PGF and TIkz里面自定义函数的例子

PGF and TIkz里面自定义函数的例子:

\input{tikzall.tex} %包含所有的tikz包
\draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\draw [blue, thick, x=0.0085cm, y=1cm,
declare function={
sines(\t,\a,\b)=1 + 0.5*(sin(\t)+sin(\t*\a)+sin(\t*\b));
plot [domain=0:360, samples=144, smooth] (\x,{sines(\x,3,5)});

declare function={
excitation(\t,\w) = sin(\t*\w);
noise = rnd - 0.5;
source(\t) = excitation(\t,20) + noise;
filter(\t) = 1 - abs(sin(mod(\t, 90)));
speech(\t) = 1 + source(\t)*filter(\t);
\draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\draw [blue, thick, x=0.0085cm, y=1cm] (0,1) --plot [domain=0:360, samples=144, smooth] (\x,{speech(\x)});

declare function后面定义的函数,可以立即使用前面定义的函数.


PGF and TIkz里面自定义函数的例子_第1张图片

还有使用datavisualization 绘制函数也是很好的一种方法:

\datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line]
data [format=function] {
var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7;
func y = \value x*\value x;

PGF and TIkz里面自定义函数的例子_第2张图片

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