vim 的基本配置


ubuntu1204 中的 vimrc文件 在/etc/vim/  目录下,此目录下的vimrc 是全局的vim设置,如果只需要改其中一个用户的vim配置,就打开该用户根目录(即~/ 目录)下的.vimrc文件,没有此文件创建一个也可以。


"syntax high light"
syntax on
"show the line number"
set nu
"let the tabstop equal 4"
set tabstop=4
"set the autoindent on"
set autoindent
"set the match time is one tenth second"
set matchtime=1
"high light the search"
set hlsearch
"set the c language indent format "
set cindent
"set the indent width"
set shiftwidth=4
"set show status on"
set ruler
"set show mode on"
set showmode

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