Unity中所有关于输入的设置都在Edit -> Project Setting -> Input里面,点开之后,Inspector面板中就会显示当前的输入设置。
Gravity | How fast will the input recenter. Only used when the Type is key / mouse button. |
Dead | Any positive or negative values that are less than this number will register as zero. Useful for joysticks. |
Sensitivity | For keyboard input, a larger value will result in faster response time. A lower value will be more smooth. For Mouse delta the value will scale the actual mouse delta. |
Snap | If enabled, the axis value will be immediately reset to zero after it receives opposite inputs. Only used when the Type is key / mouse button. |
Invert | If enabled, the positive buttons will send negative values to the axis, and vice versa. |
Type | Use Key / Mouse Button for any kind of buttons, Mouse Movement for mouse delta and scrollwheels, Joystick Axis for analog joystick axes and Window Movement for when the user shakes the window. |
这里定义了一个 Joystick Axis类型的输入,输入的轴是X, 从所有手柄获取输入。因为有了这个,Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")就可以直接获取手柄的值了。接下来看怎么扩展到手柄的按键和其他的摇杆。
首先看一下手柄按键 的分布图。
比如要 通过 Input.GetButtonDown("Action"); 来判定是否攻击,关联的是手柄上的A键, 我们只需要如下图设置
Input.GetAxis("RightHorizontal")) Input.GetAxis("RightVertical"))
Input Manager - http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-InputManager.html
Xbox 360 Joystick Controller + - Unity http://bobstudios-en.blogspot.com/2012/09/xbox-360-joystick-controller-unity.html
附录:sony ps4 joystick map
Square = joystick button 0
X = joystick button 1
Circle = joystick button 2
Triangle= joystick button 3
L1 = joystick button 4
R1 = joystick button 5
L2 = joystick button 6
R2 = joystick button 7
Share = joystick button 8
Options = joystick button 9
L3 = joystick button 10
R3 = joystick button 11
PS = joystick button 12
PadPress= joystick button 13
LeftStickX = X-Axis
LeftStickY = Y-Axis (Inverted?)
RightStickX = 3rd Axis
RightStickY = 4th Axis (Inverted?)
L2 = 5th Axis (-1.0f to 1.0f range, unpressed is -1.0f)
R2 = 6th Axis (-1.0f to 1.0f range, unpressed is -1.0f)
DPadX = 7th Axis
DPadY = 8th Axis (Inverted?)