-L :
Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
-I :
-I dir
Add the directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for header
files. Directories named by -I are searched before the standard system
include directories. If the directory dir is a standard system include
directory, the option is ignored to ensure that the default search order for
system directories and the special treatment of system headers are not
defeated .
-c :生成cpp文件对应的*.o文件。
TEST_FLAG = -Dprotected=public -Dprivate=public -U__inner
ar -rv libmovie.a $(OBJECTS)
Add archive file archive to the list of files to link . This option may be
used any number of times. ld will search its path-list for occurrences of
"libarchive.a" for every archive specified.
On systems which support shared libraries, ld may also search for libraries
with extensions other than ".a". Specifically, on ELF and SunOS systems, ld
will search a directory for a library with an extension of ".so" before
searching for one with an extension of ".a". By convention, a ".so" exten-
sion indicates a shared library.
CXXFLAGS=-fPIC -g -finline-functions -Wall -W -Winline -pipe -Wreturn-type -Wtrigr
aphs -Wformat -Wparentheses -Wpointer-arith -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -D_GNU_S
15 INCPATH= -I../include -I.. -I$(LOCAL_CVS_ROOT)/com/btest/gtest/output/include -I.
16 DEP_LDFLAGS= -L$(LOCAL_CVS_ROOT)/../btestUse/movie/src -L$(LOCAL_CVS_ROOT)/com/bte
st/gtest/output/lib -L. -L../lib
17 DEP_LDLIBS= -lpthread -lstdc++ -lgtest -lgtest_main -lmovie
18 CXX=g++
19 CC = gcc
21 PATTERN=test*.cpp
22 TESTFILES=$(wildcard $(PATTERN))
23 EXE=$(basename $(TESTFILES))
24 all : $(EXE)
25 $(EXE) : % : %.cpp
27 .PHONY: list clean
28 list:
29 @echo $(EXE)
30 clean:
31 rm $(EXE)