一, 豆丁文档:
二, Android Out Of Memory(OOM) 的详细研究
基于Android开发多媒体和游戏应用时,可能会挺经常出现Out Of Memory 异常 ,顾名思义这个异常是说你的内存不够用或者耗尽了。
在Android中,一个Process 只能使用16M内存,如果超过了这个限制就会跳出这个异常。这样就要求我们要时刻想着释放资源。Java的回收工作是交给GC的,如何让GC能及时的回收已经不是用的对象,这个里面有很多技巧,大家可以google一下。
这种情况经常出现在生成Bitmap的时候。有兴趣的可以试一下,在一个函数里生成一个13m 的int数组。
1.一个进程的内存可以由2个部分组成:java 使用内存 ,C 使用内存 ,这两个内存的和必须小于16M,不然就会出现大家熟悉的OOM,这个就是第一种OOM的情况。
C能使用的内存 = 16M - Java某一瞬间占用的最大内存。
[android-developers] Re: OOM error caught bei DefaultException handler ... but there is plenty of memory
> You might try to pre-allocate bitmap memory before launching the WebViews?It's not the WebView that's triggering the OOM, but some arbitrary otherpiece of code that needs memory that is not *there* anymore. Very often thisis happening when starting a new activity.
Ok, I see, I have to start dealing with automating my apology.
There is one more, small thing that I can do. I also do some downloading andXML parsing in the background at times. This only takes Java Heap (<3MB),but maybe I should move that stuff to a separate process. This may lower thechances of an OOM. I'll think about it, but with all the added complexity ofinter process communication I am not sure I would want to go there.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your insights. That was very helpful.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Tom Gibara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it's better to add a couple more columns to the table to see the
> picture (as I see it) more clearly:> JH = Java Heap
> JU = Memory actually used by Java
> NH = Native Heap
> TU = Total memory Used = JU + NH
> TA = Total memory Allocated = JH + NH
> (note I'm not distinguishing between native heap and native heap used
> because it's not relevant here)
> The system requires TA (the process size as you called it) to not exceed
> 16MB, the evolution is:
> 1) 2 2 0 2 2
> 2) 4 4 0 4 4
> 3) 4 4 2 6 6
> 4) 14 14 2 16 16
> 5) 4 14 2 6 16
> 6) 4 14 4 10 18 *** OH NO! ***
> The key is what happens between (4) and (5): GC reclaims 10MB (JU reduced> by 10MB) but the java heap doesn't shrink (JH stays at 14MB). This enlarged > java heap basically squeezes the maximum native heap allocation.
> The simplest approach is to try and ensure that your application maintains
> a 'flatish' memory profile - no big spikes. You should do this anyway, since
> it means that your application is being well behaved and won't force other
> apps to be terminated just because your application needs a temporary shot> of memory (which will then remain as a glut until the application restarts).
> As you point out, WebViews are heavy on memory usage, and these might be
> what's causing your memory usage to spike. I don't have any good suggestions
> for a fix. You might try to pre-allocate bitmap memory before launching the
> WebViews? It might work, but it may be complicated to do and could cause
> OOMs when WebViews are instantiated - no way around that, your application
> is simply using too much memory at that point.
三, android 加载图片轻松避免OOM(out of memory)
- package l.test1.util;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Queue;
- import java.util.Set;
- import android.graphics.Bitmap;
- import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
- import android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options;
- public final class BitMapUtil {
- private static final Size ZERO_SIZE = new Size(0, 0);
- private static final Options OPTIONS_GET_SIZE = new Options();
- private static final Options OPTIONS_DECODE = new Options();
- private static final byte[] LOCKED = new byte[0];
- private static final LinkedList<String> CACHE_ENTRIES = new LinkedList<String>();
- private static final Queue<QueueEntry> TASK_QUEUE = new LinkedList<QueueEntry>();
- private static final Set<String> TASK_QUEUE_INDEX = new HashSet<String>();
- private static final Map<String, Bitmap> IMG_CACHE_INDEX = new HashMap<String, Bitmap>();
- private static int CACHE_SIZE = 200;
- static {
- OPTIONS_GET_SIZE.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
- new Thread() {
- {
- setDaemon(true);
- }
- public void run() {
- while (true) {
- synchronized (TASK_QUEUE) {
- if (TASK_QUEUE.isEmpty()) {
- try {
- TASK_QUEUE.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- QueueEntry entry = TASK_QUEUE.poll();
- String key = createKey(entry.path, entry.width,
- entry.height);
- TASK_QUEUE_INDEX.remove(key);
- getBitmap(entry.path,entry.width,entry.height);
- }
- }
- }.start();
- }
- public static Bitmap getBitmap(String path, int width, int height) {
- Bitmap bitMap = null;
- try {
- if (CACHE_ENTRIES.size() >= CACHE_SIZE) {
- destoryLast();
- }
- bitMap = useBitmap(path, width, height);
- if (bitMap != null && !bitMap.isRecycled()) {
- return bitMap;
- }
- bitMap = createBitmap(path, width, height);
- String key = createKey(path, width, height);
- synchronized (LOCKED) {
- IMG_CACHE_INDEX.put(key, bitMap);
- CACHE_ENTRIES.addFirst(key);
- }
- } catch (OutOfMemoryError err) {
- destoryLast();
- System.out.println(CACHE_SIZE);
- return getBitmap(path, width, height);
- }
- return bitMap;
- }
- public static void setCacheSize(int size) {
- if (size <= 0) {
- throw new RuntimeException("size :" + size);
- }
- while (size < CACHE_ENTRIES.size()) {
- destoryLast();
- }
- CACHE_SIZE = size;
- }
- public static void addTask(String path, int width, int height) {
- QueueEntry entry = new QueueEntry();
- entry.path = path;
- entry.width = width;
- entry.height = height;
- synchronized (TASK_QUEUE) {
- String key = createKey(path, width, height);
- if (!TASK_QUEUE_INDEX.contains(key)
- && !IMG_CACHE_INDEX.containsKey(key)) {
- TASK_QUEUE.add(entry);
- TASK_QUEUE_INDEX.add(key);
- TASK_QUEUE.notify();
- }
- }
- }
- public static Size getBitMapSize(String path) {
- File file = new File(path);
- if (file.exists()) {
- InputStream in = null;
- try {
- in = new FileInputStream(file);
- BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null, OPTIONS_GET_SIZE);
- return new Size(OPTIONS_GET_SIZE.outWidth,
- OPTIONS_GET_SIZE.outHeight);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- return ZERO_SIZE;
- } finally {
- closeInputStream(in);
- }
- }
- return ZERO_SIZE;
- }
- private static Bitmap useBitmap(String path, int width, int height) {
- Bitmap bitMap = null;
- String key = createKey(path, width, height);
- synchronized (LOCKED) {
- bitMap = IMG_CACHE_INDEX.get(key);
- if (null != bitMap) {
- if (CACHE_ENTRIES.remove(key)) {
- CACHE_ENTRIES.addFirst(key);
- }
- }
- }
- return bitMap;
- }
- private static void destoryLast() {
- synchronized (LOCKED) {
- String key = CACHE_ENTRIES.removeLast();
- if (key.length() > 0) {
- Bitmap bitMap = IMG_CACHE_INDEX.remove(key);
- if (bitMap != null && !bitMap.isRecycled()) {
- bitMap.recycle();
- bitMap = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static String createKey(String path, int width, int height) {
- if (null == path || path.length() == 0) {
- return "";
- }
- return path + "_" + width + "_" + height;
- }
- private static Bitmap createBitmap(String path, int width, int height) {
- File file = new File(path);
- if (file.exists()) {
- InputStream in = null;
- try {
- in = new FileInputStream(file);
- Size size = getBitMapSize(path);
- if (size.equals(ZERO_SIZE)) {
- return null;
- }
- int scale = 1;
- int a = size.getWidth() / width;
- int b = size.getHeight() / height;
- scale = Math.max(a, b);
- synchronized (OPTIONS_DECODE) {
- OPTIONS_DECODE.inSampleSize = scale;
- Bitmap bitMap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null,
- return bitMap;
- }
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- closeInputStream(in);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private static void closeInputStream(InputStream in) {
- if (null != in) {
- try {
- in.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- static class Size {
- private int width, height;
- Size(int width, int height) {
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- }
- public int getWidth() {
- return width;
- }
- public int getHeight() {
- return height;
- }
- }
- static class QueueEntry {
- public String path;
- public int width;
- public int height;
- }
- }
测试代码使用android1.6完成,需要的可移步下载,地址为:http://download.csdn.net/detail/liaoxingliao/3756187 (这个工程内部的这个工具类由于我的疏忽有几个地方写错了,现在但是那个资源上传完以后,既不能修改,又不能删除.有谁知道怎么改的,希望告诉我一下)
因此,改用先通过BitmapFactory.decodeStream方法,创建出一个bitmap,再将其设为ImageView的 source,
如果在读取时加上图片的Config参数,可以跟有效减少加载的内存,从而跟有效阻止抛out of Memory异常
另外,decodeStream直接拿的图片来读取字节码了, 不会根据机器的各种分辨率来自动适应,
1. InputStream is = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.pic1);
BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
options.inSampleSize = 10; //width,hight设为原来的十分一
Bitmap btp =BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is,null,options);
2. if(!bmp.isRecycle() ){
bmp.recycle() //回收图片所占的内存
system.gc() //提醒系统及时回收
1. /**
2. * 以最省内存的方式读取本地资源的图片
3. * @param context
4. * @param resId
5. * @return
6. */
7. public static Bitmap readBitMap(Context context, int resId){
8. BitmapFactory.Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
9. opt.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
10. opt.inPurgeable = true;
11. opt.inInputShareable = true;
12. //获取资源图片
13. InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(resId);
14. return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is,null,opt);
15. }
昨天在模拟器上给gallery放入图片的时候,出现java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget 异常,图像大小超过了RAM内存。
//解决加载图片 内存溢出的问题
//Options 只保存图片尺寸大小,不保存图片到内存
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inSampleSize = 4;
Bitmap bmp = null;
bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), mImageIds[position],opts);
对 于Android平台来说,其托管层使用的Dalvik Java VM从目前的表现来看还有很多地方可以优化处理,比如我们在开发一些大型游戏或耗资源的应用中可能考虑手动干涉GC处理,使用 dalvik.system.VMRuntime类提供的setTargetHeapUtilization方法可以增强程序堆内存的处理效率。当然具体 原理我们可以参考开源工程,这里我们仅说下使用方法: private final static float TARGET_HEAP_UTILIZATION = 0.75f; 在程序onCreate时就可以调用 VMRuntime.getRuntime().setTargetHeapUtilization(TARGET_HEAP_UTILIZATION); 即可。
对于一些Android项目,影响性能瓶颈的主要是Android自己内存管理机制问题,目前手机厂商对RAM都比较吝啬,对于软件的流畅性来说RAM对 性能的影响十分敏感,除了 优化Dalvik虚拟机的堆内存分配外,我们还可以强制定义自己软件的对内存大小,我们使用Dalvik提供的 dalvik.system.VMRuntime类来设置最小堆内存为例:
private final static int CWJ_HEAP_SIZE = 6* 1024* 1024 ;
VMRuntime.getRuntime().setMinimumHeapSize(CWJ_HEAP_SIZE); //设置最小heap内存为6MB大小。当然对于内存吃紧来说还可以通过手动干涉GC去处理
bitmap 设置图片尺寸,避免 内存溢出 OutOfMemoryError的优化方法
★android 中用bitmap 时很容易内存溢出,报如下错误:Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : bitmap size exceeds VM budget
● 主要是加上这段:
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 2;
● eg1:(通过Uri取图片)
private ImageView preview;
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 2;//图片宽高都为原来的二分之一,即图片为原来的四分之一
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(cr
.openInputStream(uri), null, options);
● eg2:(通过路径去图片)
private ImageView preview;
private String fileName= "/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/2010-05-14 16.01.44.jpg";
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 2;//图片宽高都为原来的二分之一,即图片为原来的四分之一
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(fileName, options);
★Android 还有一些性能优化的方法:
● 首先内存方面,可以参考 Android堆内存也可自己定义大小 和 优化Dalvik虚拟机的堆内存分配
● 基础类型上,因为Java没有实际的指针,在敏感运算方面还是要借助NDK来完成。Android123提示游戏开发者,这点比较有意思的是Google 推出NDK可能是帮助游戏开发人员,比如OpenGL ES的支持有明显的改观,本地代码操作图形界面是很必要的。
● 图形对象优化,这里要说的是Android上的Bitmap对象销毁,可以借助recycle()方法显示让GC回收一个Bitmap对象,通常对一个不用的Bitmap可以使用下面的方式,如
if(bitmapObject.isRecycled()==false) //如果没有回收
● 目前系统对动画支持比较弱智对于常规应用的补间过渡效果可以,但是对于游戏而言一般的美工可能习惯了GIF方式的统一处理,目前Android系统仅能预览GIF的第一帧,可以借助J2ME中通过线程和自己写解析器的方式来读取GIF89格式的资源。
● 对于大多数Android手机没有过多的物理按键可能我们需要想象下了做好手势识别 GestureDetector 和重力感应来实现操控。通常我们还要考虑误操作问题的降噪处理。
对于一些大型Android项目或游戏来说在算法处理上没有问题外,影响性能瓶颈的主要是Android自己内存管理机制问题,目前手机厂商对RAM都比 较吝啬,对于软件的流畅性来说RAM对性能的影响十分敏感,除了上次Android开发网提到的 优化Dalvik虚拟机的堆内存分配外,我们还可以强制定义自己软件的对内存大小,我们使用Dalvik提供的 dalvik.system.VMRuntime类来设置最小堆内存为例:
private final static int CWJ_HEAP_SIZE = 6* 1024* 1024 ;
VMRuntime.getRuntime().setMinimumHeapSize(CWJ_HEAP_SIZE); //设置最小heap内存为6MB大小。当然对于内存吃紧来说还可以通过手动干涉GC去处理,我们将在下次提到具体应用。
对 于Android平台来说,其托管层使用的Dalvik JavaVM从目前的表现来看还有很多地方可以优化处理,比如我们在开发一些大型游戏或耗资源的应用中可能考虑手动干涉GC处理,使用 dalvik.system.VMRuntime类提供的setTargetHeapUtilization方法可以增强程序堆内存的处理效率。当然具体 原理我们可以参考开源工程,这里我们仅说下使用方法: private final static floatTARGET_HEAP_UTILIZATION = 0.75f; 在程序onCreate时就可以调用 VMRuntime.getRuntime().setTargetHeapUtilization(TARGET_HEAP_UTILIZATION); 即可。
如果Config设置为ARGB_8888,那么上面的Config就是4。一张480*320的图片占用的内存就是480*320*4 byte。
前面有人说了一下8M的概念,其实是在默认情况下android进程的内存占用量为16M,因为Bitmap他除了java中持有数据外,底层C++的 skia图形库还会持有一个SKBitmap对象,因此一般图片占用内存推荐大小应该不超过8M。这个可以调整,编译源代码时可以设置参数。