Verifying OCR integrity Checking OCR integrity... Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration... All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations ASM Running check passed. ASM is running on all specified nodes Checking OCR config file "/etc/oracle/ocr.loc"... OCR config file "/etc/oracle/ocr.loc" check successful Disk group for ocr location "+CRS" available on all the nodes Disk group for ocr location "+DATA1" available on all the nodes NOTE: This check does not verify the integrity of the OCR contents. Execute 'ocrcheck' as a privileged user to verify the contents of OCR. OCR integrity check passed Verification of OCR integrity was successful.
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows : Version : 3 Total space (kbytes) : 262120 Used space (kbytes) : 3320 Available space (kbytes) : 258800 ID : 1360300110 Device/File Name : +CRS Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File Name : +DATA1 Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded Logical corruption check bypassed due to non-privileged user
Located 1 voting disk(s).
oeltan1 2013/07/24 11:18:08 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup00.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/24 07:18:02 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup01.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/24 03:17:54 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup02.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/23 07:17:31 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/day.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/12 07:14:46 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/week.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/23 11:17:30 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup_20130723_111730.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/23 11:15:00 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup_20130723_111500.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/18 10:36:48 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup_20130718_103648.ocr oeltan1 2013/07/18 10:36:30 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup_20130718_103630.ocr oeltan2 2013/06/17 09:04:34 /apps/grid/gridhome/11.2.0/grid/cdata/oeltan-cluster/backup_20130617_090434.ocr
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started. CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ctssd' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2681: Clean of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ctssd' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'oeltan1' succeeded CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.asm' on 'oeltan1' CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.asm' on 'oeltan1' succeeded
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows : Version : 3 Total space (kbytes) : 262120 Used space (kbytes) : 3320 Available space (kbytes) : 258800 ID : 1360300110 Device/File Name : +CRSVOTE Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded Logical corruption check succeeded
Name Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ ora.CRS.dg ora....up.type ONLINE OFFLINE ora.DATA1.dg ora....up.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora.FRI.dg ora....up.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....ER.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....N1.lsnr ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.asm ora.asm.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora.cvu ora.cvu.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora.gsd ora.gsd.type OFFLINE OFFLINE ora....rk.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora.oc4j ora.oc4j.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....N1.lsnr application ONLINE OFFLINE ora....an1.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE ora....an1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....t1.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....N2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....an2.gsd application OFFLINE OFFLINE ora....an2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....t1.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.ons ora.ons.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....ip.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....ip.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora....ip.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.tantest.db ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora....tag.svc ora....ce.type ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME TARGET STATE SERVER STATE_DETAILS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.CRS.dg ONLINE OFFLINE oeltan1 OFFLINE OFFLINE oeltan2 ora.DATA1.dg ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.FRI.dg ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.LISTENER.lsnr ONLINE OFFLINE oeltan1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.asm ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 Started ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 Started ora.gsd OFFLINE OFFLINE oeltan1 OFFLINE OFFLINE oeltan2 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.ons ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.cvu 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 ora.oc4j 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 1 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE oeltan2 FAILED OVER 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 ora.tantest.db 1 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan1 Open 2 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2 Open ora.tantest.tantag.svc 1 ONLINE OFFLINE 2 ONLINE ONLINE oeltan2