

     在网上找了很多地方,大多都是"编辑"→“链接"→“查看链接源"(我的office2010及wps2010都没有这项,office2003里有 囧)、CTRL+F查找"*.XLS"、"]"等都没有作用,不能解决问题。终于找到老外一个专门查找和发现链接数据源的小插件

FindLink.zip v9.2   (17 February 2009, 67k, 105622 downloads)   - Updated
To look for links from a workbook, open or install the add-in FINDLINK.XLA, activate the workbook and use Tools / Find Links. It will ask you for a text string to look for. You can specify the name of a specific workbook (e.g. "SOURCE.XLS") or just ".XLS" to find references to any .XLS file. You can even enter "#REF" to find any names which refer to deleted ranges or a range name to find where that named range is used. Optionally the utility will list the occurrences, list and delete (replacing with values where appropriate), or ask you what to do with each occurrence. Version 9.2 fixes a few bugs and works with Vista.

FindLink.zip 文件大小:67.2 KB
更新时间:2012 年 11 月 30 日 累计下载:2,077 次
MD5 验证:a193fc90881231d26ad72d177054d941 [MD5验证工具下载]

     把下载的文件解压,里面是个xla宏加载文件,所以打开时会弹出一个安全提示,点击"启用宏",进去后office2010就会多出一个"加载项"标签(其他版本可以在宏里查找FindLinks),再用常规方式打开要去除更新提示的文件,点击加载项里的"Find Links",按提示操作就行了。
