


Spatial Filtering


1平滑线性滤波器(或称均值滤波器)    smoothing(averaging) filter


2中值滤波器    median filter




4 图示处理过程(程序实现过程)












5 程序实现



// Author: newsuppy

// E-mail: [email protected]

// Date: Nov. 1, 2004

// Version: v0.1.0 (it include in newsuppy's image process toolkit)

// Declaration: You can copy&rewirte the code yourself, but please put me in your acknowledgments





#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

#include <algorithm>

#include <gdiplus.h>


namespace nsimgtk


    // function: filter a width*height rectangle portion of a bitmap one pixel by one pixel with the filterMask

       // template parameter:

       //                pixelType: pixel's type depend on pixelFormat

       //                pixelFormat: pixel's format, but this function doesn't support all the PixelFormat define in Gdiplus

       //                       |           supported PixelFormat           |                 pixel type          |

       //                     1, PixelFormat8bppIndexed  ----------------------- unsigned char(8bit)

    //                     2, PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 ---------------- unsigned short int(16bit)

       //                     3, PixelFormat16bppGrayScale ---------------- unsigned short int(16bit)

       //                     4, PixelFormat16bppRGB555 ---------------- unsigned short int(16bit)

       //                     5, PixelFormat16bppRGB565 ---------------- unsigned short int(16bit)

       //                     6, PixelFormat32bppARGB ----------------- unsigned int(32bit)

       //                     6, PixelFormat32bppPARGB  ----------------- unsigned int(32bit)

       //                     6, PixelFormat32bppRGB ----------------- unsigned int(32bit)

       //                 FilterMask: FilterMask is a functor, it should inherit class "__filterMask"

       //                                  and it must support member function "response" like this:

    //                                  pixelType::FilterMask response();

       // function parameter:

       //               p_bitmap: a pointer to Gdiplus::Bitmap class

       //               filterMask: the filterMask's instance

       //               x, y, width, height: they are the parameters of the rectangle which should be process

       //                                            (x,y) are the left-up point of the rectangle

       // return value: if failed,return false; else if success, return true;

    template <typename pixelType, Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelFormat, class FilterMask>

    bool SpatialFilterAlgo(Gdiplus::Bitmap* const p_bitmap, FilterMask filterMask, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,

                                             unsigned int width, unsigned int height)


              if (p_bitmap == NULL)


                     return false;



              if ((width + x > p_bitmap->GetWidth()) || (height + y >p_bitmap->GetHeight()))


                     return false;



        Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

              Gdiplus::Rect rect(x, y, width,height);


        if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, pixelFormat, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


                     return false;



              pixelType *pixels = (pixelType*)bitmapData.Scan0;


        const unsigned int m = filterMask.d_m;                                         // mask's width

        const unsigned int n = filterMask.d_n;                                          // mask's height

        std::vector<pixelType> tmpImage((m-1+width)*(n-1+height));   // extend image to use zero-padding


        // copy original bitmap to extended image with zero-padding method

        for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


                     for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


                            tmpImage[(col+m/2)+(row+n/2)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)] =





        // process every pixel with filterMask

        for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


                     for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


                // fill the "m*n" mask with the current pixel's neighborhood

                for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)


                    for (unsigned int j=0; j<m; ++j)


                        filterMask.d_mask[i*m+j] = tmpImage[(col+j)+(row+i)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)];




                // replace the current pixel with filter mask's response

                            pixels[col+row*bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)] = filterMask.response();      




        if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


                     return false;



              return true;



    // base class for filterMask, be only used for the library

    // others filterMask should inherit it

    template <typename pixelType>

    struct __filterMask


        const unsigned int d_m;

        const unsigned int d_n;


        std::vector<pixelType> d_mask;


        // filter mask's width and heigh must be a odd, if not, it will plus one for the width or the height

        __filterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

            : d_m(m%2 ? m:m+1), d_n(n%2 ? n:n+1), d_mask(d_m*d_n)





    // special averaging(smoothing) filter mask, its' weights are all 1

    template <typename pixelType>

    class averagingFilterMaskSp

        : public __filterMask<pixelType>



        averagingFilterMaskSp(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

            : __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

        { }


        pixelType response()


            return std::accumulate(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), 0) / (d_m * d_n);




    // averaging(smoothing) filter mask

    template <typename pixelType>

    class averagingFilterMask

        : public __filterMask<pixelType>



        std::vector<pixelType> d_weight;                 // weights' vector(m*n)

        int d_weight_sum;                                        // all weights' sum



        averagingFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const std::vector<pixelType>& weightVec)

            : __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n), d_weight(weightVec)


            if (weightVec.size() != d_mask.size())


                // if weight's size isn't equal to mask's size, it will change filter mask as a special filter mask

                d_weight.resize(d_mask.size(), 1);



            d_weight_sum = std::accumulate(d_weight.begin(), d_weight.end(), 0);



        pixelType response()


            return std::inner_product(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), d_weight.begin(), 0) / d_weight_sum;




    // median filter mask

    template <typename pixelType>

    class medianFilterMask

        : public __filterMask<pixelType>



        medianFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

            : __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

        { }


        pixelType response()


            std::sort(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end());

            return d_mask[d_mask.size()/2];






说明: SpatialFilterAlgo函数是滤波处理算法框架;averagingFilterMaskaveragingFilterMaskSp为均值滤波器,后者掩模权值为全1medianFilterMask是中值滤波器。

      算法包括在namespace nsimgtk中。


// 创建一个Bitmap类实例

Bitmap bitmapWith3x3MaskSp(L"image/Fig3.35(a).jpg");

// 创建一个3x3均值滤波器

// 注意对于averagingFilterMask类,其构造函数必须为其第三参数传入一个std::vector作为掩模权值,大小和掩模大小相同。

// : std::vector<unsigned char> weight(9);

//    weight[0] = 1, weight[1] = 2, weight[2] = 1,

//    weight[0] = 2, weight[1] = 4, weight[2] = 2,

//    weight[0] = 1, weight[1] = 2, weight[2] = 1;

//    averagingFilterMask<unsigned char> avgfilterMask3x3(3,3,weight);

averagingFilterMaskSp<unsigned char> avgfilterMaskSp3x3(3,3); 

// 使用SpatialFilterAlgo算法,第一参数为上述Bitmap类实例,由于该图像为8阶灰度图,模版参数的第一为unsigned char,一般为8

// 第三模版参数为PixelFormat8bppIndexed(参考GDI+文档),函数第二参数为滤波器掩模对象,其余参数分别为图像起始点坐标及宽度和高度

SpatialFilterAlgo<unsigned char,PixelFormat8bppIndexed>(&bitmapWith3x3MaskSp,

       avgfilterMaskSp3x3, 0, 0, bitmapWith3x3MaskSp.GetWidth(), bitmapWith3x3MaskSp.GetHeight())==false)




(1)    下面图像分别为左图---原图像,右图---9x9均值滤波器(盒滤波器)处理的图像。图中细节部分被模糊后与背景混合。



(2)    下面图像分别为左图---原图像,右图---3x3中值滤波器处理的图像。处理后你可以明显地看到椒盐噪声被滤去。

6 结论



7 说明

    这是参考 <数字图像处理>2nd 中译本完成的作业,本书原著Rafael C. GonzalezRichard E. Woods,译者为阮秋琦 阮宇智,机械工业出版社。感谢他们编著,翻译出版了这样出色的书籍。
