Ceph的基石CRUSH算法与一致性哈希( by quqi99 )

Ceph的基石CRUSH算法与一致性哈希( by quqi99 )

作者:张华  发表于:2013-07-27

http://blog.csdn.net/quqi99 )



          这里有一篇讲Ceph的CRUSH算法的文章<ceph的CRUSH数据分布算法介绍> ,但是没有把CRUSH和一致性哈希算法有什么区别说清楚。搜了一下,这篇文章《Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System, http://muratbuffalo.blogspot.com/2011/03/ceph-scalable-high-performance.html> 有一段话如下:

        CRUSH resembles consistent hashing. While consistent hashing would use a flat server list to hash onto, CRUSH utilizes a server node hierarchy (shelves, racks, rows) instead and enables the user to specify policies such as "Put replicas onto different shelves than the primary".

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