嗯,看来是可以响应拖入文件的,而且帮助文件里还给了一个示范的代码(郁闷的是这个示范代码只处理 CF_VIRTUALTREE,其它的都没有),那照着搬一下。
procedure TTFrmPlayListMgr.vstPlayListMgrDragDrop(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Source: TObject; DataObject: IDataObject; Formats: TFormatArray; Shift: TShiftState; Pt: TPoint; var Effect: Integer; Mode: TDropMode); var I, J: Integer; AttachMode: TVTNodeAttachMode; Medium: TStgMedium; Data: Pointer; fomat: tagFORMATETC ; DropHandle: HDROP; path: string; nFileCount: Integer; nBufferLen: Integer; lpszFile: LPSTR; nCount : Cardinal; begin if Length(Formats) > 0 then begin // OLE drag'n drop // If the native tree format is listed then use this and accept the drop, otherwise recject (ignore) it. // It is recommend by Microsoft to order available clipboard formats in decreasing detail richness so // the first best format which we can accept is usually the best format we can get at all. for I := 0 to High(Formats) do begin if Formats[I] = CF_VIRTUALTREE then begin case Mode of dmAbove: AttachMode := amInsertBefore; dmOnNode: AttachMode := amAddChildLast; dmBelow: AttachMode := amInsertAfter; else if Assigned(Source) and (Source is TBaseVirtualTree) and (Sender <> Source) then AttachMode := amInsertBefore else AttachMode := amNowhere; end; // in the case the drop target does an optimized move Effect is set to DROPEFFECT_NONE // to indicate this also to the drag source (so the source doesn't need to take any further action) Sender.ProcessDrop(DataObject, Sender.DropTargetNode, Effect, AttachMode); Break; end; if Formats[i] = CF_HDROP then begin showMessage('CF_HDROP '); end; end else begin // VCL drag'n drop, Effects contains by default both move and copy effect suggestion, // as usual the application has to find out what operation is finally to do Beep; end; end;
function TBaseVirtualTree.GetTreeFromDataObject(const DataObject: IDataObject): TBaseVirtualTree; // Returns the owner/sender of the given data object by means of a special clipboard format // or nil if the sender is in another process or no virtual tree at all. var Medium: TStgMedium; Data: PVTReference; begin Result := nil; if Assigned(DataObject) then begin StandardOLEFormat.cfFormat := CF_VTREFERENCE; if DataObject.GetData(StandardOLEFormat, Medium) = S_OK then begin Data := GlobalLock(Medium.hGlobal); if Assigned(Data) then begin if Data.Process = GetCurrentProcessID then Result := Data.Tree; GlobalUnlock(Medium.hGlobal); end; ReleaseStgMedium(Medium); end; end; end;
嗯,照着做吧,但问题只有一个对应着cfFormat = CF_HDROP的数据是什么格式?对GlobaLock返回的指针我怎么处理。结果没有一个地方有说明,MSDN、delphi的Windows SDK帮助文档上对CF_HDROP都没有说明,使用百度对CF_HDROP进行搜索,发现只有对剪切板的一些操作的示范代码,再回去研究下OleDrop的原理,正是将数据存到剪切板中。那么,把对剪切板的操作的代码移植到程序中,好了,一个成功的OnDragDrop事件处理函数出来了。
procedure TTFrmPlayListMgr.vstPlayListMgrDragDrop(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Source: TObject; DataObject: IDataObject; Formats: TFormatArray; Shift: TShiftState; Pt: TPoint; var Effect: Integer; Mode: TDropMode); var I, J: Integer; AttachMode: TVTNodeAttachMode; Medium: TStgMedium; Data: Pointer; fomat: tagFORMATETC ; DropHandle: HDROP; path: string; nFileCount: Integer; nBufferLen: Integer; lpszFile: LPSTR; nCount : Cardinal; begin if Length(Formats) > 0 then begin // OLE drag'n drop // If the native tree format is listed then use this and accept the drop, otherwise recject (ignore) it. // It is recommend by Microsoft to order available clipboard formats in decreasing detail richness so // the first best format which we can accept is usually the best format we can get at all. for I := 0 to High(Formats) do begin if Formats[I] = CF_VIRTUALTREE then begin case Mode of dmAbove: AttachMode := amInsertBefore; dmOnNode: AttachMode := amAddChildLast; dmBelow: AttachMode := amInsertAfter; else if Assigned(Source) and (Source is TBaseVirtualTree) and (Sender <> Source) then AttachMode := amInsertBefore else AttachMode := amNowhere; end; // in the case the drop target does an optimized move Effect is set to DROPEFFECT_NONE // to indicate this also to the drag source (so the source doesn't need to take any further action) Sender.ProcessDrop(DataObject, Sender.DropTargetNode, Effect, AttachMode); Break; end; if Formats[i] = CF_HDROP then begin if Assigned(DataObject) then begin // Format must later be set. fomat.cfFormat:= CF_HDROP; // No specific target device to render on. fomat.ptd:= nil; // Normal content to render. fomat.dwAspect:= DVASPECT_CONTENT; // No specific page of multipage data (we don't use multipage data by default). fomat.lindex:= -1; // Acceptable storage formats are IStream and global memory. The first is preferred. fomat.tymed:= TYMED_ISTREAM or TYMED_HGLOBAL; //fomat.cfFormat := CF_HDROP; if DataObject.GetData(fomat, Medium) = S_OK then begin Data := GlobalLock(Medium.hGlobal); if Assigned(Data) then begin DropHandle := Integer(Data); nFileCount := DragQueryFile(DropHandle, Cardinal(-1),nil,0); for J := 0 to nFileCount - 1 do begin nBufferLen := DragQueryFile(DropHandle,j,nil,0); // lpszFile := LPSTR(GlobalAlloc(GPTR,nBufferLen+1)); // nCount := DragQueryFile(DropHandle,i,lpszFile,nBufferLen+1); lpszFile := LPSTR(GlobalAlloc(GPTR,255)); nCount := DragQueryFile(DropHandle,j,lpszFile,255); //FIXme operation about lpszFile path := lpszFile; ShowMessage(path); GlobalFree(Cardinal(lpszFile)); end; GlobalUnlock(Medium.hGlobal); end; ReleaseStgMedium(Medium); end; end; end; end; end else begin // VCL drag'n drop, Effects contains by default both move and copy effect suggestion, // as usual the application has to find out what operation is finally to do Beep; end; end;