

We all rely on snail-mail, so reclaim your sanity with Postifier. The ONLY Bluetooth device to notify your smartphone if mail arrived.

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The Postbox has been around for centuries. We check them every day before entering the comfort of our home, apartment or flat and far too often find it's empty. Postifier is about to change all that; by turning your current everyday Postbox into a smart Postbox and bringing it into the 21st century.

Postifier was designed to provide the solution to those pointless frustrating walks to your Postbox and back, empty handed. With the smartphone as popular as ever we developed a device which sends a notification to your smartphone if mail arrived during the day.

  • Postifier supports iOS and Android
  • Uses Bluetooth SMART (Low Energy)
  • Has a battery life over 9 months (Usage dependant)
  • Average pairing range of 30metres or 100feet

Perfect for these situations

  • For the elderly and those with mobility impairment - prevent them making fruitless trips to check an empty Postbox
  • Long driveways - save those walks back down the driveway or the need to get out of your car to check your Postbox
  • Retrieve and secure credit card, bank and retirement statements before they get into the wrong hands
  • When you are inside your home and waiting for the mail - go to the front door with your smartphone and you will know if mail arrived (more useful when its raining and you don't fancy that walk outside in the cold)
  • Extreme temperatures or just pure laziness

Where we are at

Our first prototype was developed based off the original Bluetooth 2.0 version. This was a proof of concept project and allowed us to iron out any issues and to focus on getting Postifier to do exactly what it is suppose to do.

Once we were satisfied with the results, we started work on the next generation Bluetooth SMART (Low Energy) version using a TI system on chip module. We chose this as it increased the battery life significantly.

The size of Postifier is also important. We wanted something that sat inside the Postbox and wasn't obtrusive. We have managed to squeeze all the components into a size similar to that of a box of matches.

We partnered up with experts in the electronics field specialising in sensors and wireless technology. Our engineers have spent the last 9 months designing several PCBs, coding firmware and testing many different sensors and Bluetooth modules.

Real world testing has been completed and we are extremely happy with the results. We were unfortunately unsuccessful on our previous campaign through another crowd-funding site, however Kickstarter has recently opened up to Australian projects, and we feel we now have the right audience and exposure to be successful.

Why we need your help

All internal electronics, firmware, connectivity and iPhone app is complete. We focused all our efforts in getting this core area developed first. However we still have work to do.

We are asking for $25,000 which will go directly to:

  • The design of the custom, small and weatherproof enclosure
  • Final PCB revision
  • Regulatory testing and approval
  • Component order/procurement (Initial estimated production run of at least 500 units)
  • Component assembly
  • Android application development
  • Packaging design

With the funds raised we are confident we can achieve all of the above and get Postifier into your Postbox.

Here's how it works

Postifier has reusable adhesive, so you stick it to the inside roof panel of your Postbox. The sensor detects change in infrared light when mail is inserted into your Postbox. The Bluetooth module then activates and waits for pairing with your smartphone.

You need Bluetooth enabled and the application running (minimised) in background and that’s all there is to it. You will now be notified on your smartphone before you reach your Postbox, or when you drive into your driveway and never again open an empty Postbox!

Once the notification appears on your smartphone, the application opens and you press OK. This will get Postifier ready for the following day. It really is that easy!

Our story

Back in the summer of 2012 my wife and I moved into a new apartment complex where all the apartments Postbox’s were congregated out on street level. We were soon faced with the issue of our Postbox lock getting regularly jammed and we would find it could take up to a minute to unlock it; and most of the time it was empty. After building management refused to get the Postbox locks replaced, we thought there had to be a better way to know if we needed to check the mail.

Around our neighbourhood, we also started to notice a lot of houses with long driveways where the Postbox was a good distance away. People would have to walk all the way to the front of the property to check the Postbox. This wasn't very convenient for them. We then began to search the internet and discovered quite a large amount of interest for a Postbox notifier. There were loads of posts and DIY projects to build your own using all sorts of components, but the majority of us would simply never know how to build such a device let alone understand some of the tech-jargon that is used.

We weren't able to find a device that brought the Postbox into the 21st century and which incorporated the all important smartphone. The ones that are for sale were all too expensive and required some kind of base receiver using Radio Frequency or required you to actually purchase a new custom Postbox. Postifier was then born!

Here are some of the early videos, design ideas and sketches that has helped us get Postifier from the idea phase to a working prototype phase:

1. Proof of Concept using an Arduino board, Passive Infrared Red sensor and LED: This video shows how the PIR will only trigger the green LED once mail is inserted into the Postbox, and will not false trigger by outside movements.


 2. Proof of Concept Demonstration 2 - Non Bluetooth Integration.


 3. First Prototype using a Roving Networks (RN-42) Development Bluetooth 2.0 module with development app on our custom designed PCB. This video demonstrates connection with a smartphone when the PIR is triggered by movement. The red LED on the PCB will light up and the RN-IAP device will show connected on the iPhone.


4. First Prototype demonstrating the Roving Networks Development App sending and receiving data from the Bluetooth 2.0 module. A "w" string requests a value from the PCB, a "z" string sends a command to disable the RN-IAP Bluetooth module.


5. Bluetooth Low Energy Prototype using a Texas Instruments SoC development board (CC2541DK). This shows the communication and sending of the notification to the iOS smartphone app (Blurred out Passcode entry).


6. Bluetooth 2.0 Prototype Images: These images show the 3D PCB design, PCB board with the development RN-42 Bluetooth 2.0 module chip and also the working prototype attached to a Z-Motion PIR sensor in a test enclosure.

7. Postifier iOS Application Notifications: These images show the iOS app and how the notification will appear.

8. Early whiteboard sketches.

Other uses for Postifier

We have received feedback from readers of the below articles on other uses for Postifier. These include:

  • Secure cabinet drawer - be alerted if someone has unlawfully accessed your secure drawer
  • Security gate - be alerted if someone has opened your back gate or the swimming pool gate
