1971年的图灵奖获得者-John McCarthy

John McCarthy ( 09/04/1927--)

1971 第六位 奖获

(Turing Award Citation)


Dr. McCarthy's lecture "The Present State of Research on Artificial Intelligence" is a topic that covers the area in which he has achieved considerable recognition for his work.

( John MacCarthy ) MacCarthy博士的”人工智能研究的现状“一文充分体现了其在人工智能领域有目共睹的杰出的贡献。




Artificial Intelligence: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence


Brief History of Artificial Intelligence:






Lisp语言的主站: www.lisp.org


Lisp的历史介绍(Brief History of the Lisp Language): 






Turing Award Lecture (图灵奖演讲文章)

Generality in Artificial Intelligence. Commun. ACM 30(12): 1029-1035(1987)




Abstract: ABSTRACT

My 1971 Turing Award Lecture was entitled "Generality in Artificial Intelligence." The topic turned out to have been overambitious in that I discovered I was unable to put my thoughts on the subject in a satisfactory written form at that time. It would have been better to have reviewed my previous work rather than attempt something new, but such was not my custom at that time. I am grateful to ACM for the opportunity to try again. Unfortunately for our science, although perhaps fortunately for this project, the problem of generality in artificial intelligence (AI) is almost as unsolved as ever, although we now have many ideas not available in 1971. This paper relies heavily on such ideas, but it is far from a full 1987 survey of approaches for achieving generality. Ideas are therefore discussed at a length proportional to my familiarity with them rather than according to some objective criterion. It was obvious in 1971 and even in 1958 that AI programs suffered from a lack of generality. It is still obvious; there are many more details. The first gross symptom is that a small addition to the idea of a program often involves a complete rewrite beginning with the data structures. Some progress has been made in modularizing data structures, but small modifications of the search strategies are even less likely to be accomplished without rewriting. Another symptom is no one knows how to make a general database of commonsense knowledge that could be used by any program that needed the knowledge. Along with other information, such a database would contain what a robot would need to know about the effects of moving objects around, what a person can be expected to know about his family, and the facts about buying and selling. This does not depend on whether the knowledge is to be expressed in a logical language or in some other formalism. When we take the logic approach to AI, lack of generality shows up in that the axioms we devise to express commonsense knowledge are too restricted in their applicability for a general commonsense database. In my opinion, getting a language for expressing general commonsense knowledge for inclusion in a general database is the key problem of generality in AI. Here are some ideas for achieving generality proposed both before and after 1971. I repeat my disclaimer of comprehensiveness.






John McCarthy :


1948年在加州理工大学(California Institute of Technology) 获得其数学学士学位。1951年资普林斯顿( Princeton University ) 获得其数学博士学位。然后,McCarthy分别就职与普林斯顿,斯坦福(www.stanford.edu ), Dartmouth (www.dartmouth.edu )MIT(www.mit.edu ) AI(人工智能)一词通常认为是McCarthy 1955年在DartMouth期间的一个会议上提出来的(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dartmouth_Conference )




McCarthy也是MIT 人工智能实验室的发起人之一。也是人工智能语言LISP的发明者。

是Standford AI Lab 创办人。

John McCarthy  Wiki:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCarthy_%28computer_scientist%29  


John McCarthy的一些照片



John McCarthy在北京讲学的一些照片集锦:


John McCarthy's Lecture at Beijing University of Technology



你可能感兴趣的:(1971年的图灵奖获得者-John McCarthy)