
luther@gliethttp:~$ ll /dev/input/mice
crw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 63 2009-07-09 15:54 /dev/input/mice

001 #include <stdio.h>
002 #include <errno.h>
003 #include <fcntl.h>
004 #include <sys/select.h>
005 #include <string.h>
006 // 以下代码源自
007 // [需要在文本控制台下运行,才能获取到数据,在ubuntu 8.10 GNOME界面只能收到1个字节数据0xfa][luther.gliethttp]
008 // libminigui-1.6.10/src/ial/native/native.c
009 // InitIAL==>__mg_cur_input = inputs{"console", InitNativeInput, TermNativeInput},
010 // mousedev = mousedev_IMPS2;
011 // input->update_mouse = mouse_update;
012 /* Mouse button bits*/
013 #define WHEEL_UP 0x10
014 #define WHEEL_DOWN 0x08
015 #define BUTTON_L 0x04
016 #define BUTTON_M 0x02
017 #define BUTTON_R 0x01
018 #define SCALE 3 /* default scaling factor for acceleration */
019 #define THRESH 5 /* default threshhold for acceleration */
020 static int xpos; /* current x position of mouse */
021 static int ypos; /* current y position of mouse */
022 static int minx; /* minimum allowed x position */
023 static int maxx; /* maximum allowed x position */
024 static int miny; /* minimum allowed y position */
025 static int maxy; /* maximum allowed y position */
026 static int buttons; /* current state of buttons */
027 static int scale = SCALE; /* acceleration scale factor */
028 static int thresh = THRESH; /* acceleration threshhold */
029 static int mouse_update( int dx , int dy , int dz);
030 static int IMPS2_Read ( int * dx , int * dy , int * dz , int *bp);
031 static void mouse_setposition ( int newx , int newy);
032 static void mouse_setrange ( int newminx , int newminy , int newmaxx , int newmaxy);
033 int mouse_fd;
034 int main( void)
035 {
036 int dx , dy , dz;
037 static unsigned char imps2_param [] = { 243 , 200 , 243 , 100 , 243 , 80 }; //,242};
038 // 来自vnc4的xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/input/mouse/mouse.c==>PROT_IMPS2
039 const char * mdev = "/dev/input/mice";
040 mouse_fd = open ( mdev , O_RDWR); // | O_NONBLOCK);
041 if ( mouse_fd < 0) {
042 printf( "[luther.gliethttp]: RW error [please use root user]: %s /n " , mdev);
043 mouse_fd = open ( mdev , O_RDONLY); // | O_NONBLOCK);
044 if ( mouse_fd < 0)
045 return - 1;
046 } else {
047 write ( mouse_fd , imps2_param , sizeof ( imps2_param)); // 初始化序列, 这样可以读取4个字节数据
048 // 0x80用来表示滚轮向上还是向下滚动.de>
049 de > // 0xa0表示滚轮向上滚动的同时中键按下
050 de >
051 de > printf( "[luther.gliethttp]: imps2_param ok! /n ");
052 }
053 mouse_setrange( 0 , 0 , 1024 , 768);
054 for (;;) {
055 IMPS2_Read( & dx , & dy , & dz , & buttons);
056 mouse_update( dx , dy , dz);
057 mouse_setposition( xpos , ypos);
058 printf( "[%04d,%04d,0x%04x] /n " , xpos , ypos , buttons);
059 }
060 return 0;
061 }
062 static int IMPS2_Read ( int * dx , int * dy , int * dz , int *bp)
063 {
064 static unsigned char buf [ 5 ];
065 static int buttons [ 7 ] = { 0 , 1 , 3 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 }; // 1左键,2中键,3右键
066 static int nbytes;
067 int n;
068 while ((n = read ( mouse_fd , & buf [ nbytes ], 4 - nbytes))) {
069 if (n < 0) {
070 if ( errno == EINTR)
071 continue;
072 else
073 return - 1;
074 }
075 nbytes += n;
076 if ( nbytes == 4) {
077 int wheel;
078 // printf("[luther.gliethttp]: %02x %02x %02x %02x/n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]);
079 if (( buf [ 0 ] & 0xc0) != 0) {
080 buf [ 0 ] = buf [ 1 ];
081 buf [ 1 ] = buf [ 2 ];
082 buf [ 2 ] = buf [ 3 ];
083 nbytes = 3;
084 return - 1;
085 }
086 /* FORM XFree86 4.0.1 */
087 *bp = buttons [( buf [ 0 ] & 0x07 )];
088 * dx = ( buf [ 0 ] & 0x10) ? buf [ 1 ] - 256 : buf [ 1 ];
089 * dy = ( buf [ 0 ] & 0x20) ? -( buf [ 2 ] - 256) : - buf [ 2 ];
090 /* Is a wheel event? */
091 if (( wheel = buf [ 3 ]) != 0) {
092 if( wheel > 0x7f) {
093 *bp |= WHEEL_UP;
094 }
095 else {
096 *bp |= WHEEL_DOWN;
097 }
098 }
099 * dz = 0;
100 nbytes = 0;
101 return 1;
102 }
103 }
104 return 0;
105 }
106 static int mouse_update( int dx , int dy , int dz)
107 {
108 int r;
109 int sign;
110 sign = 1;
111 if ( dx < 0) {
112 sign = - 1;
113 dx = - dx;
114 }
115 if ( dx > thresh)
116 dx = thresh + ( dx - thresh) * scale;
117 dx *= sign;
118 xpos += dx;
119 if( xpos < minx )
120 xpos = minx;
121 if( xpos > maxx )
122 xpos = maxx;
123 sign = 1;
124 if ( dy < 0) {
125 sign = - 1;
126 dy = - dy;
127 }
128 if ( dy > thresh)
129 dy = thresh + ( dy - thresh) * scale;
130 dy *= sign;
131 ypos += dy;
132 if ( ypos < miny )
133 ypos = miny;
134 if ( ypos > maxy )
135 ypos = maxy;
136 return 1;
137 }
138 static void mouse_setposition ( int newx , int newy)
139 {
140 if ( newx < minx)
141 newx = minx;
142 if ( newx > maxx)
143 newx = maxx;
144 if ( newy < miny)
145 newy = miny;
146 if ( newy > maxy)
147 newy = maxy;
148 if ( newx == xpos && newy == ypos)
149 return;
150 xpos = newx;
151 ypos = newy;
152 }
153 static void mouse_setrange ( int newminx , int newminy , int newmaxx , int newmaxy)
154 {
155 minx = newminx;
156 miny = newminy;
157 maxx = newmaxx;
158 maxy = newmaxy;
159 mouse_setposition (( newminx + newmaxx) / 2 , ( newminy + newmaxy) / 2);
160 }
161 static int mouse_getbutton ( void)
162 {
163 return buttons;
164 }
165 static void mouse_getxy ( int * x , int * y)
166 {
167 * x = xpos;
168 * y = ypos;
169 }
172 本文来自 CSDN 博客,转载请标明出处: http : //blog.csdn.net/linucos/archive/2010/03/31/5436767.aspx
