follow: //a(n)*x^e(n)+a(n-1)*x^e(n-1)+...+a(1)*x^e(1)+a(0)*x^e(0) //one multinomial: // is some nodes linked together // the first one is [a(n),e(n) ,next(n)] // the last one is [a(0),0 ,NULL ] //each node: // is consist of three data: coefficient(a(n)),exponent(e(n)),next(next(n)) //an empty multinomial: // is whose head is (NULL) //you can use multinomial as follow: // C=A+B : if both A , B and C are multinomial , add result a new multinomial // C=A-B : ////you may use it as follow: //int Aa[]={2,-3,10};int Ae[]={8,7,0};unsigned An=sizeof(Aa)/sizeof(int); //multinomial<int> A(Aa,Ae,An); // //int Ba[]={2,-10};int Be[]={8,0};unsigned Bn=sizeof(Ba)/sizeof(int); //multinomial<int> B(Ba,Be,Bn); // //cout<<"A : "<<A<<endl; //cout<<"A-A : "<<A+A*(-1)<<endl; //cout<<"-A : "<<A*(-1)<<endl; //cout<<"A+A : "<<A+A<<endl; //cout<<"2A : "<<A*(2)<<endl; //cout<<"B : "<<B<<endl; //cout<<"-3B : "<<B*(-3)<<endl; //cout<<"A+B : "<<A+B<<endl; //cout<<"A-B : "<<A-B<<endl; //cout<<"A-2B : "<<A-B*(2)<<endl; //cout<<"A-2B+2B : "<<A-B*(2)+B*(2)<<endl; //cout<<"A-2B+(2B-A): "<<A-B*(2)+B*(2)-A<<endl; template <typename T> class multinomial { public: //friend multinomial operator+(const multinomial& lhs,const multinomial& rhs); multinomial():head(NULL),tail(NULL) { //cout<<"default constructor"<<endl; }; multinomial(T a[],int e[],unsigned n); multinomial(const multinomial& from); ~multinomial(); multinomial& operator=(const multinomial& from); multinomial& operator+=(const multinomial& rhs); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const multinomial& m) { m.print(os); return os; } multinomial operator+(const multinomial& rhs) const; multinomial operator-(const multinomial& rhs) const; multinomial operator*(const T a) const; multinomial operator*(const multinomial& rhs) const; //insert a new item with not merging the similar item. void insert(T co,int ex); //sub class designed as one node typedef struct nodetype { nodetype(); nodetype(const nodetype& from); nodetype(T coe,unsigned exp); bool similar(const nodetype& from) const; T coefficient; unsigned int exponent; nodetype* next; } *pnode; int get_size(void) const; private: multinomial operator*(const nodetype& item) const; void push_back(const nodetype& from_node); void print(ostream& os) const; void print_one_node(ostream& os,pnode p) const; void copy_from(const multinomial& from); //void set_size(int new_size); private: pnode head; pnode tail; //int size_; }; template<typename T> multinomial<T>::nodetype::nodetype() :next(NULL) { } template<typename T> multinomial<T>::nodetype::nodetype(T coe,unsigned exp) :coefficient(coe),exponent(exp),next(NULL) { } template<typename T> void multinomial<T>::copy_from(const multinomial& from) { if (from.head!=NULL) { this->head=this->tail=new multinomial<T>::nodetype(*(from.head)); pnode p=from.head; while (p->next) { this->push_back(multinomial<T>::nodetype(*(p->next))); p=p->next; } } else { //copy_from run after constructor ! //so you have to init head and tail NULL when copy from an empty multinomial this->head=this->tail=NULL; } } template<typename T> multinomial<T>::nodetype::nodetype(const nodetype& from) :coefficient(from.coefficient),exponent(from.exponent),next(NULL) { } template<typename T> bool multinomial<T>::nodetype::similar(const nodetype& from) const { return this->exponent==from.exponent; } template<typename T> multinomial<T>::~multinomial() { if (this->head!=NULL) { //cout<<"~multinomial : ";//test pnode p=this->head; pnode forword; do { forword=p->next; //cout<<"("<<p->coefficient<<","<<p->exponent<<")";//test delete p; p=forword; } while (forword); //cout<<endl; } this->head=this->tail=NULL; } //use a(n),a(n-1),...,a(0) and // e(n),e(n-1),...,0 //to construct a multinomial template<typename T> multinomial<T>::multinomial(T a[],int e[],unsigned n) { //cout<<"constructor from array"<<endl;//test this->head=this->tail=new multinomial::nodetype(a[0],e[0]); for (unsigned i=1;i<n;i++) { this->push_back(multinomial::nodetype(a[i],e[i])); } } template<typename T> multinomial<T>::multinomial(const multinomial<T>& from) { //cout<<"copy from other"<<endl;//test copy_from(from); } template<typename T> multinomial<T>& multinomial<T>::operator=(const multinomial& from) { if (&from!=this) { copy_from(from); } return *this; } template<typename T> void multinomial<T>::print_one_node(ostream& os,pnode p) const { //print flag if (this->head==p) { ;//first node do not have to print falg } else { //-coefficient will print "-" by cout if (p->coefficient>0) os<<"+"; } //else //os<<"-";//cout will print "-" at the front //print node if(p->exponent==0) { os<<p->coefficient; } else if (p->exponent==1) { if (p->coefficient==1) os<<"X"; else os<<p->coefficient<<"X"; } else { if (p->coefficient==1) os<<"X^"<<p->exponent; else os<<p->coefficient<<"X^"<<p->exponent; } } template<typename T> void multinomial<T>::print(ostream& os) const { pnode p=this->head; if (p!=NULL) { while (p!=NULL) { print_one_node(os,p); p=p->next; } } else { cout<<"NULL"; } } template<typename T> void multinomial<T>::push_back(const nodetype& from_node) { if (this->head==NULL) { this->head=this->tail=new nodetype(from_node); } else { this->tail->next=new nodetype(from_node); this->tail=this->tail->next; } } template<typename T> multinomial<T> multinomial<T>::operator+(const multinomial& rhs) const { multinomial<T> result; //both this and rhs may be NULL or only one node if (rhs.head==NULL) { return *this; } else if (this->head==NULL) { return rhs; } else { pnode pl=this->head,pr=rhs.head; while (pl!=NULL && pr!=NULL) { if ((*pl).similar(*pr)) { if (pl->coefficient+pr->coefficient!=0) { result.push_back(nodetype(pl->coefficient+pr->coefficient,pl->exponent)); } pl=pl->next; pr=pr->next; } else if (pl->exponent>pr->exponent) { result.push_back(*pl); pl=pl->next; } else { result.push_back(*pr); pr=pr->next; } } while (pl!=NULL) { result.push_back(*pl); pl=pl->next; } while (pr!=NULL) { result.push_back(*pr); pr=pr->next; } return result; } return result; } template<typename T> multinomial<T>& multinomial<T>::operator+=(const multinomial& rhs) { return *this=*this+rhs; } template<typename T> multinomial<T> multinomial<T>::operator*(const T a) const { multinomial<T> result; if (a==0) { return result; } pnode p=this->head; while (p) { result.push_back(nodetype(p->coefficient*a,p->exponent)); p=p->next; } return result; } template<typename T> multinomial<T> multinomial<T>::operator-(const multinomial& rhs) const { return *this+rhs*(-1); } template<typename T> multinomial<T> multinomial<T>::operator*(const nodetype& item) const { multinomial<T> result; pnode p=this->head; while (p!=NULL) { result.push_back(nodetype(p->coefficient*item.coefficient,p->exponent+item.exponent)); p=p->next; } return result; } template<typename T> multinomial<T> multinomial<T>::operator*(const multinomial& rhs) const { multinomial<T> result; if (this->head==NULL || rhs.head==NULL) { return result; } else { pnode p=rhs.head; while (p!=NULL) { result+=(*this)*(*p); p=p->next; } return result; } } template<typename T> int multinomial<T>::get_size(void) const { int size = 0; pnode step_one = this->head; while(step_one) { ++size; step_one = step_one->next; } return size; } //template<typename T> //void multinomial<T>::set_size(int new_size) //{ // this->size_ = new_size; //}
#pragma once #include "multinomial.h" int main() { //you may use it as follow: // 2X^8-3X^7+10 int Aa[]={2,-3,10};int Ae[]={8,7,0};unsigned An=sizeof(Aa)/sizeof(int); multinomial<int> A(Aa,Ae,An); int Ba[]={2,-10};int Be[]={1,0};unsigned Bn=sizeof(Ba)/sizeof(int); multinomial<int> B(Ba,Be,Bn); cout<<"A : "<<A<<endl; cout<<"A-A : "<<A-A<<endl; auto temp = A-A; cout<<"A-A : size "<<temp.get_size()<<endl; cout<<"-A : "<<A*(-1)<<endl; cout<<"A+A : "<<A+A<<endl; A+=A; cout<<"A+=A : "<<A<<endl; cout<<"2A : "<<A*2<<endl; cout<<"B : "<<B<<endl; cout<<"-3B : "<<B*(-3)<<endl; cout<<"A+B : "<<A+B<<endl; cout<<"A-B : "<<A-B<<endl; cout<<"A-2B : "<<A-B*2<<endl; cout<<"A-2B+2B : "<<A-B*2+B*2<<endl; cout<<"A-2B+(2B-A): "<<A-B*2+B*2-A<<endl; cout<<"0*A : "<<A*0<<endl; cout<<"B*B : "<<B*B<<endl; cout<<"A :"<<A<<endl; cout<<"A*A :"<<A*A<<endl; cout<<"A*A*A :"<<A*A*A<<endl; auto temp_aaa = A*A*A; cout<<"size(A*A*A) :"<<temp_aaa.get_size()<<endl; }
这里尽量使用了《C++ Primer》《C++沉思录》《数据结构与算法C++版》等多本书籍以及其他人的程序片段,觉得学习别人优秀的设计方法很是重要,希望对读者有用。