

Sergio Sigala's homepage / TVision homepage



TVision homepage


This is the official homepage of TVision, a port of Turbo Vision.


Turbo Vision (often called also TV, for brevity) was a widely-used library that provided a textmode application framework. By using this library the programmer could wrote a beautiful and flexible user interface in a short time. TV was available in C++ and Pascal and is a product of Borland International (also known as Inprise); it was originally intended to run only under MS-DOS and Windows shells. You can still download these ancient libraries from Borland or Inprise.


Luckily, today this library is available for many other platforms (ported by independent programmers). My port is based on the latest C++ version (Turbo Vision 2.0); the targets are generic Unix systems. It runs well under GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, at least.


These four links point to other interesting pages:


  • Documentation: complete TVision documentation (also distributed with the latest sources, see after)
  • Images: significant snapshots of TVision in action
  • Resources: a collection of various Turbo Vision sources I found in Internet
  • External resources: a brief list of interesting links to other sites

The next two links point in this page:

  • Sources: the sources of TVision, various releases
  • Examples: some examples requested by users



TVision sources


Here is a list of the various TVision issues available; be sure to download the latest. All the packages should be ported easily to other operating systems with little or no change (most of them are built using GNU Automake/Autoconf).


  1. tv-0.1.tar.gz: TVision 0.1
  2. tv-0.2.tar.gz: TVision 0.2
  3. tvision-0.3.tar.gz: TVision 0.3
  4. tvision-0.4.tar.gz: TVision 0.4
  5. tvision-0.5.tar.gz: TVision 0.5
  6. tvision-0.6.tar.gz: TVision 0.6
  7. tvision-0.7.tar.gz: TVision 0.7
  8. tvision-0.8.tar.gz: TVision 0.8 Latest!



TVision examples


These are some examples users requested in the past.


  1. basicMakefile: makefile template showing how to write a makefile
  2. background.cc: how to change the background pattern
  3. listbox.cc: how to use the TListBox class
  4. load.cc: how to create custom views
  5. nomenus.cc: how to handle dialogs without menu bar and status line
  6. splash.cc: how to show a dialog box at startup
  7. tvedit.cc: a simple text editor
  8. tvlife.cc: the classic life example
  9. validator.cc: how to use range validators in input lines



Sergio Sigala's homepage / TVision homepage

