大家知道,win32窗口的内置滚动自绘是个非常棘手的问题,在写这篇文章之前首先感谢下CSDN的mynamelj,他写的那个SkinSB开源的时候我就开始使用来美化一般win32窗口的滚动条,很好用,但是最近有想把自己的应用迁移到x64平台的想法,所以必须把全部源码编译成64位的版本,以便能在win 64位下获得最佳性能,好了废话不多说,继续往下看。
对于第一个难题,当时到微软网站看了下其实detours 3.0版本有支持64位的,但是不是免费的,收费$9999一套,相当于7万RMB左右,这费用我等实在付不起,只好另找其他方法,经同事介绍mhook库,稍微看了下也是开源的,使用方法也很方便,就两个函数,一个Mhook_SetHook加载API钩子,一个Mhook_Unhook
//包含头文件 #include "../mhook/mhook.h" #include "../skinsb/skinsb.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif static int (WINAPI * TrueSetScrollInfo)(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL bRedraw) = SetScrollInfo; static BOOL (WINAPI * TrueGetScrollInfo)(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) = GetScrollInfo; static int (WINAPI * TrueSetScrollPos)(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nPos, BOOL bRedraw) = SetScrollPos; static int (WINAPI * TrueGetScrollPos)(HWND hwnd, int nBar) = GetScrollPos; static BOOL (WINAPI * TrueSetScrollRange)(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL bRedraw) = SetScrollRange; static BOOL (WINAPI * TrueGetScrollRange)(HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos) = GetScrollRange; static BOOL (WINAPI * TrueShowScrollBar)(HWND hwnd, int nBar, BOOL bShow) = ShowScrollBar; static BOOL (WINAPI * TrueEnableScrollBar)(HWND hwnd, UINT wSBflags, UINT wArrows) = EnableScrollBar; int WINAPI SetScrollInfoD(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL bRedraw) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_SetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi, bRedraw); else return TrueSetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi, bRedraw); } BOOL WINAPI GetScrollInfoD(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_GetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi); else return TrueGetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi); } int WINAPI SetScrollPosD(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nPos, BOOL bRedraw) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_SetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar, nPos, bRedraw); else return TrueSetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar, nPos, bRedraw); } int WINAPI GetScrollPosD(HWND hwnd, int nBar) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_GetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar); else return TrueGetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar); } BOOL WINAPI SetScrollRangeD(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL bRedraw) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_SetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, nMinPos, nMaxPos, bRedraw); else return TrueSetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, nMinPos, nMaxPos, bRedraw); } BOOL WINAPI GetScrollRangeD(HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_GetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos); else return TrueGetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos); } BOOL WINAPI ShowScrollBarD(HWND hwnd, int nBar, BOOL bShow) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_ShowScrollBar(hwnd, nBar, bShow); else return TrueShowScrollBar(hwnd, nBar, bShow); } BOOL WINAPI EnableScrollBarD(HWND hwnd, UINT wSBflags, UINT wArrows) { if( SkinSB_IsValid(hwnd) ) return SkinSB_EnableScrollBar(hwnd, wSBflags, wArrows); else return TrueEnableScrollBar(hwnd, wSBflags, wArrows); }
BOOL CSkinSBDemoApp::InitInstance() { // 加载钩子 Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollInfo, SetScrollInfoD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollInfo, GetScrollInfoD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollPos, SetScrollPosD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollPos, GetScrollPosD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollRange,SetScrollRangeD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollRange,GetScrollRangeD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueShowScrollBar, ShowScrollBarD); Mhook_SetHook(&(PVOID&)TrueEnableScrollBar,EnableScrollBarD); CSkinSBDemoDlg dlg; m_pMainWnd = &dlg; INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; }
int CSkinSBDemoApp::ExitInstance() { // 卸载钩子 Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollInfo); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollInfo); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollPos); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollPos); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueSetScrollRange); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueGetScrollRange); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueShowScrollBar); Mhook_Unhook(&(PVOID&)TrueEnableScrollBar); return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); }