Download: WinDbg (32-bit) WinDbg (64-bit)
Debugging Tools for Windows MSDN Help
Symbol Server (Microsoft):
Symbol Server (Citrix):
Use .symfix+ folder
for example, .symfix+ c:/mss
WinDbg cheat sheet for crash dump analysis
Crash Dump Analysis Checklist
CMDTREE.TXT for .cmdtree WinDbg command corresponding to Crash Dump Analysis Checklist
Common WinDbg Commands (Thematically Grouped) by Robert Kuster
Command Checklist Sorted by Space (U - user; K - kernel; A - both; S - WinDbg scripts)
Windows Debugging: Practical Foundations
x64 Windows Debugging: Practical Foundations
Advanced Windows Debugging (The Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)
Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1 (The OpenTask Crash Dump Analysis Series)
Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 2 (The OpenTask Crash Dump Analysis Series)
Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 3 (The OpenTask Crash Dump Analysis Series)
WinDbg: A Reference Poster and Learning Cards
Windows Internals: Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, Fifth Edition
Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications
Advanced .NET Debugging