Point pt; pt.x = 10; pt.y = 8;
Point pt = Point(10, 8);
Scalar( a, b, c )那么定义的RGB颜色值为:Red = c, Green = b and Blue = a(注意定义中的顺序!!)
void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end ) { int thickness = 2; int lineType = 8; line( img, start, end, Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ), thickness, lineType ); }Myline调用函数line来实现操作:
void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle ) { int thickness = 2; int lineType = 8; ellipse( img, Point( w/2.0, w/2.0 ), Size( w/4.0, w/16.0 ), angle, 0, 360, Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ), thickness, lineType ); }MyEllipse调用函数ellipse绘制椭圆:
void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center ) { int thickness = -1; int lineType = 8; circle( img, center, w/32.0, Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ), thickness, lineType ); }
void MyPolygon( Mat img ) { int lineType = 8; /** 创建一些点 */ Point rook_points[1][20]; rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 13*w/16.0 ); rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/4.0 ); rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4.0, w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 ); rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 ); rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4.0, 13*w/16.0) ; const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] }; int npt[] = { 20 }; fillPoly( img, ppt, npt, 1, Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ), lineType ); }
rectangle( rook_image, Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ), Point( w, w), Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), -1, 8 );rentangle函数:
/** * @file Drawing_1.cpp * @brief Simple sample code */ #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #define w 400 using namespace cv; /// Function headers void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle ); void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center ); void MyPolygon( Mat img ); void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end ); /** * @function main * @brief Main function */ int main( void ){ /// Windows names char atom_window[] = "Drawing 1: Atom";//创建两个窗口 char rook_window[] = "Drawing 2: Rook"; /// Create black empty images Mat atom_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 );//创建两个图像,用0黑色填充 Mat rook_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 ); /// 1. Draw a simple atom: /// ----------------------- /// 1.a. Creating ellipses MyEllipse( atom_image, 90 );//绘制椭圆,参数一是在哪个图像上画,参数二是椭圆的角度 MyEllipse( atom_image, 0 ); MyEllipse( atom_image, 45 ); MyEllipse( atom_image, -45 ); /// 1.b. Creating circles MyFilledCircle( atom_image, Point( w/2, w/2) );//绘制圆形,参数一指定画图的图像,参数二指定圆的中心 /// 2. Draw a rook /// ------------------ /// 2.a. Create a convex polygon MyPolygon( rook_image ); //创建一个凸多边形 /// 2.b. Creating rectangles 创建一个矩形:两个point是矩形的左上角和右下角坐标 rectangle( rook_image, Point( 0, 7*w/8 ), Point( w, w), Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ), -1, 8 ); /// 2.c. Create a few lines MyLine( rook_image, Point( 0, 15*w/16 ), Point( w, 15*w/16 ) ); //绘制直线:两个piont是直线的两个端点坐标 MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/4, w ) ); MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/2, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/2, w ) ); MyLine( rook_image, Point( 3*w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( 3*w/4, w ) ); /// 3. Display your stuff! imshow( atom_window, atom_image ); moveWindow( atom_window, 0, 200 ); //移动显示窗口 imshow( rook_window, rook_image ); moveWindow( rook_window, w, 200 ); waitKey( 0 ); return(0); } /// Function Declaration /** * @function MyEllipse * @brief Draw a fixed-size ellipse with different angles */ void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle ) //画椭圆的函数,参数是:画椭圆的图像,椭圆的角度 { int thickness = 2; int lineType = 8; ellipse( img, //在img图像上绘制椭圆 Point( w/2, w/2 ), //椭圆中心位置 Size( w/4, w/16 ), //椭圆位于矩形( w/4, w/16 )内 angle, //椭圆的旋转角度angle 0, //椭圆扩展弧度范围0度到360度 360, Scalar( 0, 255, 0 ), //椭圆颜色,绿色 thickness, //指定椭圆线粗 lineType ); //指定椭圆线型,8连通 } /** * @function MyFilledCircle * @brief Draw a fixed-size filled circle */ void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center ) { int thickness = -1; int lineType = 8; circle( img, //圆将被画到img图像上 center, //圆心位置由center定义 w/32, //圆的半径 Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ), //圆的颜色,红色 thickness, //圆的线宽定义为-1,所以圆会被填充 lineType ); } /** * @function MyPolygon * @function Draw a simple concave polygon (rook) */ void MyPolygon( Mat img ) //绘制多边形 { int lineType = 8; /** Create some points */ Point rook_points[1][20]; rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4, 7*w/8 ); rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4, 7*w/8 ); rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4, 13*w/16 ); rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16, 13*w/16 ); rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32, 3*w/8 ); rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4, 3*w/8 ); rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4, w/8 ); rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40, w/8 ); rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40, w/4 ); rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40, w/4 ); rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40, w/8 ); rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40, w/8 ); rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40, w/4 ); rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40, w/4 ); rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40, w/8 ); rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4, w/8 ); rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4, 3*w/8 ); rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32, 3*w/8 ); rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16, 13*w/16 ); rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4, 13*w/16 ); const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] }; int npt[] = { 20 }; //绘制多边形函数 fillPoly( img, //多边形将被画到图像img上 ppt, //多边形的顶点集为ppt npt, //要绘制的多边形定点数目为npt 1, //绘制多边形数目 Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ), //多边形的颜色,白色 lineType ); } /** * @function MyLine * @brief Draw a simple line */ //画一条从点star到点end的线段的函数 void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end ) { int thickness = 2; int lineType = 8; line( img, //线段将被画到图像img上 start, //线段起点 end, //线段终点 Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ), //线的颜色,黑色 thickness, //线的粗细 lineType ); //线型:8连通 }运行结果: