今天再次分析了Eva的源码,也看了qt3中QListView和QListViewItem手册,在Eva中实现item paint的方式如下:
void EvaListViewItem::paintCell( QPainter * painter, const QColorGroup & colourGroup, int column, int width, int align ) { if( ! isVisible() ) return; if ( column == 0){ QBrush *brush; QPalette palette; EvaListView *lv = dynamic_cast<EvaListView *> (listView()); if( !lv ) return; palette = lv->viewport()->palette(); brush = 0; const BackgroundMode bgmode = lv->viewport()->backgroundMode(); const QColorGroup::ColorRole crole = QPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode( bgmode ); if ( colourGroup.brush( crole ) != lv->colorGroup().brush( crole ) ) painter->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), colourGroup.brush( crole ) ); else lv->paintEmptyArea( painter, QRect( 0, 0, width, height() ) ); if ( isSelected() ) { brush = new QBrush( palette.color(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Highlight) ); // painter->setPen( palette.color(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text) ); } else { // painter->setPen( palette.color(QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Text) ); } int icon_width = 0; if(m_icon){ icon_width = lv->itemMargin() + m_icon->width(); } // TODO: Change the font for highlighted text m_richText->draw( painter, lv->itemMargin() + icon_width, 0, QRect( icon_width, 0, width, height() ), colourGroup, brush ); //setHeight( m_RichText->height() ); if(m_icon){ int xo = lv->itemMargin(); int yo = ( height() - m_icon->height() ) / 2; painter->drawPixmap( xo, yo, *m_icon ); } int height = m_richText->height(); if(m_icon && m_icon->height() > m_richText->height()){ height = m_icon->height(); } height += 4; setHeight( height ); widthChanged( 0 ); delete brush; } else { QListViewItem::paintCell( painter, colourGroup, column, width, align ); } }
void QListView::insertItem ( QListViewItem * i ) [virtual] Inserts item i into the list view as a top-level item. You do not need to call this unless you've called takeItem(i) or QListViewItem::takeItem(i) and need to reinsert i elsewhere.
void QListWidget::insertItem ( int row, QListWidgetItem * item ) Inserts the item at the position in the list given by row. See also addItem().
void QTreeWidget::insertTopLevelItem ( int index, QTreeWidgetItem * item ) Inserts the item at index in the top level in the view. If the item has already been inserted somewhere else it wont be inserted.