LoadRunner 9.1录制 Flex



LoadRunner 9.1 - Flex Protocol Recording

LoadRunner 9.1’s Flex protocol includes both AMF3 and Http protocols in its options. For testing applications using Flex and AMF3 protocols, these options need to be explicitly added in the recording options. To do this:

1. Click on options in the recording window.




2. Check the AMF and Http protocols in the Recording Options window under the subhead - Protocols.



3. Check the “Try to encode externizable object” option in the “Code Generation” Subhead of Recording Options window.



Recording after these options are checked would give more readable code as XML rather than Binary.





打开 recording option  ,选择protocol,勾选 amf,接着选择  flex中的  code generation  选择表格中的选项 ,应该就可以了。




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