Cocos2D-x CCControlButton

这篇文章将详细介绍一下,如何使用extension/GUI中提供的CCControlButton,也就是button啦!平常我们用到buton的时候更多的是会想到用CCMenu,但是创建起来相对麻烦,首先要一个menu,然后还要一个menu item,这样用起来实在不爽。使用CCControlButton可以很简约的创建一个button。



#include "cocos-ext.h"



/** Kinds of possible events for the control objects. */
    CCControlEventTouchDown           = 1 << 0,    // A touch-down event in the control.
    CCControlEventTouchDragInside     = 1 << 1,    // An event where a finger is dragged inside the bounds of the control.
    CCControlEventTouchDragOutside    = 1 << 2,    // An event where a finger is dragged just outside the bounds of the control. 
    CCControlEventTouchDragEnter      = 1 << 3,    // An event where a finger is dragged into the bounds of the control.
    CCControlEventTouchDragExit       = 1 << 4,    // An event where a finger is dragged from within a control to outside its bounds.
    CCControlEventTouchUpInside       = 1 << 5,    // A touch-up event in the control where the finger is inside the bounds of the control. 
    CCControlEventTouchUpOutside      = 1 << 6,    // A touch-up event in the control where the finger is outside the bounds of the control.
    CCControlEventTouchCancel         = 1 << 7,    // A system event canceling the current touches for the control.
    CCControlEventValueChanged        = 1 << 8      // A touch dragging or otherwise manipulating a control, causing it to emit a series of different values.
typedef unsigned int CCControlEvent;


/** The possible state for a control.  */
    CCControlStateNormal       = 1 << 0, // The normal, or default state of a control°™that is, enabled but neither selected nor highlighted.
    CCControlStateHighlighted  = 1 << 1, // Highlighted state of a control. A control enters this state when a touch down, drag inside or drag enter is performed. You can retrieve and set this value through the highlighted property.
    CCControlStateDisabled     = 1 << 2, // Disabled state of a control. This state indicates that the control is currently disabled. You can retrieve and set this value through the enabled property.
    CCControlStateSelected     = 1 << 3  // Selected state of a control. This state indicates that the control is currently selected. You can retrieve and set this value through the selected property.
typedef unsigned int CCControlState;

三、创建 CCControlButton 实例:共有三种方法

1、static CCControlButton* create(CCNode* label, CCScale9Sprite* backgroundSprite);  

    CCScale9Sprite *backgroundButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("button.png");
    CCScale9Sprite *backgroundHighlightedButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("buttonHighlighted.png");
    CCLabelTTF *titleButton = CCLabelTTF::create("CCControlButton -- 1", "Marker Felt", 30);
    titleButton->setColor(ccc3(159, 168, 176));
    //static CCControlButton* create(CCNode* label, CCScale9Sprite* backgroundSprite);
    CCControlButton *button = CCControlButton::create(titleButton, backgroundButton);
    //Sets the background sprite to use for the specified button state.
    button->setBackgroundSpriteForState(backgroundHighlightedButton, CCControlStateHighlighted);
    //Sets the color of the title to use for the specified state.
    button->setTitleColorForState(ccWHITE, CCControlStateHighlighted);
//    button->setAdjustBackgroundImage(false);
//    button->setPreferredSize(CCSizeMake(200, 50));
    //affect a background sprite  设置背景精灵的透明度和颜色
//    button->setOpacity(50);
//    button->setColor(ccc3(0, 255, 0));
    button->setPosition(500, 300);
//    button->setSelected(true);
//    button->setEnabled(true);
    button->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(HelloWorld::touchUpInsideAction), CCControlEventTouchUpInside);


void HelloWorld::touchUpInsideAction(cocos2d::CCObject *sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
    CCControlButton *button = (CCControlButton*)sender;
    CCLabelTTF* label = (CCLabelTTF*)button->getTitleLabel();
    const char* lSting = label->getString();
    CCLog("button title = %s",lSting);

注意:其中参数 CCControlEvent controlEvent 并不是指针。


2、static CCControlButton* create(std::string title, const char * fontName, float fontSize);

CCControlButton *button = CCControlButton::create("CCControlButton -- 2", "Marker Felt", 30);
    button->setTitleColorForState(ccBLACK, CCControlStateNormal);
    button->setTitleColorForState(ccRED, CCControlStateHighlighted);
    CCScale9Sprite *backgroundButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("button.png");
    CCScale9Sprite *backgroundHighlightedButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("buttonHighlighted.png");
    button->setBackgroundSpriteForState(backgroundButton, CCControlStateNormal);
    button->setBackgroundSpriteForState(backgroundHighlightedButton, CCControlStateHighlighted);
    button->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(HelloWorld::touchUpInsideAction), CCControlEventTouchUpInside);
    button->setPosition(500, 300);



Cocos2D-x CCControlButton_第1张图片


Cocos2D-x CCControlButton_第2张图片

3、static CCControlButton* create(CCScale9Sprite* sprite);

CCScale9Sprite *backgroundButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("button.png");
    CCScale9Sprite *backgroundHighlightedButton = CCScale9Sprite::create("buttonHighlighted.png");

    CCControlButton* button = CCControlButton::create(backgroundButton);
    button->setBackgroundSpriteForState(backgroundHighlightedButton, CCControlStateHighlighted);

    button->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(HelloWorld::touchUpInsideAction),CCControlEventTouchUpInside );
    button->setPosition(500, 300);

void HelloWorld::touchUpInsideAction(cocos2d::CCObject *sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
    CCLog("touch button");

我在使用这种创建方式创建button实例的时候,始终无法为其添加title label。那么我们可以猜测到,这种创建方式,只是为了创建一个单纯的button,不显示button的label。

Cocos2D-x CCControlButton_第3张图片


