算法不会,尚能饭否之折半查找(Binary search)


     所谓折半查找,哦,对了,以前的那篇折半排序博文,如果大家看过的话,折半查找那是小 case 了!当然不在话下了。


//BinarySearch.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define true 1 #define false 0 int BinarySearch(const int [], int, int); //Binary Search function int main() { int iNum; int iResult; int iValue; cout<<"Please input the number of Array:"; cin>>iNum; int *Array = new int[iNum]; //Input the elements of Array cout<<"Please input the elements of Array:"; for (int i = 0; i < iNum; ++i) { cin>>Array[i]; } cout<<"Please input the value which you want to search:"; cin>>iValue; iResult = BinarySearch(Array, iNum, iValue); if (1 == iResult) { cout<<iValue<<" is in the Array!"<<endl; } else { cout<<iValue<<" is not in the Array!"<<endl; } } //If succeed,return 1, else return 0 int BinarySearch(const int Array[], int num, int value) { int iLeft = 0; int iRight = num - 1; int iMiddle; while (iLeft <= iRight) { iMiddle = (iLeft + iRight) / 2; if (Array[iMiddle] < value) { iLeft = iMiddle + 1; } else if (Array[iMiddle] > value) { iRight = iMiddle - 1; } else { return 1; } } return 0; }

好了,代码,已经有了,如果还有什么问题, call me
