#region DOC TO PDF public void ConvertDocToPDF(string docPath,string savePdfPath) { Aspose.Words.Document wordDocument = new Aspose.Words.Document(docPath); InsertWatermarkText(wordDocument, "内部资料 注意保密\r\n XX公司 "); wordDocument.Save("D:\\abc.doc"); Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions saveOption = new Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions(); saveOption.SaveFormat = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf; //user pass 设置了打开时,需要密码 //owner pass 控件编辑等权限 PdfEncryptionDetails encryptionDetails = new PdfEncryptionDetails(string.Empty, "PasswordHere", PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_128); encryptionDetails.Permissions = PdfPermissions.DisallowAll; saveOption.EncryptionDetails = encryptionDetails; wordDocument.Save(savePdfPath, saveOption); } private static void InsertWatermarkText(Aspose.Words.Document doc, string watermarkText) { // Create a watermark shape. This will be a WordArt shape. // You are free to try other shape types as watermarks. Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape watermark = new Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape(doc, Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextPlainText); // Set up the text of the watermark. watermark.TextPath.Text = watermarkText; watermark.TextPath.FontFamily = "宋体"; watermark.Width = 500; watermark.Height = 100; // Text will be directed from the bottom-left to the top-right corner. watermark.Rotation = -40; // Remove the following two lines if you need a solid black text. watermark.Fill.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; // Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark watermark.StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; // Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark // Place the watermark in the page center. watermark.RelativeHorizontalPosition = RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page; watermark.RelativeVerticalPosition = RelativeVerticalPosition.Page; watermark.WrapType = WrapType.None; watermark.VerticalAlignment = Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Center; watermark.HorizontalAlignment = Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Center; // Create a new paragraph and append the watermark to this paragraph. Aspose.Words.Paragraph watermarkPara = new Aspose.Words.Paragraph(doc); watermarkPara.AppendChild(watermark); foreach (Section sect in doc.Sections) { // There could be up to three different headers in each section, since we want // the watermark to appear on all pages, insert into all headers. InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary); InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderFirst); InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderEven); } } private static void InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(Aspose.Words.Paragraph watermarkPara, Section sect, HeaderFooterType headerType) { Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter header = sect.HeadersFooters[headerType]; if (header == null) { // There is no header of the specified type in the current section, create it. header = new Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter(sect.Document, headerType); sect.HeadersFooters.Add(header); } // Insert a clone of the watermark into the header. header.AppendChild(watermarkPara.Clone(true)); } #endregion