总结于Gson的官网文档 Gson User Guide,代码示例皆是。
(Serialization) Gson gson = new Gson(); gson.toJson(1); ==> prints 1 gson.toJson("abcd"); ==> prints "abcd" gson.toJson(new Long(10)); ==> prints 10 int[] values = { 1 }; gson.toJson(values); ==> prints [1] (Deserialization) int one = gson.fromJson("1", int.class); Integer one = gson.fromJson("1", Integer.class); Long one = gson.fromJson("1", Long.class); Boolean false = gson.fromJson("false", Boolean.class); String str = gson.fromJson("\"abc\"", String.class); String anotherStr = gson.fromJson("[\"abc\"]", String.class);这里的数组好像有点问题,
@Test public void testArray() { String[] strArray = {"aa" , "bb" , "cc"}; String json = gson.toJson(strArray); System.out.println("json->" + json); Type arrayType = new TypeToken<String[]>() {}.getType(); String[] str = gson.fromJson(json , arrayType); for(int i=0; i<str.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + "->" + str[i]); } }
@Test public void testArray() { String[] strArray = {"aa" , "bb" , "cc"}; String json = gson.toJson(strArray); System.out.println("json->" + json); String[] str = gson.fromJson(json , String[].class); for(int i=0; i<str.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + "->" + str[i]); } }
使用关键字 transient 修饰的 field ,不会被序列化为JSON
class BagOfPrimitives { private int value1 = 1; private String value2 = "abc"; private transient int value3 = 3; BagOfPrimitives() { // no-args constructor } } (Serialization) BagOfPrimitives obj = new BagOfPrimitives(); Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = gson.toJson(obj); ==> json is {"value1":1,"value2":"abc"} (Deserialization) BagOfPrimitives obj2 = gson.fromJson(json, BagOfPrimitives.class); ==> obj2 is just like obj
package org.ygy.demo; public class BagOfPrimitives { private int value1 = 1; private String value2 = "abc"; private transient int value3 = 3; public BagOfPrimitives() {} public BagOfPrimitives(int value1, String value2, int value3) { this.value1 = value1; this.value2 = value2; this.value3 = value3; } @Override public String toString() { return "BagOfPrimitives [value1=" + value1 + ", value2=" + value2 + ", value3=" + value3 + "]"; } }即使我们手动添加了 transient 修饰的 field ,反序列化出来也没有。
@Test public void testObject() { BagOfPrimitives obj = new BagOfPrimitives(100 , "google" , 200); String json = gson.toJson(obj); System.out.println(json); BagOfPrimitives obj2 = gson.fromJson(json , BagOfPrimitives.class); System.out.println(obj2); String json2 = "{\"value1\":100,\"value2\":\"google\",\"value3\":200}"; BagOfPrimitives obj3 = gson.fromJson(json2 , BagOfPrimitives.class); System.out.println(obj3); }
Note that you can not serialize objects with circular references since that will result in infinite recursion.
package org.ygy.demo; public class Child { private String name; private Father father; public Child(String _name , Father _father) { this.name = _name; this.father = _father; } @Override public String toString() { return "Child [name=" + name + ", father=" + father + "]"; } }
package org.ygy.demo; public class Father { private String name; private Child child; public void setChild(Child _child) { this.child = _child; } public Father(String _name) { this.name = _name; } public Father(String _name , Child _child) { this.name = _name; this.child = _child; } @Override public String toString() { return "Father [name=" + name + ", child=" + child + "]"; } }
@Test public void testReference() { Father father = new Father("father1"); Child child = new Child("child1" , father); father.setChild(child); String json = gson.toJson(child); System.out.println(json); }