关于 Vista 下启动、关闭服务的代码(转)

//关于 Vista 下启动、关闭服务的代码
//注意下面 OpenService 中的 access 参数,要 STOP, START, 而不能是 All,否则,系统不让访问,而报错:

//Access is Denied. (0x00000005)

// SSServices.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int StopServiceT( char  *szSerName )
    char szDrvPath[MAX_PATH]={0};
        char * _t=0;
        SC_HANDLE hScHandle=0;        
        SC_HANDLE hSerHandle=0 ;
    SERVICE_STATUS  ssStatus;
        int err =0;

            if( strlen(szSerName)<=0 )
                {printf("service name error"); return 0; }

                 hScHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);
                if (hScHandle == NULL)
                { printf("open service manager failed: win error code: 0x%8x",GetLastError());        return 0 ;        }

                hSerHandle = OpenService(hScHandle, szSerName , SERVICE_STOP); // SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
                if (hSerHandle != NULL)
                        printf(" 1 ");
                        if(ControlService(hSerHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssStatus)==0)
                                printf("stop service failed: win error code: 0x%8x",err);
                                printf(" 2 ");
                                return 0;
                        // Print the service status.
                        printf(" 3 ");
                        printf("/nStatus of Sample_Srv: /n");
                        printf("  Service Type: 0x%x/n", ssStatus.dwServiceType);
                        printf("  Current State: 0x%x/n", ssStatus.dwCurrentState);
                        printf("  Controls Accepted: 0x%x/n",
                        printf("  Exit Code: %d/n", ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode);
                        printf("  Service Specific Exit Code: %d/n",
                        printf("  Check Point: %d/n", ssStatus.dwCheckPoint);
                        printf("  Wait Hint: %d/n", ssStatus.dwWaitHint);

                printf(" 4 ");
                hScHandle =0 ;
                hSerHandle = 0;

                printf(" here? ");
                return 1;


int StartServiceT(IN  char  *szServiceName )
    char szDrvPath[MAX_PATH]={0};
        SC_HANDLE hScm;        
        SC_HANDLE hServiceHandle ;
        int err =0;

        if( strlen(szServiceName)<=0 )
                {printf("service name error"); return 0; }

        hScm = OpenSCManager (NULL,                 // machine (NULL == local)
                                                  NULL,                 // database (NULL == default)
                                                  SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS // access required

        hServiceHandle = OpenService(hScm,                        // SCManager database
                                                                szServiceName,                                // name of service
                                                                SERVICE_START); //_ALL_ACCESS);                // desired access
    if (hServiceHandle == NULL )
        err = GetLastError();
                 CloseServiceHandle(hScm);  hScm=0;
                printf("cannot start service '%s':win error code:0x%8x",szServiceName,err);
                goto FAILED;

        if (  StartService (hServiceHandle,    // service identifier
                                                0,             // number of arguments
                                                NULL           // pointer to arguments
                                                ) == false )
                err = GetLastError();
                CloseServiceHandle(hScm);  hScm =0 ;
                printf("start service '%s' failed:win error code:0x%8x.",szServiceName,err);
                //return 1;

    hScm=0 ; hServiceHandle=0;

        return 1;

         return 0;


VOID ControlSampleService(DWORD fdwControl)
    SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus;
        SC_HANDLE schService;
    DWORD fdwAccess;
    DWORD dwStartTickCount, dwWaitTime;

    // The required service object access depends on the control.

    switch (fdwControl)
            fdwAccess = SERVICE_STOP;

            fdwAccess = SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE;

            fdwAccess = SERVICE_INTERROGATE;

            fdwAccess = SERVICE_INTERROGATE;

    // Open a handle to the service.
    schService = OpenService(
        NULL,        // SCManager database
        "ScardSvr",        // name of service
        fdwAccess);          // specify access
    if (schService == NULL)

    // Send a control value to the service.

    if (! ControlService(
            schService,   // handle to service
            fdwControl,   // control value to send
            &ssStatus) )  // address of status info

    // Print the service status.

    printf("/nStatus of Sample_Srv: /n");
    printf("  Service Type: 0x%x/n", ssStatus.dwServiceType);
    printf("  Current State: 0x%x/n", ssStatus.dwCurrentState);
    printf("  Controls Accepted: 0x%x/n",
    printf("  Exit Code: %d/n", ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode);
    printf("  Service Specific Exit Code: %d/n",
    printf("  Check Point: %d/n", ssStatus.dwCheckPoint);
    printf("  Wait Hint: %d/n", ssStatus.dwWaitHint);


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                printf("/n Stop OK");
                printf("/n Stop Failed.");

        MessageBox( 0 , "1" , "ss" , MB_OK );

                printf("/n Start OK");
                printf("/n Start Failed.");

        return 0;

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