The original Windows controls sent their notifications in WM_COMMAND messages.
The standard 32-bit wParam and lParam message parameters are not sufficient,
however, for the information that a common control needs to send to its parent.
『然而,common control需要发送那些大量的信息给它的父控件。』
Microsoft solved this "bandwidth" problem by defining a new message, WM_NOTIFY.
With the WM_NOTIFY message, wParam is the control ID and lParam is a pointer to an NMHDR structure, which is managed by the control.
『对于WM_NOTIFY消息,wParam是Control ID,而LPARAM是一个指向由控件管理的NMHDR structure的指针,』
This C structure is defined by the following code:
以下是C结构表示的NMHDR structure
typedef struct tagNMHDR {
HWND hwndFrom; // handle to control sending the message
UINT idFrom; // ID of control sending the message
UINT code; // control-specific notification code
Many controls, however, send WM_NOTIFY messages with pointers to structures larger than NMHDR. Those structures contain the three members above plus appended control-specific members. Many tree control notifications, for example, pass a pointer to an NM_TREEVIEW structure that contains TV_ITEM structures, a drag point, and so forth. When ClassWizard maps a WM_NOTIFY message, it generates a pointer to the appropriate structure.