[置顶] android 第三方jar库 反射得到自己的资源ID

做jar,jar代码获取资源不能直接引用 R.xx.name,


1.通过方法: int android.content.res.Resources.getIdentifier(String name,String defType,String defPackage)



public class ResoureExchange {
	private static final String TAG = ResoureExchange.class.getName();
	private static ResoureExchange self;

	private Context mContext;

	private static Class<?> CDrawable = null;

	private static Class<?> CLayout = null;

	private static Class<?> CId = null;

	private static Class<?> CAnim = null;

	private static Class<?> CStyle = null;

	private static Class<?> CString = null;

	private static Class<?> CArray = null;

	public static ResoureExchange getInstance(Context context){
		if(self == null){
			self = new ResoureExchange(context);
		return self;

	private ResoureExchange(Context context){
		this.mContext = context.getApplicationContext();
			CDrawable = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$drawable");
			CLayout = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$layout");
			CId = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$id");
			CAnim = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$anim");
			CStyle = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$style");
			CString = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$string");
			CArray = Class.forName(this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$array");

		}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){

	public int getDrawableId(String resName){
		return getResId(CDrawable,resName);
	public int getLayoutId(String resName){
		return getResId(CLayout,resName);
	public int getIdId(String resName){
		return getResId(CId,resName);
	public int getAnimId(String resName){
		return getResId(CAnim,resName);
	public int getStyleId(String resName){
		return getResId(CStyle,resName);
	public int getStringId(String resName){
		return getResId(CString,resName);
	public int getArrayId(String resName){
		return getResId(CArray,resName);
	private int getResId(Class<?> resClass,String resName){
		if(resClass == null){
			Log.i(TAG,"getRes(null," + resName + ")");
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResClass is not initialized. Please make sure you have added neccessary resources. Also make sure you have " + this.mContext.getPackageName() + ".R$* configured in obfuscation. field=" + resName);

		try {
			Field field = resClass.getField(resName);
			return field.getInt(resName);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Log.i(TAG, "getRes(" + resClass.getName() + ", " + resName + ")");
			Log.i(TAG, "Error getting resource. Make sure you have copied all resources (res/) from SDK to your project. ");

			Log.i(TAG, e.getMessage());

		return -1;



