一 OGRE支持的四种动画
Ogre默认支持四种形式的动画:1.骨骼动画 2.节点动画 3.顶点动画 4.数值动画
1.骨骼动画 :
AnimationState* as=entity->getAnimationState("动画名字");
//1.把skeleton和mesh文件内容加载到entity,此时绑定了骨骼与顶点但是没有实现动画效果... //获取entity中的相应骨骼 SkeletonInstance* ske=entiy->getSkeleton(); //为骨骼添加一个动画 Animation* anim=ske->createAnimation("My",1); //为每一块骨头创建track(动作集) Bone* b0=ske->getRootBone(); NodeAnimationTrack* t0=anim->createNodeTrack(0,b0);//例如这是为root bone创建 //为每个bone的track创建关键帧... //更新这个新加入的动画 entity->refreshAvailableAnimationState();
// 创建Animation Animation* anim=smgr->createAnimation(); // 设置插值方式:线性的和样条线(样条线的更加平滑) anim->setInterpolationMode(Animation::IM_SPLINE); //为需要动画的节点创建一个Track,节点动画是以节点为单位 NodeAnimationTrack* t0=anim->createNodeTrack(0,node); //对于每个track创建它的每个关键帧 TransformKeyFrame* k_t0_0=t0->createNodeKeyFrame(0);//设置该帧的时间点 k_t0_0->setTranslate(Ogre::Vector3(0,0,0));//设置该帧处这个结点的位置和其他几何状态 TransformKeyFrame* k_t0_1=t0->createNodeKeyFrame(1); k_t0_1->setTranslate(Ogre::Vector3(100,0,0)); //创建一个AnimationState用于控制动画 AnimationState* as=smgr->createAnimationState(该动画名字); as->setEnabled(true); //必须设置为true才能被播放 as->setTimePosition();//在帧监听中通过调用这个函数来播放动画
顶点动画大多情况下利用gpu shader来实现以提高效率,所以较少直接使用ogre的动画机制。
二 详解Animation AnimationTrack AnimationStates AnimationStateSet KeyFrame
AnimationState :这个来描述了一些动画的状态,用于控制动画的播放。
BoneBlendMask* mBlendMask; // ??? String mAnimationName; //Animation名字 AnimationStateSet* mParent; // AnimationState 的管理类 Real mTimePos; // 时间点 Real mLength; // 时间长度 Real mWeight; // 骨骼的权重 bool mEnabled; // 是否播放 bool mLoop; // 是否循环播放
AnimationState只是控制动画的状态,其并不具备播放功能。另外,AnimationStateSet作为一个容器,不仅存储着AnimationState 而且维护着AnimationState 的状态变更,一旦AnimationState 的某个属性值被改变,AnimationStateSet维护的状态就会变脏。
Animation :
enum InterpolationMode{ // 插值状态 IM_LINEAR, // 线性插值 IM_SPLINE // 样条插值(较好) }; enum RotationInterpolationMode{ //现状插值状态 RIM_LINEAR, // 线性插值 RIM_SPHERICAL // 样条插值 };
ogre实现了四种动画(1.骨骼动画 2.场景节点动画 3.顶点动画 4.数值动画),在Animation类里面管理了三种track(NumericAnimationTrack,NodeAnimationTrack,VertexAnimationTrack)他们继承于AnimationTrack。
NodeTrackList mNodeTrackList; // 一个<unsigned short,NodeAnimationTrack*>map NumericTrackList mNumericTrackList; // 一个<unsigned short,NumericAnimationTrack*> VertexTrackList mVertexTrackList; // 一个<unsigned short,VertexAnimationTrack*>3.播放动画:
//播放所有动画 void Animation::apply(Real timePos, Real weight, Real scale) { _applyBaseKeyFrame(); // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { i->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } NumericTrackList::iterator j; for (j = mNumericTrackList.begin(); j != mNumericTrackList.end(); ++j) { j->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } VertexTrackList::iterator k; for (k = mVertexTrackList.begin(); k != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++k) { k->second->apply(timeIndex, weight, scale); } } //播放当前Skeleton的动画 void Animation::apply(Skeleton* skel, Real timePos, float weight, const AnimationState::BoneBlendMask* blendMask, Real scale) { _applyBaseKeyFrame(); // Calculate time index for fast keyframe search TimeIndex timeIndex = _getTimeIndex(timePos); NodeTrackList::iterator i; for (i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i) { // get bone to apply to Bone* b = skel->getBone(i->first); i->second->applyToNode(b, timeIndex, (*blendMask)[b->getHandle()] * weight, scale); } }
AnimationTrack :动画轨迹
KeyFrameList mKeyFrames; KeyFrameIndexMap mKeyFrameIndexMap;
AnimationTrack 除了管理KeyFrame以外,还有几个有用的方法,只不过现在不了解,就先不贴出来分析了。
void NumericAnimationTrack::applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scale) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight, scale if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !scale) return; NumericKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos()); getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf); // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as // absolute multipliers for the animation AnyNumeric val = kf.getValue() * (weight * scale); anim->applyDeltaValue(val); }
2.VertexAnimationTrack :顶点动画:
enum VertexAnimationType // 顶点动画类型 { VAT_NONE = 0, // 没有动画 VAT_MORPH = 1, // 形变动画 VAT_POSE = 2 // 姿态动画 };
void VertexAnimationTrack::applyToVertexData(VertexData* data, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, const PoseList* poseList) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or no vertex data if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !data) return; // Get keyframes KeyFrame *kf1, *kf2; Real t = getKeyFramesAtTime(timeIndex, &kf1, &kf2); if (mAnimationType == VAT_MORPH) { VertexMorphKeyFrame* vkf1 = static_cast<VertexMorphKeyFrame*>(kf1); VertexMorphKeyFrame* vkf2 = static_cast<VertexMorphKeyFrame*>(kf2); if (mTargetMode == TM_HARDWARE) { // If target mode is hardware, need to bind our 2 keyframe buffers, // one to main pos, one to morph target texcoord assert(!data->hwAnimationDataList.empty() && "Haven't set up hardware vertex animation elements!"); // no use for TempBlendedBufferInfo here btw // NB we assume that position buffer is unshared, except for normals // VertexDeclaration::getAutoOrganisedDeclaration should see to that const VertexElement* posElem = data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); // Set keyframe1 data as original position data->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( posElem->getSource(), vkf1->getVertexBuffer()); // Set keyframe2 data as derived data->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( data->hwAnimationDataList[0].targetBufferIndex, vkf2->getVertexBuffer()); // save T for use later data->hwAnimationDataList[0].parametric = t; } else { // If target mode is software, need to software interpolate each vertex Mesh::softwareVertexMorph( t, vkf1->getVertexBuffer(), vkf2->getVertexBuffer(), data); } } else { // Pose VertexPoseKeyFrame* vkf1 = static_cast<VertexPoseKeyFrame*>(kf1); VertexPoseKeyFrame* vkf2 = static_cast<VertexPoseKeyFrame*>(kf2); // For each pose reference in key 1, we need to locate the entry in // key 2 and interpolate the influence const VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList& poseList1 = vkf1->getPoseReferences(); const VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList& poseList2 = vkf2->getPoseReferences(); for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p1 = poseList1.begin(); p1 != poseList1.end(); ++p1) { Real startInfluence = p1->influence; Real endInfluence = 0; // Search for entry in keyframe 2 list (if not there, will be 0) for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p2 = poseList2.begin(); p2 != poseList2.end(); ++p2) { if (p1->poseIndex == p2->poseIndex) { endInfluence = p2->influence; break; } } // Interpolate influence Real influence = startInfluence + t*(endInfluence - startInfluence); // Scale by animation weight influence = weight * influence; // Get pose assert (p1->poseIndex < poseList->size()); Pose* pose = (*poseList)[p1->poseIndex]; // apply applyPoseToVertexData(pose, data, influence); } // Now deal with any poses in key 2 which are not in key 1 for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p2 = poseList2.begin(); p2 != poseList2.end(); ++p2) { bool found = false; for (VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefList::const_iterator p1 = poseList1.begin(); p1 != poseList1.end(); ++p1) { if (p1->poseIndex == p2->poseIndex) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // Need to apply this pose too, scaled from 0 start Real influence = t * p2->influence; // Scale by animation weight influence = weight * influence; // Get pose assert (p2->poseIndex <= poseList->size()); const Pose* pose = (*poseList)[p2->poseIndex]; // apply applyPoseToVertexData(pose, data, influence); } } // key 2 iteration } // morph or pose animation }
3.NodeAnimationTrack :
void NodeAnimationTrack::applyToNode(Node* node, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight, Real scl) { // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight or no node if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !node) return; TransformKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos()); getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf); // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as absolute multipliers for the animation Vector3 translate = kf.getTranslate() * weight * scl; node->translate(translate); // interpolate between no-rotation and full rotation, to point 'weight', so 0 = no rotate, 1 = full Quaternion rotate; Animation::RotationInterpolationMode rim = mParent->getRotationInterpolationMode(); if (rim == Animation::RIM_LINEAR) { rotate = Quaternion::nlerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath); } else //if (rim == Animation::RIM_SPHERICAL) { rotate = Quaternion::Slerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath); } node->rotate(rotate); Vector3 scale = kf.getScale(); // Not sure how to modify scale for cumulative anims... leave it alone //scale = ((Vector3::UNIT_SCALE - kf.getScale()) * weight) + Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; if (scale != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) { if (scl != 1.0f) scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE + (scale - Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) * scl; else if (weight != 1.0f) scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE + (scale - Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) * weight; } node->scale(scale); }
KeyFrame :KeyFrame 的内容比较简单,所有关键的东西都在Track里面处理了
NumericKeyFrame // KeyFrame TransformKeyFrame // KeyFrame VertexMorphKeyFrame // 形变动画的KeyFrame VertexPoseKeyFrame // 姿态动画的KeyFrame
总结:对于整个ogre的动画体系来说,Animation 是动画的管理类,而AnimationState 是动画状态的控制类。Animation 的动画播放其实是调用其相应的track类来播放的,KeyFrame 更多的是起到数据单元的作用。所以,完全弄清楚四种动画的底层实现,重点需要关注的是track类,这里没有写多少因为我自己也不太清楚,后面在写例子的时候,再从使用者的角度详细描述一下ogre的动画的底部执行过程。
三 SceneManager 对动画的管理及播放: