
  1. 机器学习和概率模型: Recommendation systems and knowledge extraction are two immediate applications, with research required for large scale inference, modeling languages, and efficient decision making.
  2. 博弈理论和协作机制设计( mechanism design): When a large number of contributors is involved, how can tasks and incentive structures be made such that the desired goal is achieved? Research is required for solving very large games, and for mechanism design under uncertainty.
  3. 知识表达和推理: Large parts of the web are currently stored in an unstructured way, making linking and evaluating knowledge a complex problem. Open points are the difficulty of reasoning, the tradeoff between efficiency of reasoning and power of the representation, and reasoning under uncertainty.
  4. 社交网络和大众智慧 collective intelligence: How does information flow in the web? Who is reading what, who is in touch with whom? These networks need to be analyzed, modeled, and made amenable to reasoning. (
  5. 私人信息安全自学习: What can be learned, and how can be learned, whilst only revealing a minimal set of information, or information that does not make users individually identifiable?
