描述:之所以我把它翻译成最值滤波器,因为它的原理就是在卷积核区域内,中心点的值如果大于或小于附近值的最大值或最小值时,将大于最大值的赋值为最大值,将小于最小值的赋值为最小值,这就是Conservative Smoothing Filter
/** * Finds the maximum value from a 3x3 pixel neighbourhood overlaid with * a 3x3 kernel (on/off). The centre pixel of the kernel is ignored. * * @param input The 2D array of pixel values representing the image. * @param kernel The array representing the kernel. * @param w The width of the image. * @param h The height of the image. * @param x The x coordinate of the centre of the 3x3 neighbourhood. * @param y The y coordinate of the centre of the 3x3 neighbourhood. * @return The maximum value. */ public static int maxNeighbour(int [][] input, int [] kernel, int w, int h, int x, int y) { int [] neighbour = new int [9]; boolean [] neighbourPresent = new boolean [9]; int max; for(int j=0;j<3;++j){ for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ if((kernel[(3*j)+i]==1)&&(((x-1+i) > 0)&&((x-1+i) < w)&&((y-1+j) > 0)&&((y-1+j) < h))) { neighbour[(3*j)+i] = input[x-1+i][y-1+j]; neighbourPresent[(3*j)+i] = true; }else{ neighbour[(3*j)+i] = 0; neighbourPresent[(3*j)+i] = false; } } } max = 0; for(int i=0;i<9;++i){ if((neighbourPresent[i])&&(neighbour[i]>max)&&(i!=4)){ max = neighbour[i]; } } return max; } /** * Finds the minimum value from a 3x3 pixel neighbourhood overlaid with * a 3x3 kernel (on/off). The centre pixel of the kernel is ignored. * * @param input The 2D array of pixel values representing the image. * @param kernel The array representing the kernel. * @param w The width of the image. * @param h The height of the image. * @param x The x coordinate of the centre of the 3x3 neighbourhood. * @param y The y coordinate of the centre of the 3x3 neighbourhood. * @return The minimum value. */ public static int minNeighbour(int [][] input, int [] kernel, int w, int h, int x, int y) { int [] neighbour = new int [9]; boolean [] neighbourPresent = new boolean [9]; int min; for(int j=0;j<3;++j){ for(int i=0;i<3;++i){ if((kernel[(j*3)+i]==1)&&(((x-1+i) > 0)&&((x-1+i) < w)&&((y-1+j) > 0)&&((y-1+j) < h))){ neighbour[(3*j)+i] = input[x-1+i][y-1+j]; neighbourPresent[(3*j)+i] = true; }else{ neighbour[(3*j)+i] = 0; neighbourPresent[(3*j)+i] = false; } } } min = 255; for(int i=0;i<9;++i){ if((neighbourPresent[i])&&(neighbour[i]<min)&&(i!=4)){ min = neighbour[i]; } } return min; }
/** * Takes an image and a kernel and applies conservative smoothing to it. * * @param input The 1D array representing the image. * @param kernel The array representing the kernel. * @param width The width of the image. * @param height The height of the image. * @return The array representing the new smoothed image. */ public static int [] smooth_image (int [] input, int [] kernel, int width, int height) { int [][] inputArrays = new int [width][height]; int [][] outputArrays = new int [width][height]; inputArrays = generateInputArrays(input,width,height); for(int j=0;j<height;++j){ for(int i=0;i<width;++i){ int max = maxNeighbour(inputArrays,kernel,width,height,i,j); int min = minNeighbour(inputArrays,kernel,width,height,i,j); // compare to max/min if(emptyKernel(kernel)){ outputArrays[i][j]=inputArrays[i][j]; } else if(inputArrays[i][j]>max){ outputArrays[i][j]=max; }else if(inputArrays[i][j]<min){ outputArrays[i][j]=min; } else{ outputArrays[i][j]=inputArrays[i][j]; } } } return generateOutputArray(outputArrays,width,height); } public int [][] smooth(int [][] inputArrays, int [] kernel, int width, int height){ int [][] outputArrays = new int [width][height]; for(int j=0;j<height;++j){ for(int i=0;i<width;++i){ int max = maxNeighbour(inputArrays,kernel,width,height,i,j); int min = minNeighbour(inputArrays,kernel,width,height,i,j); //compare to max/min if(emptyKernel(kernel)){ outputArrays[i][j]=inputArrays[i][j]; } else if(inputArrays[i][j]>max){ outputArrays[i][j]=max; }else if(inputArrays[i][j]<min){ outputArrays[i][j]=min; } else{ outputArrays[i][j]=inputArrays[i][j]; } }} return outputArrays; } public int [] smoothImage (int [] input, int width, int height, int [] kernel, int kernelWidth, int kernelHeight) { int [] outputArray = new int [width*height]; int [][] inputArrays = new int [width][height]; int [][] outputArrays = new int [width][height]; for(int j=0;j<height;++j){ for(int i=0;i<width;++i){ inputArrays[i][j] = input[j*width+i]; } } outputArrays = smooth(inputArrays,kernel,width,height); for(int j=0;j<height;++j){ for(int i=0;i<width;++i){ outputArray[j*width+i] = outputArrays[i][j]; } } return outputArray; } }
Output Image: