package com.wap;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Vector;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
public class WapPushEncoder {
public static String getBASE64(String s) {
if(s == null)
return null;
return (new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder()).encode(s.getBytes());
public static String getFromBASE64(String s) {
if(s == null)
return null;
BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
try {
byte[] b = decoder.decodeBuffer(s);
System.out.print(new String(b));
return new String(b);
catch(Exception e) {
return null;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* NOKIA 6600可以通过,其余不是很顺利;多普大也收到
* 李伟版本;
public byte[] format(String content, String url) {
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(this.chString2UTF8_byte(content)));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); }
int iContentLen = bytContent.length;
int iURLLen = bytURL.length;
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[36 + iContentLen + iURLLen];
int i = 0;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x06;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x05;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x04;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x0b;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x84;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x23;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xf0;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x72;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x06;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x0a;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x03;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xae;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x81;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xea;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xaf;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x82;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x8d;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xae; // 18
int ipos = i;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)159; //159+iURLLen
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x87;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x01;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x05;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x6a;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)(iContentLen + 1);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, iContentLen);
i += iContentLen;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x00;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x45;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0xc6;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x0c;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x03;
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, iURLLen);
i += iURLLen;
bytMsg[ipos] += (byte)iURLLen;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x00;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x08;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x01;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x83;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x00;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x01;
bytMsg[i++] = (byte)0x01;
// System.out.println("BYTE LENGTH : " + bytMsg.length);
return bytMsg;
public String byteToHexStr(byte buf[]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2 * buf.length);
for(int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
int h = (buf[ i ] & 0xf0) >> 4;
int l = (buf[ i ] & 0x0f);
sb.append(new Character((char)((h > 9) ? 'a' + h - 10 : '0' + h)));
sb.append(new Character((char)((l > 9) ? 'a' + l - 10 : '0' + l)));
return sb.toString().toUpperCase();
public String intToHexStr(int i) {
return "00";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2);
int h=0;
int l=0;
// System.out.println(h);
// System.out.println(l);
sb.append(new Character((char)((h > 9) ? 'a' + h - 10 : '0' + h)));
sb.append(new Character((char)((l > 9) ? 'a' + l - 10 : '0' + l)));
return sb.toString().toUpperCase();
private byte[] chString2UTF8_byte(String str) {
byte[] result = null;
str = new String(str.getBytes(),"GB2312");
result = str.getBytes("UTF-8");
}catch (Exception e){
return result;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 没有长度控制。
public byte[] format5(String content,String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x0B, (byte) 0x84, 0x23, (byte) 0xF0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x25,0x06,0x01,(byte) 0xae
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6, 0x0C, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //>
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</indication>"
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
// String wapPushHeader1="0B05040B8423F00003030101";
// String wapPushHeader2="29060603AE81EA8DCA";
// String wapPushIndicator="02056A0045C60C03";
//// 第四部分:URL去掉http://后的UTF8编码
// String wapPushDisplayTextHeader="000103";
//// 第六部分:消息文字的UTF8编码
// String wapPushEnd="000101";
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
// int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
// WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128); 不能使用
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 包头c:
UDH: 06 05 04 0B 84 23 F0
PUD: 81 06 06 03 AE 81 EA 8D 00
public byte[] format1(String content,String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06,0x05,0x04,0x0B,(byte) 0x84,0x23,(byte) 0xF0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
(byte) 0x81,0x06,0x06,0x03,(byte) 0xAE,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0xEA,(byte) 0x8D,0x00
// *pszPos++ = 0x02;;
// *pszPos++ = 0x05; //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// *pszPos++ = 0x6A; //UTF-8
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x45; //<si>
// *pszPos++ = 0xC6; //<indication
// *pszPos++ = 0x08; //<action=signal-high>
// *pszPos++ = 0x0C; //href="http://"
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //>
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// //第七部分:
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</indication>"
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 包头a:
UDH: 06 05 04 0B 84 23 F0
PUD: 01 06 03 AE 8D C4
WapPushPUD,最后一位,长度控制,有没有,NOKIA SR618也可以接受,有也可以
public byte[] format2(String content,String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x01 ,0x06 ,0x03 ,(byte) 0xAE ,(byte) 0x8D ,(byte) 0xC4
// *pszPos++ = 0x02;;
// *pszPos++ = 0x05; //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// *pszPos++ = 0x6A; //UTF-8
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x45; //<si>
// *pszPos++ = 0xC6; //<indication
// *pszPos++ = 0x08; //<action=signal-high>
// *pszPos++ = 0x0C; //href="http://"
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //>
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// //第七部分:
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</indication>"
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);//没有的这行,NOKIA也可以成功的。 有这行也可以。
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 包头b:
UDH: 0B 05 04 0B 84 23 F0 00 03 03 01 01
PUD: 29 06 06 03 AE 81 EA 8D CA
//WapPushPUD,最后一位,长度控制,有没有,NOKIA SR618也可以接受,有也可以。
public byte[] format3(String content,String url){
// 第一条:
// 0B WAPPUSH头部的总长度,不包括本字节
// 05 IE=16bit port addressing
// 04 lenght of ports
// 0B84 dest. port
// 23F0 source port
// 00 表示是Concatenated Short Messages
// 03 udh头长度
// B3 reference number
// 02 02是指共有两条短信
// 01 01是指这是第一条
// 接除UDH外的部分
// ...
// 第二条:
// 0B WAPPUSH头部的总长度 ,不包括本字节
// 05040B8423F0 表示接下来是一个WAPPUSH 6字节
// 00 表示是Concatenated Short Messages
// 03 udh头长度
// B3 reference number
// 02 02是指共有两条短信
// 02 02是指这是第2条
// 接余下部分
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
// 0x0B ,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0 ,0x00 ,0xB3 ,0x03 ,0x01 ,0x01
0x0B ,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0x03 ,0x01 ,0x01
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
// 0xB3,0x06,0x01,0xAE
0x29 ,0x06 ,0x06 ,0x03 ,(byte) 0xAE ,(byte) 0x81 ,(byte) 0xEA ,(byte) 0x8D ,(byte) 0xCA
// *pszPos++ = 0x02;;
// *pszPos++ = 0x05; //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// *pszPos++ = 0x6A; //UTF-8
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x45; //<si>
// *pszPos++ = 0xC6; //<indication
// *pszPos++ = 0x08; //<action=signal-high>
// *pszPos++ = 0x0C; //href="http://"
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
// 0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x0C, 0x03
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //>
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// //第七部分:
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</indication>"
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128); //没有这行,NOKIA也可以接受,有也可以。
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 有长度控制。WapPushPUD 最后一位
public byte[] format6(String content,String url){
// $udh .= chr(0x06); //User Data Header Length (6 bytes)
// $udh .= chr(0x05); //$udh Item Element id (Port Numbers)
// $udh .= chr(0x04); //$udh IE length (4 bytes)
// $udh .= chr(0x0B);
// $udh .= chr(0x84); //destination port number
// $udh .= chr(0x23);
// $udh .= chr(0xF0); //origin port number
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0
// $pud .= chr(0x72); //transaction id (connectionless WSP)
// $pud .= chr(0x06); //'pdu type (06=push)
// $pud .= chr(0x0a); //Headers len
// $pud .= chr(0x03);
// $pud .= chr(0xAE);
// $pud .= chr(0x81);
// $pud .= chr(0xEA); //content type: application/vnd.wap.sic; charset=utf-8
// $pud .= chr(0xaf);
// $pud .= chr(0x82);
// $pud .= chr(0x8D); //content-length WBXML长度;
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x72 ,0x06 ,0x0a ,0x03 ,(byte) 0xAE ,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0xEA,(byte) 0xaf,(byte) 0x82,(byte) 0x8D
// $body .= chr(0x80);
// $body .= chr(0xb4);
// $body .= chr(0x84);
// // Begin Pos
// $body .= chr(0x02);
// $body .= chr(0x05); //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// $body .= chr(0x6A); //UTF-8
// // $body .= chr(0x03); //字符串开始
// // $body .= iconv( "GBK", "UTF-8", $subject ); //显示给用户的内容,用utf-8编码。utf-8编码,英文字符直接用ascii码;中文如果unicode是(二进制)
// $body .= chr(0x00); //字符串结束
// $body .= chr(0x45); //<si>
// $body .= chr(0xC6); //<indication
// $body .= chr(0x0C); //href="http://
// $body .= chr(0x03); //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
(byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xb4, (byte) 0x84, 0x02, 0x05, (byte) 0x6A,0x00,0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x0C,0x03
// $body .= chr(0x00); //字符串结束
// $body .= chr(0x08); // action=signal-high
// $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list)
// $body .= chr(0x03); //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x08,0x01, 0x03
// $body .= chr(0x00); //字符串结束
// $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list)
// $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list)
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
//// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return 老赵版本,URL和CONTENT互换会有不同的效果;
* 没有长度控制。
public byte[] format4(String content, String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x0b, (byte) 0x84, 0x23,(byte) 0xf0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x25, 0x06, 0x01, (byte) 0xae
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
//// 比老赵版本是01,部分代码是02
// 0x02, 0x05, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03 //比老赵帮本多了一个,在这里;//不成功;
0x01, 0x05, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6, 0x0C, 0x03 //老赵版本;不成功
// 0x02, 0x05, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x0C, 0x03 //把01改成02,和FORMAT5一样了,FORMAT5可以成功收到。
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
// String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
// WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 网上的代码,WBXML太长。
public byte[] format7(String content,String url){
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String currentTime = getTimeString(calendar);
// System.out.println(currentTime);
calendar.add(calendar.MONTH, 1); //一个月以后的时间
String nextTime = getTimeString(calendar);
byte[] startTime= getTimeBytes(currentTime);
byte[] endTime = getTimeBytes(nextTime);
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(endTime));
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(startTime));
// udh = udh + "06";
// udh = udh + "05";
// udh = udh + "04";
// udh = udh + "0B";
// udh = udh + "84";
// udh = udh + "23";
// udh = udh + "F0";
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06,0x05,0x04,0x0B,(byte) 0x84,0x23,(byte) 0xF0
// pud = pud + "81";
// pud = pud + "06";
// pud = pud + "08";
// pud = pud + "03";
// pud = pud + "AE";
// pud = pud + "81";
// pud = pud + "EA";
// pud = pud + "b4";
// pud = pud + "84";
// pud = pud + "8D";
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
(byte) 0x81,0x06,0x08,0x03,(byte) 0xAE,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0xEA,(byte) 0xb4,(byte) 0x84,(byte) 0x8D,0x00
// body = body + "02";
// body = body + "05";
// body = body + "6A";
// body = body + "00";
// body = body + "45";
// body = body + "C6";
// body = body + "08";
// body = body + "0C";
// body = body + "03";
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
// body = body + "00";
// body = body + "0A";
// body = body + "C3";////时间字
// body = body + "07";////时间字节数
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader1 = new byte[]
0x00, 0x0a, (byte) 0xc3,//0x07
// body = body + startTime;
// body = body + "10";
// body = body + "C3";//时间字
// body = body + "07";////时间字节数
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader2 = new byte[]
0x10, (byte) 0xc3,// 0x07
// body = body + endTime;
// body = body + "01";
// body = body + "03";
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader3 = new byte[]
0x01, 0x03
// //第七部分:
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeader1Len=WapPushDisplayTextHeader1.length;
int nStartTimeLen=startTime.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeader2Len=WapPushDisplayTextHeader2.length;
int nEndTimeLen=endTime.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeader3Len=WapPushDisplayTextHeader3.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeader1Len+nStartTimeLen+nPushDisplayTextHeader2Len+nEndTimeLen+nPushDisplayTextHeader3Len+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader1, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeader1Len);
System.arraycopy(startTime, 0, bytMsg, i, nStartTimeLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader2, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeader2Len);
System.arraycopy(endTime, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndTimeLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader3, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeader3Len);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
* 有长度控制。WapPushPUD最后一位
public byte[] format8(String content,String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x0B, 0x05, 0x04, 0x0B, (byte) 0x84, 0x23, (byte) 0xF0, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x29, 0x06, 0x06, 0x03, (byte) 0xAE, (byte) 0x81, (byte) 0xEA, (byte) 0x8D, (byte) 0xCA
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6, 0x0C, 0x03
// 0x00; //字符串结束
// 0x01; //>
// 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// 0x00; //字符串结束
// 0x01; //</indication>"
// 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
// int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
public byte[] format9(String content,String url){
// 第一条:
// 0B WAPPUSH头部的总长度,不包括本字节
// 05 IE=16bit port addressing
// 04 lenght of ports
// 0B84 dest. port
// 23F0 source port
// 00 表示是Concatenated Short Messages
// 03 udh头长度
// B3 reference number
// 02 02是指共有两条短信
// 01 01是指这是第一条
// 接除UDH外的部分
// ...
// 第二条:
// 0B WAPPUSH头部的总长度 ,不包括本字节
// 05040B8423F0 表示接下来是一个WAPPUSH 6字节
// 00 表示是Concatenated Short Messages
// 03 udh头长度
// B3 reference number
// 02 02是指共有两条短信
// 02 02是指这是第2条
// 接余下部分
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x0B ,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0 ,0x00 ,(byte) 0xB3 ,0x03 ,0x01 ,0x01
// 0x0B ,0x05 ,0x04 ,0x0B ,(byte) 0x84 ,0x23 ,(byte) 0xF0 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0x03 ,0x01 ,0x01
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
(byte) 0xB3,0x06,0x01,(byte) 0xAE
// 0x29 ,0x06 ,0x06 ,0x03 ,(byte) 0xAE ,(byte) 0x81 ,(byte) 0xEA ,(byte) 0x8D ,(byte) 0xCA
// *pszPos++ = 0x02;;
// *pszPos++ = 0x05; //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// *pszPos++ = 0x6A; //UTF-8
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x45; //<si>
// *pszPos++ = 0xC6; //<indication
// *pszPos++ = 0x08; //<action=signal-high>
// *pszPos++ = 0x0C; //href="http://"
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
// 0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x0C, 0x03
0x02, 0x05, 0x6A, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //>
// *pszPos++ = 0x03; //字符串开始
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
// //第七部分:
// *pszPos++ = 0x00; //字符串结束
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</indication>"
// *pszPos++ = 0x01; //</si>
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// content=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytContent));
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
// System.out.println(this.byteToHexStr(bytURL));
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128); //没有这行,NOKIA也可以接受,有也可以。
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return 代替SmsPushData代码
* 该代码NOKIA 和MOTO都可以收到
* 有无长度控制,NOKIA都可以接收
* 在WapPushPUD后 添加一个0x00,有无长度控制都可以接收NOKIA,可以考虑减少这个0X00
public byte[] format10(String content,String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06,0x05,0x04,0x0b,(byte) 0x84,0x23,(byte) 0xf0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
(byte) 0x81,0x06,0x08,0x03,(byte) 0xae,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0xea,(byte) 0xb4,(byte) 0x84,(byte) 0x8d ,0x00
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
0x02,0x05,0x6a,0x00,0x45,(byte) 0xc6,0x08,0x0c,0x03
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
// //第七部分:
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
int nurlLen;
int ntipLen;
int ncontent;
String s = "";
byte byte0 = 1;
byte abyte0[] = new byte[4];
// int i = 0;
nurlLen = url.length() + 1;
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
bytContent = this.chString2UTF8_byte(content);
ntipLen = bytContent.length + 1;
ncontent = nurlLen + ntipLen + 9 + 2 + 2;
byte[] bytMsg=null;
// getUIntVar(ncontent, abyte0, byte0);
if(ncontent < 128)
abyte0[0] = (byte)(ncontent + 128);
byte0 = 1;
if(ncontent < 16384)
byte0 = 2;
} else
if(ncontent < 0x200000)
byte0 = 3;
} else
byte0 = 4;
ncontent <<= 32 - byte0 * 7;
for(int j = 0; j < byte0 - 1; j++)
abyte0[j] |= 0x80;
for(int k = 0; k < byte0; k++)
abyte0[k] |= (byte)(ncontent>> 32 - (k + 1) * 7 & 0x7f);
// int ncontentLen = ncontent + WapPushUDH.length + WapPushPUD.length + byte0;
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen+ byte0;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128); //在WapPushPUD后 添加一个0x00,有无长度控制都可以接收NOKIA
bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
if(totalLen <= 140)
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
WapPushPUD[2] = (byte)((WapPushPUD.length - 3) + byte0);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(abyte0, 0, bytMsg, i, byte0);
i += byte0;
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
} else
//System.err.print((new StringBuilder()).append("/u4FE1/u606F/u957F/u5EA6/u8D85/u8FC770/u5B57/u7B26:").append(ncontentLen).toString());
return bytMsg;
* @param content
* @param url
* @return
public byte[] format11(String content, String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x0b, (byte) 0x84, 0x23,(byte) 0xf0
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x25, 0x06, 0x01, (byte) 0xae
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
//// 比老赵版本是01,部分代码是02
0x02, 0x05, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03 //比老赵帮本多了一个,在这里;
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
// String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
// WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
public byte[] format12(String content, String url){
byte[] WapPushUDH = new byte[]
0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x0b, (byte) 0x84, 0x23,(byte) 0xf0
// result[i++] = 0x01; // push-id
// result[i++] = 0x06; // pdu = push
// result[i++] = 0x0a; // headlen=10
// result[i++] = 0x03; // cert ??
// result[i++] = (byte) 0xae; // application/vnd.wap.sic
// result[i++] = (byte) 0x81; // charset
// result[i++] = (byte) 0xea; // utf-8
// result[i++] = (byte) 0xaf;
// result[i++] = (byte) 0x82;
// result[i++] = (byte) 0x8d; //
// result[i++] = (byte) 0xae;
// result[i++] = (byte) (Url.length + 159);
// result[i++] = (byte) 0x87;
byte[] WapPushPUD = new byte[]
0x01, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x03,(byte) 0xae,(byte) 0x81,(byte) 0xea,(byte) 0xaf,(byte) 0x82,(byte) 0x8d,(byte) 0xae,0x00,(byte) 0x87
// //SI part
// result[i++] = 0x02;
// result[i++] = 0x05; //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN
// result[i++] = 0x6A; //UTF-8
// result[i++] = 0x00; //字符串结束
// result[i++] = 0x45; //<si>
// result[i++] = (byte) 0xC6; //<indication
// result[i++] = 0x08; //<action=signal-high>
// result[i++] = 0x0C; //href="http://
// result[i++] = 0x03; //字符串开始
// for (int j = 0; j < Url.length;) {
// result[i++] = Url[j++];
// } //实际地址
// result[i++] = 0x00; //字符串结束
// // result[i++] = 0x0A; //created=
// //result[i++] = (byte)0xC3; //'时间
// // result[i++] = 0x07; //时间字节数
// //result[i++] = ; //YYYYMMDDHHMMSSstartTime
// // result[i++] = 0x10; //si_expires=
// // result[i++] = (byte)0xC3; //时间
// // result[i++] = 0x07; //时间字节数
// //result[i++] = ; //YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
// result[i++] = 0x01; //>
// result[i++] = 0x03; //字符串开始endTime
// for (int j = 0; j < Title.length;) {
// result[i++] = Title[j++];
// }
// result[i++] = 0x00; //字符串结束
// result[i++] = 0x01; //</indication>"
// result[i++] = 0x01; //'</si>
byte[] WapPushIndicator = new byte[]
//// 比老赵版本是01,部分代码是02
0x02, 0x05, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x45, (byte) 0xC6,0x08,0x0C, 0x03
byte[] WapPushDisplayTextHeader = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x03
byte[] EndOfWapPush = new byte[]
0x00, 0x01, 0x01
byte[] bytContent = null;
byte[] bytURL = null;
try {
// bytContent = content.getBytes();
// bytURL = url.getBytes();
// content = new String(bytContent, "UTF-8");
// bytContent = content.getBytes("UTF-8");
// String contentUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(content);
String urlUTF8=Utf8Util.getInstance().GBKToUtf8(url);
// bytContent = contentUTF8.getBytes();
bytURL = urlUTF8.getBytes();
WapPushPUD[WapPushPUD.length-2]=(byte) (bytURL.length +159);
catch(Exception ex) {
int i=0;
int nWapPushUDHLen=WapPushUDH.length;
int nWapPushPUDLen=WapPushPUD.length;
int nPushIndicatorLen=WapPushIndicator.length;
int nBytURLLen=bytURL.length;
int nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen=WapPushDisplayTextHeader.length;
int nBytContentLen=bytContent.length;
int nEndOfWapPushLen=EndOfWapPush.length;
int bodyLen=nPushIndicatorLen+nBytURLLen+nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen+nBytContentLen+nEndOfWapPushLen;
int totalLen=nWapPushUDHLen+nWapPushPUDLen+bodyLen;
// 否则MOTO A768不能正常接收
// WapPushPUD[nWapPushPUDLen-1]=(byte) (bodyLen/2+128);
byte[] bytMsg = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(WapPushUDH, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushUDHLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushPUD, 0, bytMsg, i, nWapPushPUDLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushIndicator, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushIndicatorLen);
System.arraycopy(bytURL, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytURLLen);
System.arraycopy(WapPushDisplayTextHeader, 0, bytMsg, i, nPushDisplayTextHeaderLen);
System.arraycopy(bytContent, 0, bytMsg, i, nBytContentLen);
System.arraycopy(EndOfWapPush, 0, bytMsg, i, nEndOfWapPushLen);
return bytMsg;
private String getTimeString(Calendar calendar)
return String.valueOf(calendar.get(calendar.YEAR))
+ int2str(calendar.get(calendar.MONTH)+1)
+ int2str(calendar.get(calendar.DATE))
+ int2str(calendar.get(calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))
+ int2str(calendar.get(calendar.MINUTE))
+ "00" ; //可以节省一个字节
//+ int2str(calendar.get(calendar.SECOND)) ;
private byte[] getTimeBytes(String timeStr)
Vector by = new Vector();
int temp = 0;
boolean skip = true;
for (int i=timeStr.length()/2-1; i>=0; i--){
temp = Integer.parseInt(timeStr.substring(i*2, i*2+2));
// System.out.println(temp);
if (temp > 0 || temp==0 && !skip){
if ( skip ){
skip = false;
by.add(new Byte( (byte)(Integer.decode("0x" + String.valueOf(temp)).intValue()) ));
byte[] bytes = new byte[by.size() + 1];
// bytes[0] = (byte)0xC3;
bytes[0] = (byte)(by.size());
for (int i=0; i<by.size(); i++){
bytes[i+1] = ((Byte)by.elementAt(by.size()-1-i)).byteValue();
return bytes;
private String int2str(int i){
String s = String.valueOf(i);
if (s.length()<2){
s = "0" + s;
return s;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
WapPushEncoder wapPushEncoder =new WapPushEncoder();
System.out.println(wapPushEncoder.byteToHexStr(wapPushEncoder.format("f00的", "")));